I have create a killer

Hello I am a French dead by dayligth player, since I started playing video games I have always wanted to create a person and for dbd I was very inspired. I think I did a good job but I know that a lot of other people have done the same thing as me and probably better and that you have no reason to choose me. It's my dream to have a character that I created in a game so I take a chance. As I do not speak English well, I used google translation sorry if there are things that are not relevant
The Collector is a ruthless killer, able to take the energy from his enemies, using his power.
His personal advantages: Controlled Breathing, Inside Death and Corrupted Pursuits give him the possibility to see the survivors wounded with proboscis on your terror ray and to be very silent.
Controlled breathing
You have learned that the best way to deceive a Survivor is to discreetly surprise him
Your breathing is reduced by 50/75/100%
"I thank you too much" the collector
Inside death
When you do not see a survivor who is near death your rage increases.
Unlocks aura spotting ability
Whenever you destroy a pallet or damage a generator you will see the aura of all survivors being injured for 3/4/5 seconds.
"the power of souls will make everyone kneel before me" the collector
Corrupt pursuit
You become obsessed with a survivor
When a survivor escapes in a chase and is in the breast state he will hear your terror beam as if the killer was within 1 meter of the survivors for 15 seconds, if the survivor is injured he will be inconsistent for 30 seconds
Once using Corrupted Pursuit has a cooldown of 80/60/40
obssetion is not affected by corrupt pursuit
"I understood that I was your greatest weakness"
the name of the power is: a new one in the collection
press the ability button to activate a new one in the collection. If a survivor is at an 80 ° angle in front of you, you will take away a small part of his soul. Once 3 harvesting a new one in the collection is activated automatically, when a new one in the collection is active your movement speed is increased to 5.2 and you have the ability to do a 5 meter dash. once the dash is used, you will not be able to redo it before having reused a new one in the collection. You will now have the ability to throw your sword, the drop zone will be a teleportation point. a new one in the collection lasts 60 seconds, it takes 5 seconds to activate and deactivate. there is no way to turn it off. each survivor has a maximum of 3 souls to harvest. and the collector can take one soul per survivor by a new one in the collection use
I know it's hard to understand but I did my best to make it clear
Sorry i'm not a pro desinator
Here is my idea of skin, map and hooks