Why people won't prestige

ByNWR Member Posts: 32
edited November 2020 in General Discussions

I've recently, for the first time, come to have all killers ans survivors prestige III level 50. It was hard as F. It took me three years. Now I'm getting every character it's own 3 perks at level 3, then all the basic perks then trapper/dwight perks to everyone and on and on.

But I've noticed that many people won't consider prestige even an option. To me it's been a ferocious accomplishment and I understand why people wouldn't even consider it other than 1 or 2 characters. Even The King, I've notived he has all perks on every character but a few of them he opted to let them not fully prestiged.

Those who won't do it. Don't you feel like you are missing something? Won't you ever think "man, I should've done it...". I'm genuinely curious.


  • TripleSteal
    TripleSteal Member Posts: 1,298

    Prestiging doesn't quite reward you with anything useful.

    I am prestiging all the characters because I subconciously adore useless achievements, but thisbpart of me is not very rational.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    I once had all characters at max. Prestige, max. level.

    Once i got there, i had the feeling of: "This didn't feel like an accomplishment at all."

    Then i gave it a 2nd chance on Nurse as well: Still nope.

    Haven't done it ever since, Wraith's my main anyway.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    I don't usually see the point in prestiging unless I particularly like how the character's bloody clothes look. Like I play as Feng quite a lot and have accumulated plenty of cosmetics on her, and her default outfit looks like crap so why would I want to lose all my perks/items/addons/offerings to prestige her?

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    i Used all my offerings and items after getting to level 50 before prestiging and never leveled above. Had really fun perks to use that I would have otherwise never tried so it was a fun road for me to get to prestige 3 with all survs and it didn’t feel like I really lost anything to this

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Hrm. Let me put it this way, why on Earth would I flush hard-earned add-on(s) and offerings down the toilet just to make my Skin look all bloody? I don't care about cosmetics. As for the challenge, there is none. It is just a grind. Starting over without anything and going forward again is just a matter of matches and grinding. There is no accomplishment in achieving something that is a forgone conclusion.

    If it means something to you, that is all that matters. It means nothing to me, so I don't do it. I will Prestige one character, that I don't care about to unlock the Achievements, but beyond that, I could care less. Besides, I'd rather be underestimated when I'm by the campfire.

  • kcwolf1975
    kcwolf1975 Member Posts: 651

    I think it is far more beneficial to have all perks at level three rather than prestige.

    That said, i have prestiged most of the licensed killers. I don't plan on ever buying cosmetics and since we will never see cosmetics available with shards (for the licensed killers) I went ahead and prestiged them.

  • Xbob42
    Xbob42 Member Posts: 1,117

    Grinding doesn't give me a sense of accomplishment. None of that BS works on me. My sense of accomplishment comes from getting more skilled at the game and playing better and better. Losing my perks and items over and over so I could get an "upgraded" jpeg and a low-effort skin that I won't use is the least appealing thing you could offer me.

    Not only do I not feel like I'm missing out on something, I feel like I'm getting one over on the devs who are trying to intentionally waste my time for almost literally nothing in exchange.

    I have despised the concept of prestiging since Call of Duty birthed it into this world.

  • Theninjajesus
    Theninjajesus Member Posts: 99

    I won't prestige until it gets reworked to acknowledge that leveling all killers and survivors requires 6,300 levels. If you want to max all perks too, then you have to multiply that by 3 again, for a total of 18,900 levels.

    The current system was clearly meant for people who have played this game for over thousands of hours and is badly in need of a rework to bring a new set of high-tier players into the game.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    Didn’t they actually say in the anniversary stream or a Q&A around the time they wanted to add new prestige rewards? Whatever happened to that?

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,162

    I've prestiged a few, mostly did it to see how efficient I could be but after doing it several times it just doesn't feel worth it to keep doing it. I don't feel any accomplishment doing it. If anything it really feels like waste of BP/time each time I hit the reset to prestige. The base outfits on most aren't that great and adding blood to them doesn't make them better.

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    I don't really get any awards for prestiging so its pointless. Its gust a waste of hardwork of getting all my perks and add ons

    I also have event items so I'm not prestiging any time soon

  • finitethrills
    finitethrills Member Posts: 617

    Couldn't care less about prestige. I'm spending enough time getting everyone all their perks, I'm sure as hell not going to toss it out the window for skins.

    I hated the grinding in the early 2000s mmos, and dbd isn't far behind that despite having about 1/50th the game play content/variety of most of those.

  • carnage4u
    carnage4u Member Posts: 338

    prestige is a waste of time, and useful for people who plan on playing this game an absurd amount. Prestige claudette seems valid, as she is basically invisible in 65% of the maps.

    There is no value for someone that isn't dedicating their life to this game to prestige, unless you are so abused by game companies that made you think grinding is fun.

  • Kjetrr
    Kjetrr Member Posts: 43

    I am not grinding for my perks three times in a row for a skin that looks like someone's first recolour mod.

    Which is weird, because I am usually a total completionist. But I guess I finally found the one game where the grind is actually too tedious for me.

  • TheWarNung
    TheWarNung Member Posts: 794

    I'm actually going back and prestiging all my killers now after having already maxed them all out. I'm mostly doing it for the challenge, and to have a new long term goal in the game. I'm starting with the licenced killers since I haven't bought any cosmetics for them anyways.

    I don't consider it a waste of add-ons/offerings since I've never run out of any add-ons or any offerings for any killer ever. And I'll be getting plenty of new ones grinding my way back to max perks. I am trying to use up all my BPS/cakes before prestiging though.

    Prestiging isn't for everyone, just for hardcore completionists. I've honestly made it way harder for myself by maxing out characters BEFORE prestiging them. I P3ed Blight when he released because I love him so much. It was my first time prestiging a killer since OG Doctor. I may do it with new killers from now on.

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    I'd prestige if I could choose to keep my current builds(Onlt the current 4 equipped perks) on Survivors/Killers so my killers don't become bricked until RNG says I can have a proper build especially when some perks are make or break on killers like M&A on Michael/Slinger.

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    I was working on getting all tier3 perks for all killers on PS4...

    I decided to dump PS4 this year because I had the chance to upgrade my ancient computer. I want to P3 all my killers and get all the tier 3 perks for them unlocked. I don't know why.

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,820

    I don't like the way the prestige cosmetics look, and the grind to get perks is insane, especially when you're just starting out. I decided as soon as I started the game that I would never prestige, and instead focus on getting a full perk set. A year and a half later, I don't have any single character who actually has a full perk set. The closest I have is Pig, who's missing 2-3 perks, now.

    In retrospect it actually took even longer than I thought to get the full perks, so I probably should have prestiged up front, but then I'd also be in even worse shape than I am right now.

  • Antrapace
    Antrapace Member Posts: 253

    I like treating my favorite killers to a fancy costume / skin, so for me it’s a complete waste of blood points as I would rather have every killer perk unlocked instead.

    I think it costs around 10,000,000 BP to have all 75 perks at level 3 per killer.

    So far I’ve done Freddy, spirit and the doc!

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    I don't really need p3 cosmetics, but I prestige characters to p3-50 anyway. Grinding is not a hard work. It's just a way to spend bloodpoints. I prestiged several favorite characters to maximum with all perks. This is basicly completed goal, but I still keep earning bloodpoints, so why don't spend it to less favorite characters?

  • DaKnight
    DaKnight Member Posts: 720

    I prestiged my favorite killers, and my main survivor. I like the bloody cosmetics on some characters, and with BBQ the grind wasn't that horrible especially during events where you could be getting 5x cakes and 4 stack of BBQ for like 150k+ a game. If I am going to be playing them a ton and dumping BP into them anyways, might as well get better items for it.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    I don't Prestige cause it's a joke....

    Slightly higher chance of rare things.... and a bloody cosmetic... it's just not worth it

    Then to get everything again is heartbreaking </3

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Cause it's honestly a complete waste of time. It used to be cool to show of the bloody cosmetics but nowadays you can buy skins that are tenfolds nicer with shards.

    I prestiges a couple of killers and now the bloody cosmetics are just in the wardrobe doing nothing. To think of all the perks i could have had with the other killers right now if i didn't prestige