Another take on the TBag

Played for a pretty long time, not very good (12) or competitive.

Seen lots of people complaining about teabagging and is calling someone trash. I wanted to offer a different view because with my friends it's totally different. We do it to mean hi, thanks for the heal, GG - anything but it's always a positive. Its pretty funny in such a serious game having a lil bounce.

People will argue about not liking perks, tactics like genrushing and killers v survivors but in reality we are all playing the same game and trying to have some fun. Sadly many killers have turned off messages so I don't get the chance to say GG (tried to message a dude who took out the whole squad in under 2 mins, that was impressive!) would be nice if our alternative meaning caught on and we tackled the toxic attitudes in our community with positivity.

So next time you see a tbag, may just be me saying hey, GG


  • Rosieah
    Rosieah Member Posts: 4

    Misunderstanding my point a lil bit here? Yes people use it to be toxic (I'd argue that teasing the killer with a bit of bouncing doesnt really fit that description) but how about we change the mentality here? Maybe don't take it personally, they did good and yeah its petty of them if the intent is to rub it in but if it had been me that wouldn't be the point.

  • Rosieah
    Rosieah Member Posts: 4

    If I'm playing survivor and the killer hits me then so what? Its their job to do it, they've outplayed me so good for them. People blame others calling everything toxic just because they don't like it and it takes the fun out of it.

  • Rosieah
    Rosieah Member Posts: 4

    I don't do it to killers because I know how it will be perceived and im not about making other people feel rubbish.

    Exactly my point - most of us have chat turned off for that reason, I've had a lot of it myself. But how can you then contribute something positive when the negative behavior has stopped us being able to message?

    The response to my post alone has proved that even trying to ask how we change things for the better leads to being spoken to like an idiot and being told it was pointless to try. Lesson learned and won't be trying that again I guess.

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    I´m sorry if I came off as condescending - that was certainly not my intend.

    You can make a difference in your own personal sphere of influence by just not BMing. I do that, too, all we can do is hope more people join us there.

  • ExcelSword
    ExcelSword Member Posts: 512

    I don't get bothered by most teabagging while playing killer during the match, though it does mean I probably won't be sporting and more willing to slug/ kill them off quicker.

    What makes me scoff is when people only teabag when they are completely safe, like at the exit gates. If you didn't have the guts to do that during the match when I could make the match unfun for you still, then it makes you look like spineless. It's even more embarrassing if they got carried by their teammates.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    The thing is teabagging was invented (although in other games than this) to be toxic.

    To me, if i play killer and a survivor teabaggs, i think he is trying to morse code me a message. But my morse code reading isn´t the best, i usually read "can you please tunnel and camp me and my team?", and being a teamplayer at hearth, i fullfill their wishes.

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    When I see fellow survivors at match start, I crouch couple of times to everyone. After healing I crouch 1 time to thank survivor. I can crouch couple of times if I miss skillcheck in coop repairing to say sorry.

    When I want to show respect to killer, I sit down and nod. Or I give him my item if I have one. But I never t-bag to killer, because he may consider it as taunt.

  • APopp
    APopp Member Posts: 22

    I only teabag other Survivors. Knowing what it's like being teabagged as a Killer and playing against Killers who've had a rough match, the last thing I would want to do is anything that looks like an "FU" or "Haha, you suck." For some people, that ruins their day.

    The only exceptions I have where I teabag the Killer is if they've actually played scummy, like "I'm out to ruin people's day" scummy, or I'm in a 4 person SWF on Dead Dawg where all of us are the exact same Nea and we go in the one window room and hide until the Killer finds us.

  • JimPickens666
    JimPickens666 Member Posts: 326

    The fact that you used t bagging your teammates as justification for t bagging the killer leads me to believe you guys get face camped for being toxic to green rank killers.


  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    I mean, taunting is generally meant to be taken personally? That's the whole point of taunting.

  • DJDHS123
    DJDHS123 Member Posts: 4

    Just because someone isnt nice and doing it to be toxic doesn't mean everyone is,I teabag to a killer but it's only cos I've been out done and the killers is stood there, I do it to say well done u got me.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    Tbag another survivor is different then Tbag killer but it also how they Tbag like if you slow Tbag anorher survivor or killer can mean thank you.

    it when they Tbag faster it BMing also I think it matter which end your facing when Tbagging which changes it to BMing or saying thank you.

  • TheWarNung
    TheWarNung Member Posts: 794

    Maybe that's what you're trying to communicate, but the killer has no way of knowing that. All they will see is another survivor t-bagging. There's no way to contextualize that. If you give a teammate a few booty shakes they know you're saying "hi" or "thank you" because that's the widely accepted meaning of the gesture. If you t-bag the killer they're going to think you're BMing because that's the widely accepted meaning of the gesture. Not even just in DBD, but in pretty much every online game that has a crouch button.

    If you want to be nice to the killer give them your item, or try booping them. Or, I don't know, just say "gg" in the chat if they're on PC.

  • UMCorian
    UMCorian Member Posts: 531
    edited November 2020

    As a Killer, I wish they would rework Moris to no longer be an offering, but to be this:

    During a match, you may use a command to mark a survivor you are looking at for death (burning one Mori in your inventory). This ability goes on cooldown for a number of matches proportionate to how often that survivor gets marked for death or DCs.

    Meaning, if you're just using it for a boost in a game you're losing and arbitrarily pick a survivor who doesn't normally get chosen (IE: someone who is not toxic), you won't be able to burn another for several matches. If you designate a survivor who is toxic (and frequently draws this kind of attention), you'll be able to do it again as early as the next match.

    "Oh, you wanna Tbag me?" *activate Mori, Survivor becomes Moriable after first hook* "Now it's on."

    It would make Moris so much better and more satisfying to use.

    Post edited by UMCorian on
  • cloudface
    cloudface Member Posts: 93

    Yeah, sorry OP there's a whole "DbD culture" thing going on with teabagging-if Samination can't convince us it's just cute "butt dancing" then someone doing their first forum post going "maybe it's not so toxic" isn't going to change things, sorry.

    Personally, with other survivors I do either a long slow double teabag as a thank you for healing/unhooking me or a quick little one as a "hey dude" when I find them on the map etc.

    Coming from a decades long history of gaming the teabagging in this game did/does occasionally annoy me-when it started in the first FPS games we could crouch in it was a way of rubbing a victory in an opponents face: ha! I killed you and now I disrespect you too!

    The times I got salty about teabagging in DbD it'd be times when someone didn't beat me as much as got lucky. I still remember being amazed at some Dwight that hadn't done any gens, just seemed to run around like a confused doofus, got easily hooked twice and I chased and hooked his helpers both times, he didn't help them back and managed to get to gates someone else had opened and started teabagging me like he'd outsmarted me: the guy got carried the whole game and then tried to rub it in my face he was escaping. It felt unfair that I'd killed 3 of his much better co-survivors and he was getting a free escape he didn't deserve.

    Teabagging by some pro loopmaster doesn't really bother me much and usually leads me to leaving the chase because it seems obvious they're teabagging to try and get me on tilt to waste more time. I actually love it when it seems you're against a SWF and a survivor seeks you out and tries to get your attention by teabagging before you've chased them because it's obvious they're trying to distract you and give their gen jockies time to work-I ignore them completely and go slaughter the gen jockies who usually can't loop well. For some reason it seems to all fall apart for the SWFs if you do this-like the teabagging distraction loopmaster can't work gens if you kill the gen jockies.

  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    It’s just a petty gesture.

    if flipping someone off in your culture meant ‘Good day’ and you were in a new place and it meant ‘######### off’, would you still flip ppl off? No, probably not because it doesn’t matter what it means to you. What matters is how it is perceived to that culture. Same thing here. If you tbag to say ‘hi’, you’re really just telling them screw you.

  • Buttercake
    Buttercake Member Posts: 1,652

    I Tbag the killer sometimes. Never to be toxic though. Most of the time I'm thinking:

    Are we chill? 😘

    Well you got me...😞

    Also at exit gate if the Killer was chill and kind and let me live I teabag to say:

    I will miss you my great friend. I hope to see you again in the fog. 💖

  • LARI
    LARI Member Posts: 66

    I was lucky enough to be playing ghost face and had a squad of tbaggers and all around trash players at rank 4. They tbagged after every palet or window so I slugged them and tbagged them till they bled out (noone had unbreakable to my surprise after 2 min of me t-bagging them 2 left and only 2 were left

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    How is this considered BM?

  • itsaconehead
    itsaconehead Member Posts: 236

    Sometimes I feel like I'm being a D because I'll Tbag fellow survivors as a thanks for the save or thanks for healing me, although last night I played and the whole team done it as a way of being like hey I wanna tell you something so look here then point to either the killer or a gen or I'd point to a totem.

  • Any time I'm playing ghostface and a smug survivor teabags me thinking they're being cute, I absolutely return the favor by playing as toxic as possible and teabagging them until they're dead or DC

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    In solo q, I teabag when I need help or if I need to help another survivor. Or just playing around. A lot of the time if we spawn near a corrupt intervention gen, we tbag and point before leaving, and it always makes me giggle :). As long as it isn't done to people on a hook or dying, just do it responsibly. Man, I sound like a granny lol! But it's just hard to perceive a nice tbag versus an evil one

  • Bullettimegod
    Bullettimegod Member Posts: 994

    I tea bag my friends on hook. Cause hahahaha look at them hanging there

  • LARI
    LARI Member Posts: 66

    That's the best feeling when playing ghost face. Only killer who can tbagg. It never teaches them to be less of an dumbass but still provides me with some good schadenfreude when they mess up.

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    When you offer this semifinished imitation of tea instead of classic brewed loose leaf tea, you may insult your guest with inhospitableness. This is why it considered bad manners.

  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    Idk if this topic is for the lulz or to be taken seriously ....