Hex: Undying - rework

Karaage Member Posts: 340
edited November 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Undying + Ruin seems to be a popular topic, so here's an idea I got for changing Undying.

Hex: Undying

A Hex which maintains the vile powers that flow throughout the Trial.

When another Hex Totem is cleansed, that Hex transfers to an available Dull Totem after 40/35/30 seconds. This effect always activates as long as another Hex Totem was cleansed while Hex:Undying was standing, even if Hex:Undying is no longer standing by the time this effect activates. The transferred Hex Totem loses all of the Tokens in the process.

If the cleansed Hex Totem had more than 2 Tokens, random destroyed Dull Totem is restored.


  • batax90
    batax90 Member Posts: 879

    The dev cant nerf undying right now because the killer main will be mad. If they do its like saying straight up we fqvor the survivor killer go play something else please.

    In my opinion undying is fine. By itself the perk do little, the issue for the majority is when the perk is paired with ruin. You wont always have the bad scenario were you cleanse ruin 4 time before you get rid of it. People need to remember that the first totem you cleanse is 100% luck and its the same for the killer if undying is cleanse first he already know he in trouble and he need the wrap it up fast.

  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    Like batax, personally I’m fine with the perk. It’s a risk reward perk, sometimes you have to destroy ruin 4 times and sometimes you’ll get hex undying first and that’ll be that.

  • Karaage
    Karaage Member Posts: 340

    @batax90 @NoOneKnowsNova

    I'm fine with the perk as well, just all this talking on forums made me think about this perk a little. And I wanted something similar to old Hangman's Trick back in the game, I really liked that perk :(

  • Icery
    Icery Member Posts: 199

    Devs please before nerfing this, look at OoO and DS first.