An easy fix for ds?

Fishydevili22 Member Posts: 48
edited November 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

As a killer main I feel as the ds duration is too long. I feel this when I play survivor too with the perk on. The 60 second duration gives survivors time to do too many things. They can get healed, do a totem, and depending on the heal time work on like 20 % of a gen. We all know about the change they made to pop where it was 60 seconds and they turned it down to 45 seconds. Why can't this be done with ds? Or if the devs don't want to do this they could fix it in another way, make the perk deactivate when the survivor is fully healed. Tell me your thoughts.

Post edited by Mandy on


  • MrLimonka
    MrLimonka Member Posts: 545

    DS takes up a perk slot for a reason.

    If you want to nerf the only reliable anti-tunneling perk in the game, then make it base kit.

  • IMhereRUN
    IMhereRUN Member Posts: 606

    DS was designed as a free “Get out of Jail Free” card for players (focusing on newer players) to have a more enjoyable time playing survivor.

    Yes, I think the time’s too long, but I can live with it. Typically 3 survivors in your matches will have it, even at Rank 1...and they’re not using it to counter the tunnel, hell, many purposely tunnel themselves running back into the arms of the killer just because they have it.

    IMO, DS is fine mechanic wise. I think the obsession mechanic needs changed. Only the obsession should be able to use any obsession perks, for everyone else it’ll be a wasted spot in the loadout. I mean, a killer can’t get a PWYF stack from a non-obsession, nor hide their TR with Dark Devotion hitting a non-obsession.

    I’m sure most (survivor mains) will argue against this idea, many for legitimate reasons. But can we at least get the name changed?? Obsession? The killer is absolutely obsessed with 3 of you! Add an -s-, make it plural or just a different name altogether. I’m beggin ya!

  • FrostySeal
    FrostySeal Member Posts: 606

    DS is fine the way it is. It was already nerfed twice, anymore nerfs like reducing how long it lasts or making it disable when you do a gen and you'll have to rework it into a anti tunnel perk, otherwise it'll be garbage.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,289

    Firstly, the most likely change for DS is a specialization towards being a "proper" anti-tunneling perk. This might include buffing its anti-tunneling abilities while combining it with deactivation conditions.

    And secondly, while 15 less seconds is a change it pretty much just turns the "59 second DS" into the "44 second DS". Doesn't actually stop a lot of the things people dislike about the perk.