a BIG boost for dead by daylight. hear me out.

so i wan to talk about something that could revive the game more then the Stranger Things DLC. And i will explain why he should be in.
The Salvaged.
i know your gonna say "Oh well fnaf is a kids game". i have a few reasons to say to this
- Kids got into it cuz of mixed marketing or how the characters look.
- Kids get into alot of things like GTA, Call of duty, Stranger things just to name a few.
And now the lore
the person inside springtrap is a murder like freddy killed a bunch of kids but instead of being burned to death he get crushed to death. Then he started to kill anything or anyone.
killers he is like
candyman (in a way)
and now the survivor
Charlee (from the book series just look it up)
feel free to ask me something you want to know about springtrap or just give me your feelings about this.
edit: plus there is alot of good cosmetics for him and i think scott is ok with him in the game!
I'd be fine with Springtrap but there's already been a bunch of conversations on him already so people might be saying to you already heard it.
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thank you for your time to read this!
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what will he do, scarejump you to death lol.
I like his lore, but he seems meh. It may or may not be a big boost is all i'm saying
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no he wont jumpscare you
the game is not about jumpscares its mostly about you cant do anything and try to avoid death
he will kill you by hitting you with his fist
mori would be
grabs the survivor off the floor makes a jumpscare nose and then punches inside the chest and rips out a heart or origins
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no he will grab the neck and punch inside to chest rip out a heart
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In terms of visual and sound design I have complete trust in behaviour so even if we ever get Springtrap, I'm sure he'll look good.
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yup i trust them
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There's no denying FNaF has made a huge impact on horror culture as of late. Is Springtrap as "iconic" as someone like Chucky, Freddy, Candyman? No, but there's no denying that alot of people know who he is. I don't even like FnAF that much, and I can't deny that. He would be a huge boost in the games popularity, I mean FnAF is getting a launch title on the PS5. That alone says how huge it is.
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this. the aspect of 'it will bring in the fans of X' is never a good argument. at best they'll just leave once the hype dies down, at worst they'll make the community even more toxic.
Also there isn't a guarantee that something WILL bring in 'fans of X', so the risk to have the devs spend a lot of money on licensing for nothing is high.
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but they are if you actually take your time and look
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I've said it before and I'll say it again - any animatronic killer is going to look and feel derpy AF and will not fit the game. It's a supernatural horror about a Lovecraftian being playing endless games of torture.
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I would agree the game needs some kind of boost right now; however, before that happens I think they need to fix issues that are causing them to lose players at such a rapid pace. To be completely honest, I'm pretty content playing this game as it is right now and don't see many issues but a lot of people aren't and if they keep going down the path they're on, bhvr (and toxic portions of the community) might kill dbd unfortunately. I don't know much about FNAF but I think if they're going to try to get that crowd on board with dbd they need to have a product that makes people want to keep playing first, otherwise they'll lose the majority of the FNAF crowd pretty quick
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If their abilities and perks are good, I couldn't care less who they add to the game, and mechanics are something that people never seem to bring up when they talk about why they want Springtrap in the game. The lore of DbD has never interested me, and neither have any of the characters except Michael, Laurie or Pyramid Head. It could be a single purple and black square for all I care, as long as it brings something fun to the table mechanics-wise. And hey, they made something really special with Blight so here's hoping they keep that streak up.
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If FNaF ever got in I think I'd prefer Foxy since he's more a runner then anything and could have a pounce like demo with some other ability I guess. Springtrap seems like he'd be boring.
If we're going Animatronics in general I think Banana Splits would be my choice just because it'd cause such a huge uproar that I think it'd also gather quite a lot of attention with said uproar. Even bad publicity is still publicity afterall. Not only that but I legit think the Banana splits are creepier in appearance then the FNaF animatronics.
If we're going licenced then I think there are a lot bigger names they should be going for first. Pinhead, Alien, Chucky, It, Candyman, etc. I don't think FNaF would be a bad choice per se but there are much better ones I feel and if FNaF did get in I think it should be down the line.
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When someone says ‘hear me out’ it’s usually a half cocked idea that the majority won’t listen to.
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Here's what I said in another FNAF thread:
It just doesn't fit.
It'd feel like putting two hook sides of a Velcro strap together. Like, yeah, they're stuck together, but not very well and you'll get bored of it coming off all the time.
People would play him into the ground and it would get hella stale. And, since I'm on Xbox, I'll have to deal with some 12 year old Springtrap main inviting me to a party and rupturing my eardrums.
No thanks.
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Honestly, the resurgence in FNaF posts is starting to make me feel like I'm playing "Five Nights at Thread-y's".
But dumb jokes aside, FNaF is a pretty big "meh" from me. I guess it'd be fine if they choose to add it, but it's not on my wishlist.
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Not foxy he only goes for revenge. springtrap kills
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Oh I’m sorry for bringing up this topic if it makes you mad
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Lol, Chucky was a poor choice. His lore is actually somewhat similar to Springtrap's. And in today's age, I honestly wouldn't be too surprised if Springtrap was more popular than him.
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Umm no.
Everyone knows who Springtrap is. A bit more then chucky I think. Thanks to pewdiepie, jacksepticeye, markiplier who played fnaf
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serch up five nights at Freddys on YouTube and see what the most popular video is.
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I find more funny the old cartoon, and you?
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Fnaf is a legend for the horror franchises it is in the book of horrors
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Also if fnaf didn’t happen horror would not be what it is like today
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FNaF does not fit inside of DBD...at all, and I'll shut down any usage of "But Silent Hill is in the game"
FNaF is a game that is only scary from jumpscares, and it'll get you twice before its not scary anymore
Silent Hill is a game built off of Psychological Horror, it messes with your head the entire time and does not try to jumpscare you whenever it can.
FNaF's story is so random that I am pretty sure nobody knows the lore of the game properly, while Silent Hill is straight forward
Along with what was already mentioned, how the animatronics in FNaF move is very...weird and not scary at all...kinda funny actually
And he is NOTHING like Freddy Krueger
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If your primary complaint is that the original material is different from Dead by Daylight. Literally every other licensed character other than Pyramid Head's source material is way different than Springtrap's. Hell, there's not even any gameplay at all in those.
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I have alot more, I just don't wanna type a whole paragraph about why Springtrap shouldn't be in the game