I was just toxic

HelloAgainMr Member Posts: 31
edited November 2020 in General Discussions

I was playing my third ever games as Demogorgan and I was griefed so hard I went toxic.

The entire game they blinded me nonstop. 4 purple flashlights with extra batteries. I could barely do anything and I was getting so upset that I finally gave up on having fun and just downed them. Over and over and over. No hooks. No nothing, I must have done it for a good 3-4 minutes until they all disconnected then I hooked the last person.

I feel terrible for it. I really shouldn't have done it and I feel gross for being part of the toxic problem. I had sworn I wouldn't be like that but it just made me so incredibly annoyed. I get how people get so toxic in this game now, toxicity really really spreads so easily.


  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398
    edited November 2020

    How was I rude? Because I didn't agree with you and instead gave you ways to counter flashlights instead of giving you my sympathies? They are objectively the worst and most counterable survivor item in the game (unless you count maybe green maps or something). One perk completely negates them. Looking up, down or away won't blind you and they have to be off gens to use them so if there are 4 survivors who are all running flashlights they're all not gonna be working on gens. I don't get it lmao.

    The only items I'm scared of in lobbies are medkits, if I see 3 or 4 of those I know I'm in for a world of pain. If I see 3 or 4 flashlights it's the easiest game of the night.

  • idektbh
    idektbh Member Posts: 129

    just saying, u don’t “fix” toxicity with toxic behaviour, so I get why op felt ashamed, bc he gets that. They deserved to lose, they lost, just end the game, that’s it

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    you kinda just played the game strategically in that situation though.

    they all had flashlights, so it’s fine to assume they are gonna try to try flashlight save. So then you slug. Nothing wrong with that.

    it would be different if you were treating the next bunch of survivors in the next match this way, but reacting to their playstyle is totally fine.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    Yeah, slugging all 4 at once and letting them bleed out would be something different and kinda toxic. Still understandable in some ways during such a match though.

  • CheyeneKL
    CheyeneKL Member Posts: 723

    I would have no problem playing in a 4 man SWF with double battery purple flashlights, and I would have no problem with a killer playing the way you did LOL

    If anything, I'd be disturbed with my team for all going down like that. But if they are messing around then they have to know that they're probably gonna get clowned right back on by the killer, provided that he is competent.

    Honestly, when a killer BMs me for finessing him when he finally does catch me, I find it funny rather than toxic. My boyfriend is really good at running the killer (he t-bags, too LMAO, to keep the killer on him) and when he gets caught he very often gets face camped. He just laughs about it. You get what you give and that's the nature of the game. I don't even think I consider what you did to be toxic LOL

  • HittingOnHook
    HittingOnHook Member Posts: 486

    playing that way is the funniest way, no need to feel guilty

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Blinding at pallets typically serves no purpose other than bloodpoint farming or just to annoy the killer. Generally you can track the survivor by sound so you usually end up actually losing more distance than you would have gained if you had just ran immediately. It can definitely be tilting as killer to know you're just being farmed for points at every pallet.

  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528

    You do realize that you can look up and down to avoid the beam right? And if they blind on a pallet, use your ears. They aren't deafening you, after all.

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    They made a mistake if they let you slug them all at once.

    There is 2 types of 4-man swf. First is seal team six type. They playing ultra compitent and effective to end game with minimall loss as fast as possible. Rare killer lucky enough to deal with them. Second type is bully squad. It's a group of people having fun no matter what the result. They rarely care about gens and escaping. I guess you get a bully squad.

    Letting them beed out is toxic but this is actually what they wanted. Bully squad players know they deserve it. They expect same treatment from any killer. They expect mori and facecamping everygame and I don't think they feel bad when they get destroyed. They having fun in their own way, so don't feel bad about them. Even if they get salty in post game chat, don't trust them, it's a part of their fun.

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    Oh gosh, I'm sorry that happened!! I'm a survivor main but I enjoy playing as killer to learn new ways to get chased and such, but I have also met a lot of survivors who catch me mid animation of //EVERYTHING// I'm talking window vaulting, pallet stunning and breaking, and, worst of all, grabbing a survivor when not near a wall :000!! One thing I have found that makes it more fun is to just... play along! Only if you want to, since they were being cocky if they kept blinding you for no reason and provoked you, but at least you can admit to your mistake. I can't even death hook without feeling awful (nothing wrong with it, I'm just baby ;w;) But I had a match like that recently and I started to tbag with them and they actually let me farm with them, it was precious!! And then we were at the gate and they all left their items and individually tbagged with me before leaving. My children <3! Anyways, good luck in your next matches and I hope they're fun! Don't beat yourself up too much, okay? :)

  • Customapple0
    Customapple0 Member Posts: 629

    So using flashlights to blind the killer is toxic? Ok pal

  • DFP
    DFP Member Posts: 156

    It happens.

    You did right.

    You didn't start the fight, you finished it.

    Yes the fact that it happened at all sucks, but that was beyond your control, and so long as you don't go on slugging for kicks afterwards on some revenge romp I'd say you're alright.

  • Nobody95
    Nobody95 Member Posts: 93

    Don't feel bad, today I played a game with the spirit (I don't know how to use it) And I played a very toxic premade with flashlights and T-bag, Obviously they complained about my Noed at the end of the game and insulted me, and the four escaped. But if you want I can summarize what they had: 4 DS, some borrow time, 4 death hard ... And all at the end of the game after insulting and believing themselves good, I don't care, the truth is that I do not take the game as before, but sometimes you think that they should remove the chat from the game or learn to play as toxic as possible

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Sounds like neither you or the survivors were toxic really. Different kind of game though when all survivors bring a flashlight.

    But if you could see four flashlights in lobby why not bring Lightborn? Or at least Franklins.

  • HelloAgainMr
    HelloAgainMr Member Posts: 31

    After this incident I've been doing my best to level Billy up to 35 for lightborne but I had mostly played wraith and nurse before I started playing DLC killers. I don't have a ton of blood points saved up yet because I've been spreading them out leveling up different killers. I hope to grind out a bunch of them this weekend though. I also don't have Cannibal yet.

    The flashlight thing originally was "oh, all flashlights, this shouldn't be too bad. They'll just be extra clicky!" Little did I know it was a bully squad.

    On the main topic, apparently an eye for an eye is the right way to run in DbD lol! I appreciate everyone's input. I haven't encountered anything as close to as bad since and hope it stays that way!