Why is camping so effective?



  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    i just had a game that perfectly answers your question.

    we played with a hardcamping bubba.

    by the time the game came to an end, a total of 4 generators was repaired - i repaired 4 of them.

    my entire team sat around the hook like a group of idiots, waiting for bubba to leave - and if he just turned his back for a second, BAM! hookfarm - without BT of course.

    thats the second game in a row now where i was the only player doing (or actually finishing) a generator - and i did 4 gens in both games.

    ffs solo is such a pain.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    Lol, I feel this pain. I just had a game against a camping Legion with Ruin, and I saw a guy leave his 90% complete gen to rush the hook even though he had clearly seen the killer camp every previous hook, Ruin was still up, and he was injured. I can’t even begin to imagine why he thought that was the right play, but that’s random teammates for you.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Exactly. Camping is only as effective as the Survivors let it be.

  • priere
    priere Member Posts: 34

    Do Genrush until gauge depletes.

    Go Rescue Him Right Before The State Changes. It's basically 50:50, to interrupt or not.

    Or, two survivors together can save him 100%, 2 survivors downed as result... basically you don't need to if you are good enough.

    Successful unhooking is depend on your personal skill. IT'S SKILL DEPENDANT!

    The real mess up is unhook-fighting against patroling killer. Pressure+50:50, far worse than camping.

    Full camping is not fun to play aganist, though. No BP for both.