"Legion is a terrible killer"

Hey y'all! I've been playing DBD for about a year on and off. I'm on PC now and decided I wanted to try my hand at Killer this weekend. Only times I've played Killer was when I tried to play Trapper because he's "easy" but this weekend I played Legion and I'm hooked. I felt like I was actually playing the game instead of just giving survivors a free win and stepping in my own traps...

When I told someone this, they were like "Well Legion is a terrible killer too so he's not much better than trapper"

From the memes I've seen, I didn't think Legion was that bad. Is he a terrible killer or was that person being lame? And if Legion is so bad, is there a better killer I should try out?

This is my first attempt at really being in the DBD community so there's a lot I don't know yet. I had to Google what "tunneling" and "slugging" was -.-


  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,381

    Legion's main issue is his power is not lethal and he has nothing to help him in chase so he can looped very easily. He's also hurt if survivors don't heal, because his strength lies in being able to quickly injure survivors and having them waste time healing instead of doing gens.

    He's not a bad killer and somewhere in mid tier imo.

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178

    Legion isn't the worst killer in the game, but I wouldn't exactly call him good either. He excels at injuring people, and that... Is it. He has no real chase potential, and no real way to get around the map quickly, so he just kinda turns into an M1 killer after that. I'd put him in the same league as Wraith, one of my mains. They both can get first hits really easy, but lack in getting a second hit. Wraith has more map traversal, but Legion has the easiest time injuring in the entire game.

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    I wouldn't say legion is terrible he just needs some work. Hopefully they make him decent in the future

  • cindlemain
    cindlemain Member Posts: 92
    edited November 2020

    I main Legion when I do play killer and I don't really run into a lot of issues with him, unless I get a SWF hit squad I can normally get at least 2 kills with him, often I get 4k.

    Their mildly easy to learn, personally fun to play and often times underestimated by survivors.

    Are there better killers? Yes. Are their worst killers, definitely, but in the end its about what you enjoy doing and who you enjoy playing

    Need to add I never played old Legion Ive only been playing DBD for a few months

  • BattleCast
    BattleCast Member Posts: 698

    Legion is a great killer. I play him at rank 1 constantly and I’d say I 4K about 75% of my games. Don’t let anyone scare you away from a killer you enjoy.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    *cracks soda*

    Oh man, I will mention Old Legion to scare survivor mains

    Infinite Lunging in frenzy with no cooldown, moonwalking Deep Wounds, fast vault speeds, old Franks Mixtape

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    Cold Dirt and Joey's mixtape

    Stab wounds studies and Franks Mixtape

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    I have always said legions lack of lethal power makes him great for newer killers who dont mind struggling a bit before improving.

    Thing is, most survivors survive by looping around objects during a chase. Thats why killers who dont care about loops are hated or considered 'boring' to go against.

    Legion can get good first hits. Can find other people after they hit someone. After that legion relies on 2 things. Map knowledge and mindgame skills.

    Doing good against good teams means knowing how to loop and run all the different tiles in the game. With that comes ability to mind game.

    Playing legion forces you to perfect your basic skills rather than perfecting a power.

    There are easier killers to play. Yes. But learning to do good with legion allows you to do great as other killers. Doing well as Freddy doesnt help you with anyother killer.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445

    So the thing about Legion is that their strength is heavily dependent on whether the Survivors in your game know all of the minor details about how Feral Frenzy works. As Legion I've had both games where I felt like I could barely touch Survivors with my power because they knew exactly how to handle it and games where I just absolutely run over the Survivors because they constantly do things that are just ridiculously terrible ideas because I am Legion.

    So, when you are first starting out as Killer, Legion is fantastic. When you get higher and higher, Legion will be less effective because you'll have more Survivors who know how to handle what they do. They are definitely not terrible, but I would not call them the best either. However... running fast and fast vaulting windows and pallets pretty much never gets old.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    If you really playing Legion for a longer time, you will find the limits of the Legion.

    Survivors can basically outplay you, if they know how. I don't think that Legion is a favorite killer for rank 1 killers, without having the killer rates yet in mind of rank 1, but I am not afraid to search them, if it is necessary.

    Sure some guys still running there around with them, but they aren't the average and serious people should ask themself why?

    Some survivor mains will blaim everything on the player, since they are gods and every killer is either a cheater, or a newbie, but for the people that like to spent this situation honest thoughts, they must come to the conclusion that might the Legion is a bit weak.

    In my eyes, Legion is not comparable with Doc, Freddy, Oni, Hag, Huntress and some more.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    My main problem with Legion is the power punishes you whether you use it correctly or not.

    A 4 second stun regardless of how many people you hit with frenzy, whether the timer runs out or cancel it yourself.

    For example let's use deathslinger.

    You will only receive a stun if you allow the chain to break.

    If you hit the survivor you don't receive a stun instead you awarded ( even if it's not the survivor you're currently reeling in)

    If you think the chain is about to break and you can't make the hit you could always swing to intentionally disconnect the chain and not received the stun

    Legion does not have this doesn't if you hit all four survivors you still get the 4 seconds stun or if you cancel the power yourself before the timer runs out you still get the 4 seconds stun.

    Basic attacks basic attacking with the Legion will reduce your power bar no other killer suffers from this problem.

    Can you imagine spirit or Freddy losing a chunk of their power bar because they hit somebody normally.

    Now a lot of people say this is to stop intense damage stacking which is pretty much a nonsense excuse.

    When you have spirit, deathslinger and demo who can end chases ridiculously quickly by getting a basic attack and then quickly using their power to get the second hit Legion not being able to do it with a non-lethal ability is ridiculous.

    I think Legion is a decent killer not as bad as a lot of people say they are but right now I think they need an add-on pass and a severe reduction to how punishing their ability can be

  • Zani22
    Zani22 Member Posts: 444

    I'd digress he needs a few ads on changes usually a add on pass means all add ons and after last time with Ahem billys add ons yeah.

    I'd rather them go "hey look theese few legion add ons suck *looks at fuming, Frank's, study* mets change them and also because ideally they would reduce stun time they change dirt joeys and jules as well and the add ons should be presto.

    not go dear god iri button is a good add onlet's change it to make you vault slower reduce your tr but your still break pallets. Please devs don't do something like that I trust you won't but pls

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    With the exception of iridescent button, blades, the cooldown add-ons and Legion pin everything else sucks. That's a total of 6 good add-ons

    Franks mixtape and stab wounds study- both of these don't work with legions current kit and the way deep wounds works. To make it work you have to force it and even then it's so bad it's detrimental and you're practically throwing the game

    Killer instinct range increase add-ons are terrible- they have one job and that one job isn't worth the add-ons slot when there are things that just do it better and give you more benefits

    Iridescent button- map wide killer instinct tracking and the ability to break pallets when you vault.

    Monitor and abuse- stealthy when out of a chase and a larger killer instinct range when you're in a chase which is when you need it

    Distressing- Blood points

    Smiley face pin. This has more to do with blindness just being bad rather the add-on itself but it's a common so meh honestly they might as well just turn this into the BP add-on for the legion ( speed limiter and padded Jaws)

    The power recovery add-ons are pointless especially when you consider Legions power is non lethal so you don't want to rely on it too heavily and Legion loses their power every time they get a hit