Xbox one player here.

Is it me or has anyone else noticed most matches the killer has almost always a perfect game. Killer score is 30-32k while the survivors dont even have half of just doesn't sit right with me anymore...there are clear discrepancies here...


  • SeannyD115
    SeannyD115 Member Posts: 583

    It depends on what a survivor does during the match. If they only do gens and avoid the killer they will only get bp for gens and surviving.

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178

    It also kinda depends on what rank you're at, and what killer you're playing against.

    But in general, yes. Killer's have a much easier time gaining bloodpoints than survivors do.

  • APoipleTurtle
    APoipleTurtle Member Posts: 1,274

    It's very VERY hard for survivors to have the "perfect game" of 32K BP. Keep in mind that the killer is competing with 4 survivors for points and emblems. Each survivor is competing with the killer AND 3 other survivors for a limited amount of possible points.

    There's also the fact that survivors have to deal with the Survival category, which is the hardest BP category to max out in DbD (since ~63% of its total points require escaping the trial and the few other Survival score events aren't worth a whole lot).

    Another thing to consider is that some killers are just BP-Generators whose powers rapidly churn out points. Freddy, Legion, Doctor, Wraith, and now Blight all have a surprisingly easy time racking up BP, even if their match goes sideways in the end. Other killers like Plague and Pyramid Head have difficulty earning BP because the score events for using their powers are low.

    Tl;dr: Survivors just need a boost to the amount of points they can earn from most of their interactions (mainly Objective and Boldness) and also need more score events for Survival BP.

  • OtakaChan
    OtakaChan Member Posts: 181

    Thank god I'm not the o ly one who noticed lol thanks :)

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    id say im always getting about 24k BP as survivor, the only category i struggle with is survival which is mainly low because i cant always escape and im not one to use selfcare and keep healing to get points in that category lol. like i said a simple swap of totems to survival instead of boldness would close the gap alot for survivors, dont forget killer is versing 4 people, its up to the survivors what they do/spend their time on but i do see alot of survivors not doing good chases and often opt for altri than doing gens

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178

    No problem! As others have said, a lot of killers just have powers that practically generate BP for them, and Survivor BP depends on a lot of things, like how good the killer is, what your teammates are doing.

  • PulmonaryRex
    PulmonaryRex Member Posts: 15

    Shoot.. Not when I play killer, lol. I am a noob but if I get a 3k it is a HUGE win for me.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Survivors earn less bp than killers in general. Who knows why.