Have u guys noticed?

I dont know if it's just me but before I start I wish to not tell what main jam cause it will only till people options one way in favor of the other. But have any of u noticed that when a kill wins or loses ( I'm mainly going of console) they either suck it up after a lose and move on or get happy if they win in move on. I'll admit that maybe there is that person who has to be rude and say something like " get gud". But then I turn to the survivors who will go in your dms after a win or a lose even if u played fair they still feel the need to text u. My question is are the survivors more toxic than killers? This is a actually question I would like actually answers instead of troll.


  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,821

    There are a lot of sore winners in this game, and it's always seemed weird to me, too. I do think that when the survivors live, that's seen as more of an upset than when they die, so maybe that emboldens people? But I don't know what the stats are on how many people are rude on each side.

  • DFP
    DFP Member Posts: 156

    I think the numbers are skewed, as mentioned above, so you're more likely to encounter survivors behaving as such, because you interact with more of them during play, whether killer or survivor.

    That said, DbD seems ta run on salt, whether it be tears of joy or frustration, it's what floats the boat.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    Survivors have a lot more out of their control in the match when they play. As a killer if something goes wrong, it's all on you. There's no one really to blame. You can't even get mad at survivors for trying to survive.

    When you're trying to force something survivor side it's really easy to backseat someone - I know because I do it too - and while it really doesn't matter after the games over, I get why people try to coach or aggress people.

    That's why my steam profile is private. I give them zero control. Once they're on the hook up into the sky they go.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    I have always gotten more crap from survivors. As a killer, I've gotten salty messages for killing them and "you suck" messages for not killing them. As a survivor, I've gotten messages telling me off for not throwing my life away to rescue them. Getting messages from survivors was a common occurrence.

    I've gotten very, very few messages from killers. One was telling me I played well and we became friends. Another was bait which I just ignored. And the remaining couple were killers apologizing that I died when they weren't trying to kill me. That's it. Whether I play killer or survivor, it's survivors who send me messages.

    I turned off messages and friend requests on PS4 solely because of DbD survivors.