Survivors are literally too strong, toxicity is everywhere and Dead by Daylight is starting to die.

xxDeathwishDW Member Posts: 138
edited November 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Survivors are just too strong. The options given to them is totally unbalanced. Most maps works for survivors' favor. If you are not a Nurse main, it is just impossible to win.

Before saying anything about that, please search the YouTube and see how Ayrun, The JRM, PROBZZ is playing. They win %95 of the time, if they don't win, it's because they play for chase.

There are lots of spots that can't be mindgamed and must be looped.

I found a SWF group to play with 4 person, full communicated each other.

And we started to test something.

First, we didn't play toxic, totally normal like real survivors trying to escape from their killer.

I took some notes. We won 24 games in a row, then we lost 3 games, then won 12, then lost 2, then won 15. ( I am not lying, I also took screenshots with my crew to prove it. )

So, the question. Are all killers are ######### trash, or the game works for survivors favor? Yes, it works for survivors favor. Most loops can't be mindgamed and there are lots of pallets, windows and line of sight blockers.

But wait, we also tested something too.

We played like toxic shits, all flashlight, all have toxic clothes, entered our offerings for best maps, and here is the result:

We won 7 games first, lost 2 games, then won 14, then lost 4, then won 33, then lost 2 games. But we also experienced something different. We saw 8 disconnected killer because of our toxicity. ( I also have screenshoots with that too )

As you can see, survivors power combined with toxicity, leaves ZERO chance for killer. It even makes a bad behaviour, making the killer disconnect.

( By the way, when I say "won", I mean at least 3 of us escaped that game. We didn't use a key for escaping from hatch. )

Is that really fair or killers trash?

As I said earlier, killers are not trash, game is not fair. Toxicity is ######### evolving, making everyone hate the game.

That's not fair. Just not fair. Why killers have to be like that?

Dead by Daylight is starting to die. Nobody wants to do anything for this. Developers doing nothing, commnutiy is still awful.

And now, I'll probably delete the game.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Parallax
    Parallax Member Posts: 273

    You mention that good survivor streamers win most of their games, but many killer streamers win most of their games. Take for example OhTofu, Scott Jund, ZubatLEL, and a relatively unknown streamer Otzdarva.

    In your experiment you used the sweatiest things that a survivor can bring and won most matches, but you fail to remember that killers have things that are just as sweaty: Mories, certain iridescent addons, the entirety of Spirit, and tunneling. Anyone should be able to win with these things, and if the killer player is even just decent it leaves ZERO chance for the survivors.

    Besides, your experiment had you using the sweatiest things possible, but most survivors aren't bringing purple flashlights, every meta perk, and a Haddonfield offering. But obviously, if either side brought their strongest things then that side would win.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Baloney. I play Myers, and exclusively Myers, until I reach Rank-1. I'm currently Rank-2 and just two Pips away from my goal. I fight Red Rank SWF in almost every match now, and I still manage to creep forward. I think it is ridiculous when some argue the game is Killer-tilted, and it is equally ridiculous when people argue it is Survivor-titled. The only "real" issue is SWF and who knows if/when that will ever be addressed. if I can win with Myers where I'm at right now, the game sure as heck doesn't require Nurse.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Y'know how many times i heard dbd is going to die?

    For atleast 1 year. Still waiting.

  • Coolstriker64
    Coolstriker64 Member Posts: 5

    Entitled Killer main

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    May I offer you a cosmetic set in these trying times?

  • Manky
    Manky Member Posts: 192

    I play killer and survivor equally, both consistantly at red ranks, and I can say for a fact that this isnt true. I win around 80% of my games as killer (average drops if i decide to play hag or nurse cus im dog ######### at them) and as survivor its around 60-70%. Killer have overpowered perks, addons and offerings. Noed, Iri Head, Moris and so on. I never use these as I know how soul destroying it is to play against it and I still win a lot of my games. Survivors have not-so-insta heals, brand new parts, DS and keys. How can these compare to the ability of toxic killer perks? Yes keys suck to play against, but usually if they escape with a key my reaction is along the lines of "oh ######### they had a key, Oh well." but against a mori, its more like "######### you you worthless piece of ######### wanker #########." As for un mindgameable loops, dont mind game... seems obvious right? If your killer of choice has a power that can end loops quickly, then do that. If they dont then commit if you are getting close as it will get rid of the pallet, or use your power in some other way. Playing freddy? teleport to a generator and get some map pressure. Playing hag? Trap the loop so if they stay they are #########. Loops arent a problem for good killers. If you are struggling then have a look at this.

    Survivors don't have a general advantage over killers. If all survivors bring normal builds (like dead hard, iron will etc, not DS and unbreakable together cus we can all agreee thats #########) and the killer brings a standard build (Like ruin, corrupt, save the best for last) and theres no overpowered addons for either and theres no keys or moris on a fair map like Midwich (its a ######### map for survivors and killers so its fair lmao) and the killer and survivors are all rank 1s and deserving of it, then the game will be fair. Its the things like noed, DS, moris and keys that shift the balance of the game so badly. The killers and survivors themselves that cause inbalance without overpowered stuff, as it should be. Its a competitive game after all, theres meant to be a better side. As for toxicity? Killers just need to learn to ignore it. Survivors just need to learn to stop being annoying little #########, you arent cool. Your data just sounds like you are a better survivor than you are a killer to me.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    Another DBD is dead post? ######### please.

    Mors Certa, Hora Incerta

  • FrostySeal
    FrostySeal Member Posts: 627

    Either your extremely entitled and bad at the game or this is a bait post. Survivors don't win most of their games and using YouTube as an example is just dumb. And how is DBD dying? Last I checked there was still a ton of people playing. Your overreacting.