What are your personal rules?

To clarify, what are your rules of play? Ill start:

I don't give hatch to people that want it. I only give it if you earned it. I'm not gonna pity you just because you crouch and nod.

Unhook in front of me? That's a paddlin'. If you unhook in front of me, too bad! I'm downing both of you, starting with the unhooked one. Don't blame me, blame your teammate for being a poopy head.


  • piggypablo
    piggypablo Member Posts: 102

    If someone does well all game and gets downed at EGC, I will hook them. If someone uses the follow me/point gesture, I will investigate and find the people they are ratting out, and let them escape. If the killer repeatedly attacks a gen or area, I will avoid that and try to finish the other gens/cleanse other totems.

  • itsaconehead
    itsaconehead Member Posts: 236

    I don't give hatch to anyone if I can help it, they have to find it themselves I've hooked people right next to the hatch and closed it if they've been flashlight spamming me all match.

    Don't go to the exit gates when they open as killer, just do other things and ignore the survivors that wanna BM and sometimes they end up caught.

    As survivor, I don't spam with my flashlight because I know it's annoying, as soon as I get to the exit gates I leave because I am not risking it to try and be part of the team that's tbagging.

    Run if I miss a skill check even if the killer is carrying someone to a hook.

  • aregularplayer
    aregularplayer Member Posts: 906

    my rule is trying to have fun and not being as emotional as you about a videogame

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,178

    Do not talk about Fight Club

    Do NOT talk about Fight Club!

    If you just got off the second hook and run right into me (whether it is bad luck or your teammate is an #########), I will slug you rather than hang you (unless it's the EGC, in which case it sucks to be you I guess)

    I will never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever tbag as a survivor to the killer

  • ColonGlock
    ColonGlock Member Posts: 1,224

    I try to show empathy like letting survivors reset if I hook them a bunch with 5 or 4 gens left. My goal is blood points and I no longer really care if they escape or not. If survivors power the gates I usually open the door immediately to speed things up. That being said if they let me catch them I will hook them until death.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    i dont use OP things; keys, moris, iri head etc

    i give hatch 99% of time if its a 4k otherwise, its a game and nothing more

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    No mori or Noed at the beginning I did but no longer for both sides survivor killer only two metas at a time usually I run one. No hardcore camping unless endgame or you really need a kill same with tunnel. Survivor no key did at beginning no longer. Unless rituals because auric cells are precious and I want pig.

  • itsaconehead
    itsaconehead Member Posts: 236

    Right? Like it's nice you give hatches to the last person whatever, but I'm playing a killer and we all know Myers and bubba would never let anyone survive if they had the chance.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    My number 1 rule is to tunnel the everliving daylights out of anyone that DS's me from a locker, or otherwise forces it to go off or uses it to progress the trial. Why? Well, because if I'm getting the punishment I may as well get the reward.

    Other than that, not much. I refuse to use second chance perks as survivor, but that's mostly just playstyle preference. I never force them so I rarely get value, except maybe DH and Adrenaline. I used to not run OoO, but after the Devs wisely and sagely stated that it is a fair and potentially underpowered perk I'm been using it more and more instead of Kindred, because the Devs said it so it must be true.

    I also tend to give hatch to teams that played well and didn't BM. One of my favourite things to do lately is, when there's a key, to close the hatch and pretend I'm going to camp it and let them die to endgame, but then let them use the key to escape.

  • shyguyy
    shyguyy Member Posts: 298

    As survivor:

    I don't bring in items unless my build revolves around it. Example: I am using Detective's Hunch.

    Even though it is really not that big of a deal I do not ever run DS. Most of the time it is Iron Will, exhaustion perk, 2 fun perks.

    As killer:

    I don't use addons or mori's. Ever.

    I don't use perks/perk combos I think are too strong. Example: Undying/Ruin/Tinkerer

    I don't camp/tunnel

    If I know where hatch is I will give the last survivor hatch. Even if they were being gasp TOXIC! and pressing crouch too many times!

    As both:

    Try not to be an ass to people in game.

  • LiamEfinNeeson
    LiamEfinNeeson Member Posts: 6

    Killer rules:

    Example of fav perks when used with The Trapper - Unrelenting (for the circle runners), Unnerving Presence (increase auditory warnings), BBQ & Chili (let me know when a survivor is close to my food), and one of these three: Iron Maiden (for the #$%^ who know I'm using BBQ & Chili), Insidious (when I feel like hookin me some noobs), or Distressing when I hope to play against an experienced team.

    1. Kill everyone.
    2. If I can't kill everyone, then let the one go who played hardest. Can't stand playing with a #$% teammate when I'm a survivor, so kudos to the one who actually plays the game. Doesn't mean I let up though. If they can't escape, then they can enjoy the hook.
    3. Teabaggers die first.
    4. First priority is flushing out survivors. Second is punishing altruistic actions. Third is punishing straight forward play.
    5. Lastly, if a #$%^ decides to unhook another survivor to use them as a shield, then I put the #$%^ on their hook instead. Only exception is if the previously hooked survivor was a teabagger, or #$%^ teammate (body blocking, etc.).

    Survivor rules:

    The below rules are based on a more defensive and stealthy play and so I use these perks when playing in this manner:

    Iron Will (keep your mouth shut - the killer can hear you), Self-Care (take care of yourself so the other survivors can't #$%^ you over (50% of the time they do)), Calm Spirit (decrease visual and auditory footprint - as a killer I look for crows sparking across the map), and one of these two: Kindred (used most often to increase altruistic playing capability), or Lightweight (further decrease my visual footprint - very useful for quick dashes to cover and slow walks/crouch-walks to another cover). Sometimes I'll used Kindred and change Self-Care for Lightweight when feeling like the altruistic honor-system might be obeyed.

    1. Observation first. Get a lay of the land, escape routes, vantage points, etc., and what killer I'm dealing with, unless they make a hit on a teammate early on - then genny time. When in this mode I do 3-5 second rushes to cover with the rush being a walk. I prefer to see at least half the map and search out totems prior to fixing generators. Black Swamp is prime example, the map normally generates about 2-3 totems on the edges or visible from it, and is easily walked without being seen.
    2. Never stay at a generator for too long. Depending on the type of killer I'm up against, I'll spend anywhere between 10 seconds to 30 seconds on a genny if I'm alone. I'll continue a look out every 20 seconds or so when working with teammates. When alone, movement isn't always to a new genny, but to a vantage point. Follow the first rule with observation, destroy totems, etc. (I've used this as a tactic against grievers (which at least 1/3 of the other survivors are) where the killer and the only other survivor/griever are trying to locate me - allows me to still rack up points before the ultimate betrayal)
    3. Altruistic actions are not performed in the Killer's LOS (line of sight), unless unhooking with the whole team's help, or finishing healing.
    4. I will not heal another survivor immediately after unhooking unless the killer is in the process of picking up or moving with another survivor to hook them. Survivors should WALK away from the hook a decent distance away and break LOS ASAP so the killer can't go right to the hook area and re-hook them, or hear the injured survivor or healing process.
    5. I don't unhook #$%^ teammates who only look out for themselves, unless they are the last teammate with me - even then I may not unhook you if you caused a teammates death (like unhooking them near the killer to act as a shield without having Borrowed Time, etc. you #$%^'s).

    To wrap up, I should say that these aren't all the rules I play by. But, you get the gist.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    There are no rules, I get my objective done anyway I want how I want. But no, I don't play toxic, just play to win.

  • chieften333
    chieften333 Member Posts: 1,554

    Play nice until someone gives me a reason not to. Then their [BAD WORD] is mine.

  • UseTheValve
    UseTheValve Member Posts: 350

    If the person who unhooked someone is clearly visible and trying to get my attention I will go after him and not the injured survivors, tmbecause I know that getting tunneled sucks plus ######### DS.

  • JinSime
    JinSime Member Posts: 405

    I will still blame you for the down, since it was your decision to do it.

    My rules as killer? I don't really care about anything, I just do what I feel like doing and hope to have fun while at it. And if the game keep me matching with people way more experienced than me, my rule is just to go play something else.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    I have a soft heart for survivors who act like they're new to the game, and often, my killing spirit will just leave me after seeing them try to run away in ways entirely not beneficial to their survival.

    They usually all end up escaping lol, and sometimes they even say things like, "Haha, you suck, killer!" which is absolutely adorable.

  • seki23
    seki23 Member Posts: 833

    -i see a mori i dc in loading screen if im playing solo wich almost never happens, if i play with friends most likely i wont..

    -if u are toxic i will correspond back.

    -if u a re way to baby i may, just may give u hatch if u werent toxic and im feeling like giving it to you, wich may or may not happen

    -bm killers at doors if they were toxic, or during match.

    -i will tunnel the baby survivor if i need to.

  • Lusiem9
    Lusiem9 Member Posts: 87
    edited November 2020

    survivor rules don't teabag or wait outside the gate for a killer unless he was a toxic #########. I do not spam my flashlight, I try to take it off the hook safely, if I don't have borrowed time I mainly sit on totems and genes, always destroy totems, against spirit never destroy hex totem (unless it has 100% ruins or devour hope) I always take one unique perk a given survivor to build. killer rules I can give a hatch when I want to not give a hatch in every game. I don't take Noed unless I'm nervous from other games. No tunneling, no campie unless the person is a toxic ######### and spoils my gaming fun. I don't hit a survivor who is on the hook unless he's a toxic player sometimes he wants to be friendly but he is blinded and teabagged anyway, I eliminate the weakest or the strongest survivors. As Hag, I do not put traps directly under the hook, I prefer to put on the path to the hook to give the survivors a chance to escape. And the last rule shows no mercy to the weaker or stronger players, unless they are nice, sometimes they also team up with a given survivor, but I do not allow him to fly much to the hook.

  • Lusiem9
    Lusiem9 Member Posts: 87

    Btw sorry for bad english because this is not my native language

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Don't be toxic unless the killer is toxic first. This is slightly changed if I need them to chase me or I'm drinking and playing a dumb build.

    Show Hag players no mercy.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    Locker DS is a death sentence, no time for sweat hards.

    Only be a dick if they’re being dicks, otherwise its time for the chillest killer match.

    Give hatch if I think they deserve it.

    Try not to go for the unhooked, thats not a lot of fun for survs.

    Don’t be sweaty unless its a match that deserves it.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    No one will leave my trail with less then 10000 bp if i can help it

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,480

    I usually go by a few personal rules

    1 if you play slowly as a team you will get preferential treatment, higher amounts of hooks before anyone is killed on hook

    2 if you get off hook and sit on a gen injured then ds me when I down you thats a paddlin

    3 if I hook someone go after you while you are healthy down you and get dsed anyway thats a paddlin

    4 if you stay injured for extensive periods of time just to work on gens instead of healing and the game starts to go too fast thats a paddlin

    5 if my slowdown is gone early in the game while I was going out of my way to go slow you better be ready for a high speed paddlin

    6 hatch is only if im feeling it I don't owe you hatch because your team died

    7 if I feel you might be running 4 meta perks or DS Unbreakable you might be tunneled out of the game with suspicion of needing a paddlin

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,469

    As survivor I don't intentionally troll at killer and play toxic but it's not like I'll get that in return.

    As a killer I won't intentionally play dirty but If a team is just trolling me and and playing toxic I'll do what I have too to get even one kill

  • Voerman
    Voerman Member Posts: 12

    If Twitch is your hobby, you wait in the lobby.

  • B_Random
    B_Random Member Posts: 370

    3 gens left, make sure the survivors are on death hook for the next time they're caught.

    2 1/2 gens left, camp and tunnel to apply pressure if nobody is dead.

    If I feel bad for someone, I give them hatch.

    If you bring a key, I'll tunnel you and make sure you don't leave, same goes for anyone to picks it up. Usually bring a mori for the person with a key or franklin's to make sure they earn the escape like a man, through the gates.

    Key's are only acceptable in the circumstance that a killer has Blood Warden and it's reached the point in the endgame timer that it would confirm a 4k by the entity itself. If you use a key to escape like a little #########, you're going to die, no debate.

    If you can't respect me, and you decide to T-Bag and believe you're tough #########, I won't play nice or respect you.

    If I find a key in a chest without plunders (Dull or Skeleton) I disconnect then say I won because that's how stupidly broken and unfair keys are.

    Mori's are acceptable at death hook, if nobody is dead at 2 gens, if you were hooked recently or have been hooked, then I mori you on the spot death hook or not.

  • Ecstasy
    Ecstasy Member Posts: 426

    As survivor, when I'm in that position where a killer's got me snagged and bagged, yet decides to let me escape... I'll always leave whatever item I'm carrying on the ground as an offering if I can. This totally baffled me when I first noticed other people doing it as killer, but once I found out what it meant I loved the idea as a fun little custom that I immediately joined the club.

    As killer, if I find out you have OoO, then you die first. Solo, SWF, I don't got time to sort that out. You die first and I will tunnel my way to camp Mori-My-Ass if that's what it takes.

    As either... never trust a Steve. Okay, okay, that's just observation bias, but I been burned too many times to risk it.

  • Tricks
    Tricks Member Posts: 957

    It'd be cool if Killers had a shelf of 'offerings' left by Survivors for the killer in the manor you mentioned so they could go and view them in a sealed off out of game basement room

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201
    edited November 2020

    I'm not going to run to a gen with my ds up unless the killer brought a mori or pink add on.

    As killer, I'm not going to play a 3v1 if it took me all but a minute to get my BBQ stacks.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,904
    1. Myers is Daddy
    2. Dweet is god. Dweet is life.
    3. Try and have fun
  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    My rule is to limit the amount of meta perks I have in my build to 1 this allows the game to be more fair and I can experiment with different things to see what is useful or not.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,311

    Just play in whatever way I find the most enjoyable. I personally have the most fun while playing in ways many would consider "nice", but it has little to nothing to do with the opinion of anyone else. It's simply what I find the most enjoyable, and if that makes me an enjoyable opponent I guess that's a bonus? Don't see why it wouldn't be as I have no interest in "playing for salt" or any of that stuff.

  • zoozoom6
    zoozoom6 Member Posts: 825

    as a killer main:

    don't facecamp

    don't proxity camp (unless they are then i will)

    dont slug on first down

    dont mori on second down

    dont tunnel

    but if they play toxic gloves come off

  • bubbabrotha
    bubbabrotha Member Posts: 1,138

    I try not to be toxic intentionally, I just play how I need to. I think more people should try playing for fun and to win.

    Also, you talked about fight club. You know what happens now.

  • zoozoom6
    zoozoom6 Member Posts: 825

    not really but some killers benefit massively from it: hag and spirit. otherwise its just an ok beginner perk

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,662

    I'll tell you 2 principles I adhere to...


    • Slugging for the 4k despite KNOWING where the hatch is and wasting everyone's time? Is it really worth slugging the downed survivor for 4 mins? Don't be surprised if I feel spiteful and go looting all the chests, cleansing all the totems and admire the hooks in the basement whilst you frantically sweat for the final kill by checking one door to the next. I'd rather die by EGC. I won't give you the satisfaction of sacrificing me after wasting everyone's time.


    • Have terrible team mates but you're actually decent and gave me a good run? I'm likely to give you hatch... as long as you're not too cocky of course.

    Now that I think about it... I give hatch to many people anyway (mostly because I secretly hope I don't double pip).

  • HypsterMoses
    HypsterMoses Member Posts: 15

    My big one is don't go after survivors right after they get unhooked. Yeah sometimes it's their teammates trading with Borrowed, but most of the time I've seen it they were just farming and I feel bad for making games unfun for other people.

  • Yoinkus_Doinkup
    Yoinkus_Doinkup Member Posts: 24

    I'll try not to be toxic

  • Hex_Stalk
    Hex_Stalk Member Posts: 488

    Survivor puts in an Ormond offering, I shut off the game and do something else.

  • MrSmashem
    MrSmashem Member Posts: 161

    Rule #1: There are no rules.

    Rule #2: Refer to Rule #1.

  • MidniteWolfy
    MidniteWolfy Member Posts: 28

    I dunno about the whole "give hatch to people who earned it" mentality and I'll explain why. I watch a couple youtubers who play nothing but dbd (won't mention their names here) and I've seen a handful of games where a survivor is VERY GOOD. Not toxic.. just good. Looping killer for a nice long time, dodging shots, dodging attacks, timing perfect pallets, getting the best pallet or flashlight saves etc and then the whole team dies and its just them left standing

    And you know what happens? The killer will be so annoyed or feel like they worked so hard against this 'sweaty' survivor that they will hook them even if they admit defeat. Its a cyclical mindset where you're going to hook them if they're too good because you feel YOU earned it (even tho technically, they earned the hatch) and if they don't give you a struggle at all, you're just gonna say "meh they didn't EARN the hatch"

    Or at least, I've seen that happen from about 4 different dbd players who claim to give the hatch to people who earned it, which gives me some doubt.

    Me, personally, I empathize with survivors. If I think that they didn't have a chance to win, either because their teammates dcd or were just goofing off and this one person was trying - or if 3 of them are toxic and one person wasn't toxic and was abandoned by the other guys, i'll give em the hatch. If the game was exceptionally easy, i'll often give the hatch to the last person. If a person goes down painfully close to the hatch, I'd rather give it to them instead of picking them up while they probe the hatch with their outstretched fingers.

    Oh and if I'm playing piggy and someone boops my snoot, they automatically get the hatch (unless they were toxic beforehand)

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,064

    I do my best not to tunnel. It is the one thing I most hate running into as Survivor so I make an effort to avoid doing it as Killer. That said, I won't tunnel off hook, but I will slug off hook if the opportunity presents itself. I will not, however, interfere with pickup. The slug is just for keeping pressure and to punish whoever thinks it's a good idea to unhook right next to the killer.

    A rule I've developed as Survivor lately, since I've been in lower ranked games due to not playing as often: If the Killer is getting roflstomped but otherwise not being a jerk player (and I'm not doing a 'must survive' ritual or challenge), I'll let them have the Kill on me. I'm usually fine point-wise at that point so dying doesn't mean much to me.

    When I'm killer and I or someone else uses BPS or Cake, I'll happily farm, but not blatant farming. I'll play seriously until I have Barbecue stacks, maybe 2 hooks on a person, then I'll mess around, hit them and down them when I'm able, but otherwise won't stop them escaping. If they kill themselves on hook, far as I'm concerned that's on them.

    I'll do the same if I find myself in a position to win the game fast. Since I'm in it for points long games favor me.

    I'll sweat and tryhard more when I'm playing a killer I'm not as good with, such as Nurse or Hillbilly.