If the killer has downed somebody, doesn’t immediately pick them up because they’re in a chase with another survivor straight away, and so the downed survivor attempts to crawl away to hide first, THEN WAIT UNTIL THEY’VE STOPPED CRAWLING AND HAD A CHANCE TO START RECOVERING UNTIL COMING IN TO ASSIST!!!
This especially TRUE when the killer isn’t even out if the vicinity because whomever they’re chasing REFUSES to lead the chase AWAY from whomever was downed.
I’m getting right royally pissed off at the amount of times i’ve crawled partway to a safe enough spot where I feel confident the killer will not find where I am (without Deerstalker), only to instead have some dumb hero try and revive me out in the open while the chase is still nearby, spotted by the killer, they get injured (or downed), and I get picked up and hooked anyway because of the attention YOU drew to me.
If a slug is stationary, they’re recovering (or should be) and ready for assistance. If they’re crawling away THERE IS USUALLY A DAMN GOOD REASON, SO LEAVE THEM ALONE TILL THEY STOP!!!
This tip shall also be cast into the depths of nothingness very soon...
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But it gives points to give you headpets while you on the floor :3
And it's faster :O
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Idc I want them points and I'm using wglf so you better let me heal you
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I agree, If he has Wglf then let him rub your butt >:3
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No. It isn’t. Almost 100% of the time what is happening catches the killers eye, and so reviving is interrupted and the slug ends up on the hook anyway, or they’re revived only to be IMMEDIATELY downed again.
Very few killers are stupid enough to not be watching the hud/ui or just periodically being aware of what’s going on if the chase hasn’t taken them away from the area.
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No. Just wait until they’re stopped, because that usually means they’re comfortable where they’ve hidden themselves.
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If I want to give you headpets then I will give you headpets, you will not crolling away from me >:O
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... no. I need my WGLF/Solidarity value.
But if I'm not running WGLF then I sure as hell ain't picking up slugs til at least 30 seconds have passed.
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Ngl, there's a lot more context to this. If, for example, the person who comes to help, is running WGLF, it's much faster to just let them pick up the slug entirely. At the same time, if sloppy is involved and there's no WGLF, they should let them recover.
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You should never start crawling before you're fully recovered. It is still on the survivors, but for different reasons than you're saying.
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I understand the frustration, but I also think that part of the fun of solo queue is that everyone has their own idea of what to do. So, sometimes we do my plan, and sometimes we do this random David's plan, and that's just how the game goes, even if the random David's plan is bad. I've sucked people into bad plans, too.
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No, just no. If you don't immediately start recovering once you've been downed you're just wasting time. You aren't going to get away from a smart killer unless you're running Tenacity (and even then it's a stretch). Also, this is an especially stupid post considering the WGLF change. WGLF will get a slug up in seconds and is not something killers are used to considering when they make chase vs hook decisions.
If I see someone immediately start crawling once they get downed I'm assuming they're just a potato and I usually leave them to other teammates to pick up. No sense in wasting 2 people's time.
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No, just no. A smart killer that HASN’T been drawn away from the area is either keeping an eye on the ui/hud, or just being spatially aware of whatever else is happening around them.
Making recovering on the spot while the killer is nearby a 100% complete waste of time, because they either injure/down whomever is trying to assist the slug and hook the slug any way, or immediately down the revived slug again, and then hook them.
If the killer hasn’t left, and a chase isn’t leading them away from the area, recovering on the spot, or trying to assist the slug (without For The People) is always a complete waste of time.
Every single time someone tries to assist me from the dying state while the killer is nearby always results in me being put on the hook anyway because whoever that was just caught the attention of the killer, bringing their focus back on me.
Every time.
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Queue the survivor that refused to heal at all.
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If we wait untill you have slowly crawled away that more then likely will mean there is a slug and a hook and that's an insane amount of pressure. Suddenly there are no survivors on gens cause one has to unhook and one has to come get you who might very well not be fully recovered yet. That's the start of a losing snowball right there.
Tbh i would rather take my chances that the killer comes back for you and only get's one hook rather then take the chance that the match completly spirals out of control by giving the killer free pressure.
Sorry chief I'm against you on this one. The best course of action in that situation imo is to stay and recover rather then painfully slowly try to hide somewhere.
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No. Not at all. Had I been allowed to crawl to my intended hiding spot away from killers LoS, i’d have started recovering. And if THEN someone came to assist me, they TOO would be out of the killers LoS.
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Well so far it just results in a waste of time 100% of the time, and whoever tried to assist me gets downed anyway.
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NOooo Dont teach them how to counter slugging :C
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Wow, you nailed 3 of my pet peeves in each of the first 3 paragraphs.
Here is another:
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Like how the hell do players fail healing skill checks?!
They’re huge.
Stuff like this pisses me off so much. Killer may as well have hooked you straight away to begin with.
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Totally! That, and the Autodidact, especially when trying to pick up a downed survivor. I appreciate the effort to get me up, but w/o her having Auto I would have been up and possibly avoided the hook. That perk is one of my absolute LEAST favs, smh.
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It’s a double edged sword eh.
If she had already accrued some stacks (and not stuffed up the skill check), you’d have been up in an instant.
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True, tho I haven’t always been on the good end of that lucky charm. It’s be nice, ngl
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Knock out on pig says the world is my hook. Spend another 30 seconds on chase 2 while I wait for that first gen to trigger my trap card.
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Personally I never see a reason to crawl away and hide. Your just wasting time crawling far away. I only see need in crawling immediately if theirs a pallet near by or someone has a flashlight.
As long as the killer has ears he'll find you.
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Youre running WGLF this perk is nuts on slugs. Especially with WWM.
But also keep in mind that in some situations or under specific conditions it's way smarter to instandly start recovering.
In general yea. But bc I am running healing build I will run at you and pick you up faster than the killer realizes it. But only when he dont picks you up after a couple of seconds depending on the distance to you, your hook stage progress and my gen progress.
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I'll finish my gen first, even 1 or 2 are getting slugged. Most killers will start hooking then anyway.
I also came to the conclusion that it's better to crawl away a bit first and then recover (at least when the killer leaves the area). If you're fully recovered, start to spin on the floor so your mates know you are ready.
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Whether I crawl or not is based mostly on how the killer plays. If they're aggressive they'll probably pick me up right after the down or go for one hit on another surviver nearby but if they get the hit or the survivor goes too far they immediately come back to get me so there's no point in me crawling away assuming they have ears and I won't be able to get too far.
If the killer had slugged earlier in the game and was leaving people on the ground for a long amount of time Ill crawl a good distance away from my original position incase they come back and then I'll start to recover unless they suddenly decide to insta pick me up after the down.
If it's the beginning of the game and I'm the first one down, so I'm not really sure how they play I just base it off of how they acted in the chase and how far they get away from me to chase the other person. If they stay close I just recover and if they get too far away I move then recover.
If your being toxic though they'll probably just insta pick you up just to make sure you don't have a chance of getting picked up.
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Nah. Survivors dont listen to him