Sloppy butcher vs mindbreaker on ghostface. Thoughts?

MTK Member Posts: 77

So I'm a long time rank 1 killer and my main is ghostface although I do play other killers. Since GF is a pure M1 killer in terms of damage output, I've always used sloppy butcher on him. In my recent few games however, I tried replacing it with Mindbreaker and so far it feels pretty nice. Stealth approach on gens means survivors won't have the time to remove the mindbreaker debuff before the chase starts. And when I do the classic crouch mindgame around a pallet and gain distance to a survivor, the fact that they are exhausted & can't dead hard to the pallet feels pretty significant. Of course, when I encounter a survivor who's NOT on gen, then the perk becomes meaningless since they won't be exhausted.

So it feels like Mindbreaker has greater rewards on certain situations whereas Sloppy Butcher may offer less meaningful rewards(especially since at high ranks survivors would just gen rush and not even bother healing up from injured state) but it's applicable all the time. So what are your thoughts about these two perks? FYI my 3 other perks are corrupt intervention, BBQ, and pop.


  • MrLimonka
    MrLimonka Member Posts: 545

    I'd say out of these two, mindbreaker would be better. It's actually a good perk now after the buff. Sloppy butcher is only worth it on Ghostface if you pair it with Nurse's calling imo

  • AGM
    AGM Member Posts: 810

    Mindbreaker is still pretty bad imo. When I've gone against it I've barely felt it, and sometimes it even helped me by "99"ing my sprint burst for me. Also, even if the survivor can't clear the debuff immediately, if they make it to a pallet/window they may be able to clear it at that point. On the other hand, Sloppy is nearly universally good, as if they choose to heal, it wastes a few seconds every time, and if they don't, you can down/snowball more easily.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    You’re missing the bigger picture with Mindbreaker. It can also be a gen stall perk. Once a survivor has used their exhaustion perk, if they repair a gen again before that 40 seconds is recovered, their timer is paused. That’s very dangerous for a survivor that relies on their Dead Hard or Sprint Burst.

    So what do they do?

    Wait until it’s recovered before they touch a gen again.

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 4,082

    Both. Both is good.

    Mindbreaker is pretty nice on stealth Killers or combined with Tinkerer. They buffed the Perk and never mentioned the best Change in the Patch Notes.

  • DaKnight
    DaKnight Member Posts: 720

    I find anything pretty hard to take over ruin / undying / surveillance / discordance on ghostface. It's so much information and stalling all built into one package and lets you stalk generators with ease while it's still alive.

    Sloppy butcher is almost obsolete these days. Too many people running healing builds and purple medkits. If you see a lobby with 2-3 medkits you may as well kiss off target swapping because it's not going to happen. You either commit to downs or they will be healed back up in 8 seconds.

    Mindbreaker can be nice but then again, if only 2 people have exhaustion perks it is a huge waste.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I'd say if your run Ruin and Surveillance on Ghostface then Mindbreaker would be pretty decent.

  • Altarf
    Altarf Member Posts: 1,046

    Most survivors aren't going to stand still doing nothing for 40 seconds every single time they want their exhaustion perk back if you're anything above green ranks. By that logic, nemesis is a gen stall perk as the guy with oblivious will be too scared to work on gens.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    You’re right. But only slightly right. They’ll make the mistake once of repairing before their 40 second timer has recovered, until they get caught out again on gen and then get downed (or twice) 100% due to not having their exhaustion perk when they need it.

    Trust me, after that happens, they wait till they’re recovered.

    I observe this whenever I use Mindbreaker with Blood Echo. Dead Hard and Sprint Burst (and Head On) are very common in red ranks in my region. Once the downs start happening, and they’re denied their exhaustion once or twice, the gen popping slows down a LOT, and I use no gen slow down perks.

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 4,082

    It used to only exhaust you if the gen had less than 50% progress. Now it will always exhaust you, no matter how much progress the gen has.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    I prefer sloppy since it always gives you value, but I haven't really tried mindbreaker since the buff so I can't really say.