Did the Devs Ever Address the Advantages PC Players Have Over Console Players?

Where do I begin?

Better FPS. No big lag spikes or frame drops when a gen gets completed, Sloppy Butcher connects, bloodlust kicks in, fog-even fog drops the fps bad for console players. Also have you played on PC, the skillchecks are as smooth as butter. You can hit them when they actually get the skill check, no need to time it like on console and where it’s a flimsy stuttering stick.

•The ability for PC survivors to see who the killer is in pre-game lobby through a 3rd party app. This was supposedly fixed, but it has been seen on Twitch streams again and again.

•Ability to brighten/lighten up maps to make it easier to find survivors or detect stealth killers. *If you’re not sure what I’m talking about, watch any popular streamer and see how much lighter in color their maps are than yours.

Stretch resolution. Literally can see the killer from the other side of a “mindgameable” loop so that the mind game only exist for the killer.

Higher sensitivity still for PC players only. Why? The devs have yet to explain. Also, this is a big deal, the extrapolation of a survivor or killer with higher sensitivity makes it more difficult for console players to dodge/connect a hit.

Audio modifications. This is mostly rampant with people who main Spirit on PC, but they’re able to use audio mods to lower the bass/overall chase music and better pinpoint survivor breathing through this.

If I’m missing anything let me know. I’m sure I am. I just want console players to know ho much of a disadvantage you REALLY are at and that I don’t believe this was addressed before the implementation of crossplay and this was all at the console players expense.


  • Angelicus23
    Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,551

    As PC and PS4 player I can tell you the only easy and cheap advantage is the easier controls for killer. Now I'll proceed to answer your points

    -Better FPS? that's true, if you own a 3000$ PC because the optimization didnt get better since a while ago, and it's not an issue for me on ps4 tho. About skillchecks being smoother and easier to hit, I dont get what you mean, but in PC I keep missing them and the timing is not different.

    -Ability to see who the killer is in lobby? man that's called hack, it got patched 2 chapters ago when devs encrypted logs. If it has been seen on streamers, well you can just clip and get an easy way to ban them? or drop one clip here so I can see what you say is true?

    -Ability to bright the game up? That's true actually, but as I quoted you in a different post, in console (at least for me in ps4) the game isnt as dark as PC can go on high graphics, and ps4 graphics are still very optimal to see and spot stealth/far things.

    -Stretch resolution? You got a wrong one here, you can literally have more options to stretch than PC in PS4 in the console settings and the TV display options or just getting a stretched screen.

    -Higher sensibility for PC: why do you even complain about the console one, I can't play over 80% with controller

    -Audio modifications: uhm you can change audio yes, but you change everything, to mod specific sounds you would have to edit game files... oops, banable and EAC won't let you go through this

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,035

    The FPS drop in chests is only for flashlights for some reason, its how I call out my friends say "You better save me with that flashlight" while on the other side of the map

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,035

    Its just flashlights, but the other FPS drops are because console DBD is the equivalent of playing Crysis on anything

  • Speshul_Kitten
    Speshul_Kitten Member Posts: 1,861

    Yeah it’s true you can stretch res on console, but it is literally UNPLAYABLE. The size of stretch res dramatically decreases your screen size for a better FOV while the game remains blurry. If you’re on PS4 you don’t even have the same resolution as an Xbox one X with a 4K monitor so I can’t imaging how blurry it is. The price you pay for stretch res on console is NOT the same as on PC.

    You don’t need to own a 3000 PC for better fps. The fps on console is so bad, the reworked maps are even worse. PC has better fps I I have gone to my friends house who has a $600 PC (bottom of the barrel) and the fps is WAY better than even my $500 1ms Sync monitor, simply because I am on console.

    You really don’t notice the skillcheck difference? I question which platform you play on because skillchecks of any kind, like ive said, are like butter on PC. You don’t have to time the skillcheck to hit a great like you do on console. It land on the great skill check and you click, that’s how easy it is. It may not be much of a difference to you, but at high gameplay, great skillchecks mean faster heals, gens pop at more efficient times, etc.

    Again, high sensitivity may not affect YOU personally, but if you’re playing as Nurse at rank 1 and you can’t spin as fast as a PC player due to your sensitive being capped on console, you’re gonna whif more here and their which any Nurse or even killer player knows, that’s enough to make huge distance by allowing them to make it to a pallet/jungle gym.

  • Angelicus23
    Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,551

    yes but is not a problem tho, I can still track them after hits

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,784

    Usage of 3rd party applications is cheating and people get permanently BANNED for it

    The ingame filters are parts of the graphics cards or instead or just after effects to make gameplay more visible to viewers

    Stretched res isn't cheating even though it totally is so until the devs decide its cheating everyone has to deal with it

    wait a second on hits you don't always need to swing as soon as possible, just treat it as every survivor has dead hard

    I don't know that audio modification exists in this game I just assume they turn the volume up to the point where they can decern it

    also if you don't like the disadvantages of console just get a pc and play on there or disable crossplay

  • Speshul_Kitten
    Speshul_Kitten Member Posts: 1,861

    I agree with most of your points. However when people say “turn off crossplay” it kinda just shows how ignorant people are to the problem.

    I don’t tell you, “you don’t like paying a high taxes on your mortgage, we’ll just go live in a box.”

    How is that a solution, it’s complete ignorance.

  • Angelicus23
    Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,551
    edited November 2020

    you question my platforms?

    screenshot from my steam acc I have saved and link (ignore the addons)

    screenshot from my ps4 acc and link


  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited November 2020

    They don’t really care about console. It’s just a cash grab to them. I’m close to giving up hope for a better console experience. If next gen can’t fix the problems, then we might just have to accept that our version of DBD will never be fixed.

    This perfectly sums up the responses we console players receive. Graphic updates just end up making things worse and they’ve been looking into our issues for years.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    when you mean brighten maps you should probably add filters. a good comparison is "the king" whos game visuals is so very edited making red stains, scratch marks and just overall maps easier to see. Hes a fog whisperer too, its really dumb because console players cant do that but its a clear advantage for both sides. i let the mouse and keyboard go, thats not that big i can aim with a controller but ffs the filters all pc players use...

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,784

    well here's the thing, there is a difference between your argument and my argument, my one is surface level and attacking me as a person for a surface level argument instead of asking me to go in depth is poor Etiquette

    but ill go in depth anyway

    My view on the turn off crossplay argument is that pc gives players tools that console doesn't have and that is unfair, however like many other games these problems can be overcome if the skill of the individual is high enough

    Basically I'm telling you that you have a few option

    1 You could become skilled enough to overcome the problem at hand

    2 you could disable crossplay and wait a few extra minutes so you don't have to deal with the problems that the devs are trying to fix but don't have enough man power to snap their fingers and make all of your problems disappear

    3 you could just complain the entire time and not grow as a player or individual while the devs are work on it then complain they didn't do enough

    There are more but you get the idea.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    If you think we don't get lag spikes whenever anything happens, you're sorely mistaken.

    We haven't been able to see who the killer player in our lobby is (and sorry, this just wouldn't be an advantage even if it were the case) since before dedicated servers; this would have been possible for console players too if it were still P2P.

    I have literally never come across someone who claims to have audio modification in order to make certain sounds ingame quieter/louder. There is no way to change the volumes of different things; this game is a cluttered mess of audio notifications, and noone can change that except the devs.

    Stretched resolution is not game breaking at all, and hardly anyone even does it anymore.

    Literally any TV has the ability to change saturation levels and brightness; you can do it too.

    There is one issue, though; latency. Hardware limitations mean that console players naturally play at a slightly higher ping. Killers get hits they have no business getting because of this, but it does probably ######### over a bunch of survivors, too.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    There are actually programs whitelisted by EAC that can be used to finetune it a bit more, but the graphics card settings usually are enough. Heck, monitor settings are probably enough if you wanted to go there.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,784

    to be fair im guessing most tvs have settings to make the game better filtered or people have it at a bad angle, seriously they should probably just go through their tv settings if they want a brighter picture

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    just so you know i waited 30mins for a killer lobby without it turned on, gave up and just came off. while the main issue is all the frames etc. stopping me the advantages are a huge negative as well, plus i have seen a few hackers, while some things may seem like small issues with simple fixes its not, id love to play killer but im stuck with stupid long waits or unplayable frames... either way its not fun

  • Respectfulnancymain
    Respectfulnancymain Member Posts: 1,816

    Fps was the only real diffrence for me when I switched, getting 60fps feels so ######### amazing compared to what I got on xbox

  • Speshul_Kitten
    Speshul_Kitten Member Posts: 1,861

    I would absolutely say I’m skilled enough, however, I would argue that most people who play this game on console don’t understand that they’re at a disadvantage in the first place. They will never know because they won’t know any different.

    When an argument tells them “just turn off crossplay” no matter how it’s worded or who it comes from, it still comes off as ignorant. No offense but that’s exactly what it is.

    Had you made more realistic points such as; “the devs should work on balancing towards underserved platforms” or anything more constructive, I wouldn’t have called you out on such a generic response at all.

  • M4dBoOmr
    M4dBoOmr Member Posts: 598

    I have no problems playing on the Xbox One X, it will even be less of no problem in 5 days ;)

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,784

    of course surface level arguments come off as ignorant because its usually those people who are known to use them and stay ignorant of finer detail, however just because you assume someone is ignorant doesn't mean they are, because you can always ask for more details as a test

    still not an excuse to attack the individual because of surface level arguments

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    None of these are accurate. Many PC players (myself included) still have serious frame rate issues because it's a game issue, not a hardware issue. Console players can increase their screen gamma the same as PC players, trust me, I've seen it and done it, the results depend entirely on your hardware. Both stretched resolution and third-party software are cheating and shouldn't be included, in fact the same can be said for increasing screen gamma. And the whole sound thing, whilst somewhat accurate, is still achievable as a console player by using a good headset that allows you to adjust your audio settings.

  • Speshul_Kitten
    Speshul_Kitten Member Posts: 1,861

    You keep taking this really personal, I never said you were ignorant so stop acting like it. I said your argument was poor and ignorant. You keep thinking this is about you for some reason.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,784

    im just saying you shouldn't attack the person just because they gave a surface level argument and you forgot to ask for more detail

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791
    edited November 2020

    So one real issue (framerate) and the rest is cheating. Oh wait, i meant to say accessibility options lmao.

    Edit: but srsly we need better framerate. I seen video of PC Nurse and the transition was so smooth while blinking. SMOOOOOOOTH.

  • iplaybothsides
    iplaybothsides Member Posts: 33

    Wanna throw ability to use hacks as well?

    Literally all but two of these are exploits, and fps isn't a problem on console for most, it getting massive frame drops when you're hit with status like sloppy butcher, which is a different issue.

    As for sensitivity, it helps on Specific killers, but not every pc player uses insane sensitivity. Ohtofu literally plays on a really low sensitivity actually and he does just fine

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,450
    edited November 2020

    Did the Devs ever address the advantages PC players have over console players?

    Yes they know. They asked about it in the newest survey.

  • OrphanSlayer
    OrphanSlayer Member Posts: 2

    Yeah, just buy PC. We all have extra disposable income, especially now.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited November 2020

    Are you on a lower end PC? Honestly I haven’t seen a lot of PC players complaining so I just assumed that PC was mostly fine or that most people had a higher end PC. Maybe I’ve just been missing them.

    Also even without the PC issues, it was obvious that this isn’t a hardware issue. The PS4 and XB1 base models can play more demanding games with little to no issues. This might be because it’s a PS exclusive and easier to optimize, but I had God of War III Remastered fully download in seconds and it loads in around 4 seconds. That’s something I’d expect from the PS5, not a base PS4 that’s over half a decade old!

    They’ve known for years. Have they done anything about it? Not really. We’re relying on next-gen to save us.

  • They know all of these advantages and refuse to do anything about it. Shame because they're leading their game down a bad path. Just look at the Spirit "bug" even though 2 really big Dead by Daylight YouTuber/Streamer said it was a good thing. What're you going to do. Probably why so many people refuse to touch this #########

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Actually, I recently upgraded from a lower end PC to a nice beefy midrange, and about the same time I saw a bunch of video evidence from PS4 users showing off their awful frame rate that was... Well, about the same as what I had been getting and only a little worse than what I currently get. To rub salt in the wound, I have the same issues at low settings as I have at ultra, so it's not even a proper graphics issue. It's just unexplained frame drops whenever something the game hasn't rendered enough times in one session happens, like getting hit, dropping pallets, using a power that has visual elements, bloodlust, etc.