Killer-Specific Matchmaking?

Forgive me if this has been discussed to death already, but I didn't see any threads about it with a cursory search.
When the matchmaking was overhauled to divorce your ELO from your rank, there was also talk of a unique ELO score for each killer, so that players wouldn't be penalized for playing a ton on a favorite, then trying out somebody new. Was this system actually put in place, or was it shelved for another update down the line?
I ask because I picked up a whole mess of new killers during the Halloween sale and regardless of who I choose, I am invariably matched up against red rank tier players with full meta perks, maps & keys, and all manner of custom skins. These are not the sort of survivor teams I would expect to be matched against a killer I've never played before.
I have to say, I was pretty excited by the idea of a killer-specific system. Like, I have a pretty good handle on the basics of a handful of guys, but when I'm getting these kinds of teams every time I try out somebody new, it's pretty discouraging. Especially for killers with more elaborate powers/strategies that take a long time to learn.
TL;DR - Did they shelve the Killer-specific Matchmaking, or does it just assuming you'll be equally good with everybody and you have to lose a whole bunch before you get groups more in line with what you'd need to learn a brand new playstyle?
That would be MMR, and it's currently in the works. When they implemented it, it was very, very bad, so they're trying to make it better.
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Ah, so it's not actually a finished product yet. Well, that would certainly explain that. I guess I'll hold off on getting any more killers until the system's all worked out.
Thanks for the reply!
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No problem!