I Remember Why I Keep Uninstalling DBD

Because the game is very killer focused and I enjoy playing it because it's a better solo experience and every time there is a new release coming who are we excited for? Killer of course!

So it really ######### bites ass that every single game we have to wade through multiple Decisive Strikes. Look, blinds can take some skill and require add ons. Borrowed Time and exhaustion perks are limited in scope and not everyone runs the same ones so there is a wide diversity of play- but when we get to DS it is UNIVERSALLY played. I played five games today and eight games last night and every single team had at least two DS'. Not a single one didn't. There is a huge problem if one perk is:

A) Reducing diversity of play and repetitive.

B) Creates no-win situations.

C) Difficult to keep track of. It's not unheard of to be DS'd three or four times in a row and it's quite common to be DS'd twice back to back.

And the thing is, we already know why it's bad. Because it resets a situation. A killer is stunned for five seconds, but what this really means is that the killer has to reset a chase they just lost in. Not only that, but then there's the ol' DS the killer then jump in a locker and head on him then blind him for a three piece chain stun. Only the blinding can be prevented with perks in this scenario. The thing is? It's only going to get worse. Only veterans play the game after releases settle down, which means killers have to eat through these in the worst ways non stop. It's a wonder why it was buffed.