
Hi! So, I'm a complete newbie, both to DBD and multiplayer vs games in general. My friend convinced me to buy the game for my Switch (my only console, no computer) a few days before Halloween. I've been scrolling through the forum a bit, and watching YouTube vids to try and get a grasp on the gameplay mechanics, but there's one thing I'm kinda fuzzy on: gameplay etiquette.

My basic question is: what is considered rude/trolling/salty/etc? I'm asking because my dumba$$ wasn't aware that rapid crouching is considered 'teabagging'. I kinda viewed it as jumping up and down, which I do in other multiplayer games as a way of showing excitement. Thankfully, I haven't done it to a killer or anything, but it made me wonder what else I should avoid doing so I don't come across as a d!ck on accident.

Thanks in advance!


  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    Bro it's a game , play however you want to have fun and as long as you're happy that's all that matters, the people who take this game too personal are the ones you want to avoid

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,178
    edited November 2020

    Ask 100 different forum members and you'll get 100 different answers for what is the "proper" etiquette in the game...

    For me, it is this:

    -Use whatever perks you want, if people don't like it, that sounds like a THEM problem, not a YOU problem

    -Don't teabag the killer or do the rapid clicky the flashlight. It's annoying and irksome and guarantees that you won't be getting mercy from me

    -Don't camp the hooks. It's super boring for both sides. Same with tunneling (where you only go after a single survivor and ignore all others, no matter the situation). You can certainly do both if you really want to but it's super boring.

    There are plenty others but those are the main ones

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited November 2020

    Generally tbagging (the crouch spamming), spamming loud noise notifications from fast actions and using a flashlight to clicky clicky at the killer is considered toxic by most people. It serves no game purpose other than to be annoying and try to make the killer angry.

  • XyoulamX
    XyoulamX Member Posts: 43

    All I can say is that you shouldn‘t be toxic, as in only trying to ruin the match for others. Other than that, play however you want.

  • Bigboi
    Bigboi Member Posts: 12

    Everyone has their own opinions on what exactly is trolling/salty in DBD but the most common things would be: tbagging, gesturing at the killer, clicking flashlight at the killer, hitting survivors on hook.

    A lot of people dont like when you keep going for the same survivor or if you stay near the hook too much but they cant both be perfectly valid strategies in certain situations.

    Keys and moris are also very unfair.

    I might have missed some stuff but I'm sure I got the big ones in there.

  • StibbityStabbity
    StibbityStabbity Member Posts: 1,839

    Mostly that.

    • Teabagging is considered rude. If you do it mid-match, don't be surprised if the Killer goes out of their way to say "Hi there".
    • Rapidly clicking your flashlight is seen as a way to get the Killers attention. Depending on that Killer, that attention might be with a smile or blood-shot eyes. It's not as rude, but it's clear to the Killer you want their attention and are up to something.
    • As a Killer, you generally don't want to "Camp" a hook. That is the act of staying near a hook to ensure that the victim doesn't get off said hook. It IS a viable way to play, but it is rather frowned upon and truthfully quite boring.
    • Similar to camping, "Tunneling" is when you focus on one person to down, hook, and remove from the game as fast as possible. Again, this IS a viable way to play, but it is considered no-fun and kinda rude. THAT SAID, this one gets a bit more of a pass because sometimes, it's simply not intentional. Many (though not all) Survivors understand that.

    Outside of those, you should mostly be fine. There are a few things that are considered "No Fun Allowed" mechanics, but those can't really be helped on account of the games missions and what have you, so they aren't that important.

    Also, it's worth pointing out that you can do ALL of these things and be fine. Being rude by using gameplay mechanics won't get you in trouble, and a few bruised egos won't get you kicked from the game. Play to have fun, don't take the game too seriously, and look out for Nea. She's a double agent.

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201

    Be a team player if you are selfish survivors will catch on and leave you hanging.

    Don't unhook with out caution when the killer has brought a mori. You can tell when the killer has a mori when the last dark offering pre trial does not turn over.

    Object of obsession and no mither will typically get everyone killed unless you are a expert looper with cat like reflexes. Killer and survivor will look at you like you're crazy if you are new and using these all Willy nilly.

  • freddymybae
    freddymybae Member Posts: 613

    lol its a game bro not irl

  • eff
    eff Member Posts: 154

    I don't think there is a proper etiquette (well, except for tbagging. Every normal person will tell you that it's bad to stand in exit gates and tbag), just please, don't be a jerk purposely. That's all, really. For any misunderstanding there is a chat to sort it out while being civil.

  • selflessnea
    selflessnea Member Posts: 565

    Just say gg in end game chat or messages

  • RocketPenguin
    RocketPenguin Member Posts: 374

    I always tbag your teammates since thats considered friendly, i wouldn't do it to the killer though unless you can tell hes a good sport or like something really funny/stupid happens.

  • JLew
    JLew Member Posts: 160

    Hes on console...there is no end game chat...just do not taunt the other side whether ur killer or survivor....taunting is all the above mentioned things everyone has said...tbagging, clicking, camping....killers can get away with a little more of doing things that are frowned upon because at higher ranks...playing as killer is much tougher than running around as a survivor.

  • Izy
    Izy Member Posts: 27
    edited November 2020

    Just to clear up some things.

    Camping a hook, means standing real close and watching it while doing nothing else. Patrolling nearby because you know someone is close, kicking gens is fair game. Running back to the hook when someone unhooks is fair game. You have to use your knowledge of where people are to your advantage when you can.

    Tunneling is when you purposefully chase the injured person who just got unhooked to hook them 3 times before you hook anyone else. If you try to chase others only for the unhooked person to cross your path from poor hiding skills/choices, they are totally fair game. I also think slugging them is a fair compromise to slow down survivors without outright punishing them.

    Trying too hard to play nice is a surefire way to lose. Survivors won't do you favors to repay your kindness. Only the really toxic players refuse to accept that you have conditions to fill to try and secure your win.

    Tunneling also becomes so somewhat permissible if you're down a bunch of gens. Guarding a hook is a strategy when all gens are done. Often players will get stupidly altruistic during end game collapse and you are allowed to punish it.

  • InsidousEqualWin
    InsidousEqualWin Member Posts: 36

    Just play how you want. Don't worry about peoples stupid feelings

  • Jyn_Mojito
    Jyn_Mojito Member Posts: 515

    One thing regarding t-bagging: Between survivors, its meaning becomes friendly. When you start the match and meet another survivor, it's not uncommon for them to quick double crouch as a form of greeting. Or after a healing, it can be used as a "thank-you".

    The other big one I didn't get right away: If you are the last Survivor and the Killer is carrying you, but hits stuff or turns in circles when you try to wiggle out. Not always, but many times this is a way for the Killer to say, "stop struggling", because they're trying to give you Hatch.

    Good luck! Just try to have fun.

  • quentinsimp
    quentinsimp Member Posts: 46

    People have already covered tbagging, so I won't mention it much, but a little "manners" thing to do is to crouch twice quickly after someone heals you, it's a little thank you.

    Also, if you're the last survivor and the killer picks you up, don't wiggle unless you're sure you can get out. If you wiggle, you're definitely not getting mercy. If you don't wiggle... You might have a generous killer who gives you hatch. All depends though.

    If you're on hook and there's only one other person left, and they're not coming to get you/standing somewhere gesturing, then that probably means they found hatch and want you to die on your hook asap. You don't have to, of course, but sometimes it's the best thing to do if they were a good teammate.

    If you get unhooked and the killer isn't nearby, let your teammate heal you under hook, or at least nearby. Don't run off half way across the map, it's annoying.

    If youre opening a chest and someone (especially an Ace) comes up to you and gestures for you to get off of it, it might be good to listen. The person might be running chest perks, and if they're an Ace that's very likely. They can get you a better item. Be wary though, they might just take the item for themselves, so it's a risk/reward type deal.

    IMPORTANT TIP: DO N O T unhook teammates while the killer is right up on them, wait a few seconds after they walk away to unhook if you can. Use borrowed time if you're going to make risky saves. Also, if the killer is coming back while you're unhooking, take a protection hit if you can afford to. Don't just run away and leave the person you unhooked in the dust to get hooked again.

    A VERY IMPORTANT TIP: 99% the exit gates instead of opening them!!!! Don't fully open the exit gates until everyone is at the gates, another gate is opened, or the killer is coming up on you. It gives your teammates less time to escape safely, make saves, and may bite you if the killer is using blood warden.

    That's about all! I know a lot of people will say that following these guidelines is stupid, you should just play how you like to play, but this is how I like to play and playing conscientiously like this has never hindered my enjoyment of the game, in fact, it's only enhanced it because it makes you come across as a good teammate.

  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528

    1.) Run whatever you want. Its your life.

    2.) Please at least make a conscious effort not to be an #########.(For example, if you think something is mean, dont do it.)

    3.) Don't message the opposing team "GGEZ". Its cocky and unnecessarily rude.

    4.) Don't do things that would purposely annoy you.

    5.) Have fun:D

  • carnage4u
    carnage4u Member Posts: 338

    As many has said, the way to enjoy this game is play in a way that you enjoy. No matter what you will do, it will annoy someone, so just ignore anyone that says you are doing something wrong, because your not.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,833
    edited November 2020

    Don't teabag the killer at pallets/exit gate. Killers see it as being cocky, plus it's rude. Don't rapidly flashlight click either. It's just annoying. Lastly, don't repeatedly fast vault to get the killer's attention. It's annoying. That's really about it for etiquette towards killers.

    Use whatever perks you like. It's all fair game.