Another Anti tunneling perk
After being unhooked you are instantly healed to a healthy health state and intangible to the killer for 160 seconds (the killer can't touch or hit you) or until all other living survivors have been hooked again. However during this time, all activities will be done at 1/8 / 1/4 / 1/2 of a charge and you can't rescue people off of hooks. Totems always take 80 seconds. Also, no interacting with pallets, sending sound notifications, aura reading perks do not work at all (either for or against), you can't see the killer either or flash light stuns. Doesn't work when gates are powered. I'm probably missing more ways to exploit this but we'll knock them down.
Viola. Tunneling gone. Gen speeds slowed. U can probably destroy at least 1 totem for free. Welcome to safe m1 simulator.
Sounds boring AF. Plus what the ######### am I supposed to do as killer if the exit gates are powered?
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Uh it doesn't work when gens are powered then.