Survivor BM

I'll make it as brief as I can. I considered this game flushed of intentional toxicity as of late. I've been playing with crossplay on, crossplay off, swf, solo, the whole enchilada. Generally i've been seeing a lot of fun games with equally skilled players, close shaves, and crucial decision making that makes the game as fun as it's ever been.

When I'm a survivor.

With the same restrictions to who i play with (or lack thereof), i have been seeing a massive, MASSIVE spike in BMing from the other side. As a (Rank 8) killer, I've had 1 game with ranks comically lower than me, 3 games with "actual" equal ranks (more on that in a sec), and the rest, about 15 give or take, have had 2 or more red ranks. Idk how many of them were swf, but i'd wager a majority of them have been.

As for the ranks similar to mine, 5 out of the 8 of them had smurfs (this was with crossplay turned off), and the remaining 3 were completely normal and respectable survivors. But dear god, the red ranks. They T-bag after every pallet, swarm a hooked survivor (if i can even manage that) while preparing to flame me for "camping" a survivor with all 3 others in view trying to bait me, run around and moonwalk at gate knowing i cant get them, flame me when i dont pick up the Laurie crawling towards me trying to DS, flame me when i cant get them, and even, when all 4 of them escape handily, flame me for playing an overpowered and terribly-designed-for-the-survivors-experience killer (deathslinger).

Genuinly what gives? I play as normal as possible, i dont go out of my way to tunnel or camp and just follow the first person i see, i dont guard gens like a prison warden, i dont nod my head wildly or hit on hook, hell they'll do all this before ive even theoreticly had a chance to bm.


Also just as a side note ive seen the "rank doesn't matter" argument so much and, as a killer, it does. If you go against a red rank team as a purple rank you will lose. if you go against purples as a green you will lose. if, as a survivor in red ranks, one member is a purple, yeah it doesnt. But, as a killer, if the one red rank always escapes, or if you do ######### against reds but good against whatever you are, then yeah, it matters. Plus i mean only reds say rank doesnt matter but thats beside the point.

So what are youre thoughts/exps? Blanket statements like "well ive been camped" "yeah survivors suck" and the basic counters aside, of course. These are just my experiences, i just feel theyre too unyielding for it to just be a series of bad matches.


  • ThePetDetective
    ThePetDetective Member Posts: 28

    near as i can tell my reply was deleted. in short, yeah, i only start to shift and play dirty when theyre clearly A: creaming me and B: bming. if its one or the other i tend to hold back just cause its a video game. hell, even my survivor friends have this same superior air about them vs killers. i just dont get it

  • tennmio
    tennmio Member Posts: 354

    Your statement is understandable, but like that not helpful. At least not in terms of reducing unfair, selfish, toxic and anti-social behavior. And I think that should be the goal. Some people have low emotional intelligence, some lack the basic human skill of anticipating what their behavior causes in others, some never learnt that they should treat others the same way they’d like to be treated, and others even lack the intelligence to realize that their behavior is not ok, because they don’t have self-reflection and/or empathy.

    Nowadays our society often looks the other way for many reasons. That is why some of them got the impression that they could afford anything without being condemned and ostracized by society. This misjudgment manifests itself in anti-social behavior, especially on the Internet or in games. Because in these social spaces, due to the anonymity, they can more easily distance themselves from morality, norms and values, as well as their behavior from themselves and the demands on themselves. Because of this, it is easier for them to dehumanize other people, which in turn facilitates their anti-social behavior. We should make it clear to these people that they are wrong. 

    I am not saying that such behavior should not be punished, but I think it is more important to point out, to condemn and name it.

  • DecisiveDwight
    DecisiveDwight Member Posts: 593

    Totally understand your issue man I was recently tasked with getting 4 kills with spirit who I never actually play so figured yea since it's now skill locked I should do this easily but oh no in come the red ranks that trolled, t bagged, clicked and blinded me at every turn as well as being gen rushed it generally ruins the game but I don't see how they can lock killer switching if as a spirit who has been played once and all survivors escaped I then went up against this kind of team

  • Rhymewriter
    Rhymewriter Member Posts: 37

    Ghost face can bm in response.

    I've been climbing from reset and also absence and I get games at rank 12ish with rank 1s in it. But I've seen a large down tick in bming honestly. But I've been running pig and I've had a great time.

  • AlexisFox
    AlexisFox Member Posts: 127

    Firstly, holy hell that was not brief. Now to respond to the actual post, 'toxicity' is nothing more than people on the internet popping off with having a good time. Don't be a special snowflake about it and realize that it's not personal, it's not even directed at you specifically. If someone tbags at a pallet that's a GOOD thing for a killer not a bad thing. It means you don't have to spend nearly as much time catching up to them because they are staying RIGHT THERE WAITING FOR YOU. Why complain about a player doing something that's a meme when it HELPS you.

    Flaming in aftergame chat, they're just words. Random people you don't know just flapping their gums because they can. Why do you care? So what if Joe Blow from Watoosy says that you're playing an unfair killer. You paid for the game, you paid for the dlc that includes that killer, you earned the perk, power addons, and offerings you're bringing into the match. You have just as much right as he does to enjoy your purchase and if you enjoy playing that killer with the load out you chose then his opinion is exactly that, HIS OPINION, and we all know what opinions are like. Rear ends... everyone has one and they all stink. So if he doesn't have anything good to say, laugh at him for taking a video game so seriously and move on.

    Now matchmaking. You will NEVER be able to ONLY have people in your rank color. So drop that mentality. The difference in player skill between the ranks doesn't even have anything to do with the ranks themselves. It has to do with the amount of experience the players have and how well they learn from that experience. Ranks do NOT gauge this. Anyone that grinds the game can get to red ranks playing like trash. Anyone can stop ranking up at any rank they want. This is why ranks are meaningless. SWF or solo players is also irrelevant. It doesn't matter if people are playing SWF with comms on discord or if they are playing with strangers with no comms. To put it bluntly the game gives players so many ways to get information you literally do NOT need comms to know what is going on. All you need are players that are willing to work together and they will look like the dreaded SWF even if they aren't. A SWF team that doesn't work together will also look like a bunch of randos. It's not about the SWF or Solo, it's about the individuals playing and how they work together.

    In the end the game is what you decide to make of it. What you let get to you, and how you decide to handle what is presented to you. No one other than yourself can affect how you decide to react to the game.

  • NaturalHurdle70
    NaturalHurdle70 Member Posts: 41

    I agree with most things and if all well rounded player with killer - you can do them things- It’s been Too much competition like it’s madden. If that’s gonna be the case they need to make competitive PERKs for everyone. Ghost face is the worst killer to face👺

  • Dead_By_Noed
    Dead_By_Noed Member Posts: 1

    Can we as a community just play the game and not complain for once?

    Probably not.

  • SecretlyBaked
    SecretlyBaked Member Posts: 1

    I've noticed ever since I hit rank 5 survivor on Ps4 (crossplay on) I've gotten nothing but red ranks as teammates and killers. Very difficult getting to red but I like a challenge. Some games are better than others, need to take it all with a grain of salt. When it's late at night I get all ranks and colors haha.

    And is it fun when I get put up against a rank 1 killer when I've only been playing for maybe a month? No not at all but it's all a learning experience. This goes for anything in life. You can learn things from bad situations if you know how to help yourself and not dig into the drama.

    When I do play killer and I happen to pick ghostface, if the survivors start t bagging I t bag with them. Because at the end of the day it's just a game. Play it or don't play it. I don't like seeing people go though because this is a slowly dieing game

  • shiffpup2
    shiffpup2 Member Posts: 131

    I got a red and purple rank survivor in the same match, as a rank 15 killer. These people are pathetic, and ruin the game for those of us who actually deserve our wins.

  • vKishiBatv
    vKishiBatv Member Posts: 20
    edited November 2020

    Rank 5+ on Xbox One

    I dont normally run in to much toxicity, MUCH.. I'll have the occasional TBagMcGee or the "I'm Over Here" flashlight clicker but nothing really over the top..

    As Killer, TBaggers are dealt with.. Promptly.. By a face/proxy camp.. and a HARD tunnel..

    As Survivor, its a common form of communication.. "Hello" "I see you" or my favorite "Hatch is here".. I don't make it a point to tbag killers unless I'm at the exit gate and they deserve it..

  • DaFireSquirtle
    DaFireSquirtle Member Posts: 188

    I agree with you on this. It's like when I'm playing swf I see a lot of people getting really cocky and toxic. I'll say the killer is just trying to have fun to but truth is survivors don't care if the killers are having fun. If you play survivor and you do care then good on you I hope to finally meet someone like you in a match but basically every game I play against swfs it's toxic survivors. Spamming flashlights clicks, teabagging etc..If I'm beaten by a good team without keys I'm happy heck even it it's a swf. But it's when they go out of their way to make the game less fun. Personally I think they should implement something like if a player crouches rapidly in succession they get the exhausted status effect for some time as a penalty. I think that would be a very fair mechanic. Wouldn't solve the problem but it would make it less appealing. What do you guys think?

  • gatsby
    gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

    Honestly, sometimes holding M1 gets boring. Interaction with the Killer is usually the most exciting gameplay (if you’re a halfway decent looper).

    I think Survivors BM because they want to have fun. Making the Killer angry and going on super high stakes chases knowing the Killer is absolutely fuming is kind of a major ego trip ngl

  • Chechia
    Chechia Member Posts: 234

    You will never make it right for the people in this game.

    I had a game as nurse, on Lery's. where I killed everyone before even one gen was done. I didn't tunnel, I slugged the person with DS to give them another chance, I actively ignored survivors that were recently on the hook and tried to go for a new target even when they were right around the courner. But still...guess what: I am a tryhard.

    There are so many pathetic crybabies in this game, unlike everything I have ever seen before.

    But tbh I don't really mind the teabaggers and clicky clicky's. There are usual the ones that go down in under 10 second and then rage quit. Enhances my amusement.

    Still...this community needs some serious improvement. More understanding for both sides and less broken egos.

    And yeah. Rank do matter, at least for killers. You need to actually kill people to rank up while as a survivor you can never interact with the killer and even die and perform great.

    I don't want to say that playing survivor is easy mode because it takes skill to loop properly but eventually you have figured out how that works and you can loop most killers very well across the whole entire map. That and the fact that there are so many second chance perks gives many people the felling of being superior t the other side. That feeds a broken ego that doesn't have a successfull life or is frustrated for whatever reasons and gives them a good opportunity to bully their opponent.

    As I said: babies and we have a lot of them in this game. On both sides ofc, but everyone who plays both sides knows that there are more toxic survivors than killers.

  • SpookyPumpkinPiez
    SpookyPumpkinPiez Member Posts: 278

    In my 1200 hours of playing, I've noticed red ranks are by far the most toxic. I'm a survivor main, and they're always the ones who say horrible and rude things to both their teammates and the killer. I've been in and out of red ranks for the last year, and I want to get back to green ranks. Turns out, most survivors will give you death threats for being a Blendette and getting the most points. I've been up against red ranks when I was a rank 14 killer, and those red ranks are the ones who tell me to "get gud" and that I'm trash. Yellow ranks tend to say positive things in my experience, like tell you it was a fun match and everyone did a great job. Maybe other people have different experiences, but that's just the pattern I've seen

  • eff
    eff Member Posts: 154

    As a survivor, if I see someone doing this to killer, I just expose their location to the killer every chance I get. Idc about this jerk, I wanna see them dead on the hook 😌

  • PulmonaryRex
    PulmonaryRex Member Posts: 15

    New player and I'm lucky if I get 2 kills at rank 18. Even then I was told I was tunneling. Like, I saw you and killed you... isn't that my job? I have issues with my hands that make playing the game difficult but I kind of wish I could play well enough to get some heat from the survivors other than "u suck ez bb killer". Its whatever. I may get better and I may not but at the end of the day, I play the game or I don't. I like the idea of the game but match making seems busted and it is tough on new players. Sorry if I thread jacked.

  • Jacoby2041
    Jacoby2041 Member Posts: 843

    This game is the reason my steam profile is private

  • DaFireSquirtle
    DaFireSquirtle Member Posts: 188

    I do the same. If for example some guys been clearly toxic all game and I can save them I'll just leave. I've been where the killers been and it's one of the worst experiences in the game. That and falling through the damn map lol.

  • boopthepigsnoot
    boopthepigsnoot Member Posts: 5

    As a killer, you CAN win against Red Rank Survs. Maybe that's just console red ranks for me, but they're really bad a lot of the time. The perfect thing you can do is just, play someone unexpected. Play Pig, Bubba etc. The ones nobody plays. And get REALLY good with them. Survs don't have any idea how to counter a Pig. Because nobody really plays pig.

    Anyway lol, I can understand what you're coming from. Red Ranks like to t-bag, so you just have to learn that being nice really gets you nothing. I use this mantra. T-Bag = I will end you and your extended family, no mercy.

  • Zeromadcoil
    Zeromadcoil Member Posts: 4

    People like this are the real problem. Giving toxic players the go ahead on their behavior just beeeds more toxicity. Eventually the toxic players will cause the mass exodus of non-toxic and casual players causing the games, ANY online games, untimely death. Throw blame at the people who disapprove of this behavior if you want, it doesn't change facts that having fun is one thing. Being toxic is something completely different and its unacceptable.

  • Killbutton
    Killbutton Member Posts: 87

    Yeah, for me he lost credibility the moment he used the term 'snowflake' in real conversation.

    Also, yes, people shrugging and saying, 'that's just how things are' fixes nothing. So what if the effort doesn't fix anything- at least try!

  • PulmonaryRex
    PulmonaryRex Member Posts: 15

    Offtopic; I like Ghostface as well. Only level 30 with him but I find myself getting constantly knocked out of Night Shroud even when crouched or leaning and stalking. I know, "practice, git gud". Seriously, something seems a bit off or else I am totally playing Ghosty Boy incorrectly, which is a definite possibility. If you happen to be on Xbox and wanna run some customs just for practice I am more than willing.

  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528

    Rank doesnt equal skill, or at least not for survivors. Its too easy to rank up with survivors, and also certain killers.

  • WindyCityBum
    WindyCityBum Member Posts: 18

    I've been playing the game for about 550 hours as mainly killer but I'm red ranks in both killer and survivor.

    I'll definitely say that it takes some time to before you can be comfortable in red rank lobbies. In the beginning? It was impossible to me to be a red rank killer. Now? I can get there without perks or addons on CERTAIN killers (I'm still learning a lot!).

    My question to you; how many hours do you have? How often do you play a particular killer? Do you practice without addons and perks?

    I played about 10 games today and only had 1 sweat squad and 1 game where people were salty. The rest were fun with various degrees of success (no kills to 4ks).

    Hope you have better games :)