MMR, is it bad?

I see a lot of people vying for it to remain off but in all honesty I think it's necessary. Consider the fact that without it currently, the more you play the game, the more the game considers you to be good, regardless of whether you improve. If you do improve but don't play often or play as killer in kill your friends, you'll be a high skill killer in a low rank setting.

I think people are looking at it as a situation in which everyone is set to 0 so everyone has an equal chance of running into bad matches where they are either too skilled for the other or underprepared. The issue though is kind of clear. Some killers are practically absent from the game whilst some make major appearances, while this does have to do with their ability it also has to do with player confidence. I can play Hag fairly well, I don't play her much as I find other killers more satisfying but I can play her well. Despite this, she never appears.

On the other hand I refuse to play Nurse, she's a difficult killer to get into and the fear of constantly losing with 0 hooks is a turn-off of the character, someone I'd like to get to know but someone I don't want to hate the entire time I play with her. Getting set to 0 means I'll go against players that are better than me but I can take confidence in knowing that it won't be permanent. That I can count on, after 10 matches, to not suffer and that will motivate me to play at least 10 matches in order to place with people of the same skill as me.

I don't claim to be a great killer, I'm barely mediocre but I find that even when I'm okay with a killer such as Wraith, Ghostface, or Trapper. I still find that I get nervous and tend to avoid playing killer once I reach green ranks. Sure it's more of a personal thing but I feel like my fear of failure can be laid to rest with an MMR system.

I don't see a lot of good arguments against it other than that people don't want to hurt new players. Some tough love is necessary but it'll be better for everyone once it gets going. I think if nothing else though, new players will have to have the MMR system explained to them in the tutorial. It'll be great to hide the MMR but it will be unfortunate if new players misunderstand the MMR system and assume they will get nothing but good players until they play 10 matches against that killer.

I think the best solution is to explain that there is an MMR system and to attempt to pair survivors off with killers they've faced more recently. Suppose a new player goes up against the Blight, Nurse, and Myers. To start off they would try to get these three more often than not to set the groundwork for how the game works as well as to ensure at least a small group of killers are adapted to their skill level, and slowly integrate more killers over time. In essence, the new survivor would face these three with a little diversity to speed things up, until they place with Blights, Nurses, and Myers their skill level. Then this process could be repeated again, perhaps the first three diversity killers, let's say Wraith, Billy, and Ghostface are the next three up for grabs so that after this, the new player can reliably count on facing off with six killers their level. After this regular matchmaking would occur and they'd face killers randomly until they reach their skill level with all killers.


  • notlonely
    notlonely Member Posts: 391

    As Survivor I've had barely any issues with Killers, but I have gotten paired with potato brained teammates waaayyy too much.

    As Killer, however, I've had many matches where I'm paired with 2-3 red ranks (I'm rank 8) and I get teabagged a ton, not to mention flashlight clicking and toxicity in post game chat after I get 2 kills only thanks to NOED.

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    A better matchmaking system has long been requested for DBD. The game currently balances matches by rank, but even the devs themselves admitted that rank doesn't always indicate skill which is why you can sometimes see a rank 17 with maxed out perks from other survivors and/or killers.

    The DBD audience also wants a practice mode, because currently the only way to test out new killers or new mechanics is to compete which can make learning difficult Killers like the nurse or deathslinger almost impossible. And if we're never going to see a practice mode, then we need an adequate matchmaking system.

  • troy99
    troy99 Member Posts: 45

    When i was a purple rank survivor, i was constantly matching up with a rank 1 killer. I'm currently a green rank killer and all i get is 4 red rank swf survivors. I can't get killer matches at day and can't get survivor matches at night so when i DO play killer once, i usually just play fair and survivors start to tbag the ######### out of me just to be #########.

    For me there's no point of playing killer since even facecamping or tunneling doesn't get me pipped.

  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    That's what they said. So the MMR system was introduced. It was horrible.

    I played killer, put on my best perks and ad ons prepared for a sweaty game vs swf.

    Ended up w a mix bag of 1 red rank 1 green and a bunch of potatoes.

    I dominated the game so bad I felt bad playing the game. I tried to let the potato Dwight go, but I got furstrated and impatient so I just hooked him and called it a day.

    Most of my games was like this. I stopped using add ons and started to put meme perks and the whole MMR thing was a joke.

    I don't want to play w rank 20s regardless of what the system thinks their skills are.

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,064

    I'm not sure if MMR is bad, in and of itself, but the problem is that the one time it was implemented in-game, it not only failed to do what it was supposed to, but did exactly the opposite and exacerbated the very problems it was created to prevent. As others have mentioned, there were matches with very obvious skill mis-matches, and not just from rank, which, in theory, would happen if you were a different rank than your skill level, but the actual gameplay of the sides themselves was obviously mismatched. Rank 20 killers with only a single perk to their name going up against red-rank level teams, or vice versa, that kind of thing.

    MMR may yet have a place in DBD, but if it is going to have it the developers need to implement it far better than they did previously.

  • Mercês
    Mercês Member Posts: 376

    This is not necessary. The current MMR system and matchmaking algorithm just sucks. BHVR recuses to implement a Glicko-2 based MMR system that every serious competitive game uses and keep matching Rank 1 players with Rank 20 players somehow. (!?)

    I feel they're procrastinating over this problem now that they failed the previous matchmaking rework. Looks like they don't care enough to see it as an urgent problem and are dumb enough to KEEP BALANCING A GAME AROUND UNBALANCED MATCHES. Still, I'm still getting sh*t like this.

  • MMR is the single and absolute worst problem surrounding the entire game.

    So it's pretty bad yeah.

  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    Becuz the devs can barely make the game even playable, let alone asking for better match making is too much to ask.

    It's either play what u get, or don't play at all.