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Am i the only killer out there that~

~keeps getting survivors who message you after dying complaining and pointing the "tunneling" finger when you aren't?

Im a Legion main, i rush, stab, and end the chase with a basic attack on whoever i last hit in the stab chain for the rush. I try to end chases quicker for bonus points. I ignore damaging gens and palettes till after i secure a chase vic in a hook. I then break/damage, then rush out of zone to a distant gen. Half the time if its a team they'll send one or 2 to unhook and keep someone on gens. So i cover more ground and keep two sides of the map under pressure as much as i can.

This guys friend unhooked him right after he got hooked while I was breaking and damaging. So when he dies in the first 2 minutes of the game he messages me which of course I ignore till after the match. It was a fun match, they did pretty good.

Lets just say this guy is enjoying a comm ban lmao. And i hate reporting messages.

Also figured I'd state not posting to complain either, not my tone. I simply found it hilarious and figured I'd share.


  • SalemTheCat
    SalemTheCat Member Posts: 13

    You're not alone. Best feature this game have is the option to hide chat lol.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,131

    I turned off messages and friend requests on PS4 because as funny as this can be it gets old.

    I had a match as Pig where I think I 3-hooked everyone. The first person did not die until everyone was on death hook. I got a message after that match complaining about tunneling and slugging (they ran in front of me with their little helmets on, I was nice enough not to put them back on the hook but eff you, you guys don't get free passes for being idiots). I asked them how I could've tunneled them when everyone was on death hook, but they never answered.

    I'm so glad there's no post-match chat on PS4. I like knowing that my opposition has no option but to keep all their rage about how everything wrong is my fault to themselves.

  • shane32
    shane32 Member Posts: 383

    Ya just turn it off i got sick of the messages.

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,725
  • SalemTheCat
    SalemTheCat Member Posts: 13

    On PC, there is an icon ">>" in the chat logo. Click that and it hide the chat log.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,164

    Every killer gets those messages, regardless of whether you hooked or tunneled, you get angry messages about you hooking or tunneling.

    I just send them a Thumbs Up because they either don't speak again or they speak a LOT and that entertains me

  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    I get accused of tunnelling all the time. I have to upload my gameplay video for the survivors to see it from my point of view. Just to admit to me that I did nothing wrong.

    It's a bit much but, survivors are... Well... Just going to be survivors.

  • GamerGirlFeng
    GamerGirlFeng Member Posts: 277

    He died within the first two minutes of the game? Yikes. Some people actually want to play.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Nah same here as well. DBD is the only multiplayer game I turn messages off for, and only for killer. And I generally go out of my way to not tunnel etc

  • APoipleTurtle
    APoipleTurtle Member Posts: 1,274

    I had messages disabled on Xbox for quite a while when I finally got tired of the near-constant word vomit I was seeing from salty survivor players (whether I was the killer or one of their own teammates). To date, DbD is the only game where toxic speech was frequent enough and bad enough that I felt the need to do this.

    These days, I've found that the best method is always to either ignore the message entirely or simply respond with a "GG" and walk away (usually blocking them so they can't continue being a disturbance). Angry people tend to act foolish, and only a fool argues with a fool.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,279

    I once had a survivor claiming I tunneled him when he was the last survivor alive and I found him opening the exit gate...

  • 0rochii
    0rochii Member Posts: 4

    I couldnt ignore the messages. They are too funny to respond.

    Had one guy mad at my friend on RDR2, so after spamming him my friend said sinply 'stfu' and got comm banned.

    Then the little creep stalked my friends account and found his name. Guess whobhe was on facebook and found a photo of a recently deceased friend of ours that shot himself and decided to talk trash about him.

    His gamertag is CAPNSWAYZJONES

    Which also happened to be linked to an account on body builder dot com (not tryna link the site)

    Eventually off that found his facebook, got his address, phone number, previous criminal charges, and proceeded to send him pictures of his family from different phone numbers.

    I dont go this far unless someone deserves it. But bottomline, ignoring hatemail to me is boring. Hiddem where it hurts lmfao.

    Anyways main point i was making is Thats the worst ive dealt with. Is rdr2 and sea of thieves. I prolly would more on dbd but i always seem to get pc survivors so its rare to get a message from one lmao.

  • 0rochii
    0rochii Member Posts: 4

    Lmao Ikr. Not sure why his friend ruined it for him that quickly. But he should blame him, not me. Ive had this happen to me plenty and a survivor needs unhooks so they don't care and they will unhook me over and over in front of the killer till im dead. First 5 minutes. It definitely blows, but i don't blame the killer in that case lmao.