Didn't They Make Changes To Spirit?

They fixed a bug with her, that's all they did
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They did make some changes to the spirit throughout the years. Which one are you specifically talking about?
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Her vaping/teleporting, it's nearly impossible to avoid. Maybe it's just a console issue, I don't know.
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There are a few counters to it. You can walk instead of run since she is unable to actually see you, you can run Spine Chill to see if she is looking at you or Iron Will to make it harder for her to hear you(both are solid perks by their own right anyways, so are worth running in general) she also cannot pass through windows in phase, so slow vaulting over one can make a huge difference, along with predropping a pallet before slow vaulting back over it
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As a Killer Main, I can tell you that many survivors are REALLY proficient at eluding The Spirit in chases. For newer players, she does seem fairly impossible, however she has weaknesses that can be exploited and mindgamed around, as with all killers. As she cannot see you while in her "Haunting" ability, you can use things such as scratchmarks or your own blood trail to get her leaning one way, while you double back and head off somewhere else. It takes practice, same with avoiding Billy's saw or Demo's shred. :)
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Hmm red ranks, with iron will and spine chill u should be fine. If u play against her without iron will ur fu***d. Also avoid some main building there the floor have a very sensible sounds, and even crouch or walking can be easy detectable.
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and then 95% of the spirits I play against run stridor and therefore walking slowly doesn't matter because you're crying and breathing loudly, it counters iron will, and spine chill is a counter? lol.
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her what?
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And if the Spirit uses Stridor, neither walking nor Iron Will help. And most Spirits use Stridor.
You basically HAVE to have Iron Will in order to have a chance and you have to HOPE that she does not have Stridor. Of course everything when Spirit is semi-decent, a really bad Spirit will not win anything with Stridor (even tho it becomes pretty easy then).
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It's easier for literally any killer to find you when you're injured. News Flash: it's not a good idea to spend the whole game bleeding all over the floor. Try to stay healthy as long as possible, it is FAR harder for a spirit to track a healthy survivor. Spine Chill is also a very real counter, as it procs from the Spirit's real position rather than her husk. Therefore if the spirit is on the other side of the pallet and Spine Chill turns off, she is probably phasing around to hit you and you should SLOW vault over the pallet. If Spine Chill stays on, she's just standing still and has zero map pressure.
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Easy..you can still abuse her collision and strider screws her distance gauging which is why I avoid it
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it's literally the speed that she moves which is what matters, as a killer main you should know this, any other killer you have a chance to get to a loop, spirits speed stops this, not to mention if she starts phasing while behind a corner and she still hears you it doesn't matter how easy it is for other killers because she's on you fast.
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You aren't supposed to run when Spirit is phasing, she sees your scratches and can easily track you. A better choice is to walk back over your scratches to make her miss. This is much easier since BHVR nerfed her to not have collision with survivors while in phase
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and the walking doesn't matter if she's running stridor which almost ever spirit I play against is running, walking is useless, running is useless, especially if you're injured.
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Again, Stridor only increases your injured grunts when you are INJURED. Stay healthy as long as possible and delay the spirit as long as possible. DbD is not a 1v1 game, it is a 1v4 game, and everybody can be hooked twice. You should be aiming to delay the killer until they give up, not escaping the chase. Escaping is just a bonus.
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This, I know I'm playing against a Spirit if the first hit happens literally 6 to 8 seconds before the down.
Also, that walk back over your marks method will literally only work against a week one Spirit (repsonding to the other post not yours DW). That's terrible advice against any good Spirit. The majority of long time Spirit players play with their volume so jacked up that they'll hear your footsteps even with Iron Will and no Stridor. And a good Spirit won't keep phasing if the scratch marks stop. They'll immediately stop and continue the chase while their power regens in 6 seconds.
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Maybe read the perk description, it makes breathing louder as well, so it really doesn't matter whether you're injured or not, you can still hear the survivor.
Just don't get hit by the killer that is absolutely zooming.