Camp or do Generators

I usually play killer and look at it like a dnd game where I run the action. I choose to play fair and try to get to all players, not camping hooked players. Not going right back after an unhooked player. Trying to spread the Hysteria. The downside is the 10's an under think it is a race to do generators an leave the unhooking to other people. Now you might get one hooked kill at this approach.

Now an unfair advantage they say you suck, you don't know what your doing, etc.

Well then you camp them and it is the same #########. You don't know how to play. You camped me. I must be that much a threat to you. Are these scumbags ever happy or are they still on the tit at mom n dad's house in the basement playing tug of war with cyclops?


  • selflessnea
    selflessnea Member Posts: 565

    Rule 1 : some survivors/killers are never happy if they didn't "win".

    Rule 2: play how you want to play. Everyone's playstyle is a little different. Enjoy the game you payed for by playing how you want to play.

    Rule 3: if someone wants to complain tell them gg and kill them with kindness and facts 😈

  • DFP
    DFP Member Posts: 156

    In short, no, they are never pleased. XD

    You're damned either way as the killer.

    The ever-present survivor handbook for killers states that if we are on the map, we must be tunneling, camping, slugging, or all of the above due to our mere presence in the game.

    Best just to play as you are, on your own honor system, and let em scream into the void Quazzi, reasoning with them is rarely fruitful and you'll just drive yourself mad trying to bring yourself down to that level.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,363

    I typically just say GG and leave it at that. If someone wants to write a book in the endgame chat...they can talk to themselves, lol.