Chapter 18 draw your bets!

With the Ptb coming out tomorrow and the trailer maybe coming out today. What are ya'll final, thoughts speculations, or ideas of what the next killer is going to be?
Curse Rotted Greatwood lol
I genuinely have no idea. All I want is for them to release the actual trailer BEFORE the ptb. Build up some hype rather than just make the killer feel lackluster.
For me Deathslinger felt meh due to no trailer before ptb. Blight felt meh but was ok due to the fact we already had information about him before the ptb. Oni and Pyramid Head had trailers before the ptb and they got a lot of hype before we even played them. Those chapters felt 10x better because of it.
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I'm hopin the PTB will come out tommorow, but the actual trailer won't come out for weeks, at least if it's an original killer. Normally, the trailers come out around the time it goes live, at least with Blight it did. I could be wrong though. Don't know who it is, probably some bestial, feral type killer.
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We get the trailer a day before the release?
creature-like Original killer is my guess
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I'm placing bets on a non licensed killer that's inspired by Wendigos. If it's Until Dawn Wendigos that would also be cool, but I think its gotta be some sort of Wendigo.
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Agreed, I think it's probably a Wendigo of some sorts but not from Until Dawn. I didn't like their take on the creature, it wasn't entirely accurate to actual depictions of the Wendigo, it looked more like Golem or Rakes' cousin
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It may not be the Wendigo but we know its a creature of sorts
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Anyone Else?
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I honestly have no idea. I'm excited for another female killer tho, ngl. A werewolf would be cool. You could transform from human to wolf through out the match.
I always look forward to the 6 new perks the most. Here's hoping we at least get a couple fairly strong ones!
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Paulie Esther had some interesting concepts on chapter 18. He mentioned several ideas/theories, but he didn’t include Supernatural tho... while I don’t think chapter 18 will be Supernatural, that’s what I’m hoping for.
Here’s Paulie’s video:
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Yeah, I got a skinwalker vibe if anything
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I'd be sitting on the toilet shitting myself from seeing that
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It felt a skinwalker then a Wendigo, however skinwalkers are technically werewolves, in fact they can turn into anthropomorphic creatures like bears, Wild cats, coyotes, and wolves. If it is a Wendigo I want them to take the folk lore seriously.
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I’m confident it will be this.
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Original crawler killer
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Hope this killer acts differently from the rest. I like the fact Nurse, Plague, Pig and Pyramid Head changes up the gameplay a bit.
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The Harpy. They're a flying killer who ambushes their prey.
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Never considered that, maybe who knows until tommorow
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I get this strange feeling the new Killer is gonna be Legion but worse.
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Lets hope not!
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Here are my predictions: it will be an original killer. Female, 115% ms, with some kind of stance change like old Doc or Pig’s crouch.
Whatever it is I hope it has some interesting lore and cool perks. :D
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Did I win?
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Congratulations You win.... IDK was I suppose to give a prize?
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Don’t worry about it. You can just PayPal me over some cash. £500 should suffice. ;)
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I just hope is a spirit v2😂
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Mummy spirt or Mr Freeze
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I want it to be Until Dawn just because I want Sam as a survivor, with a set of her in the towel running away from the killer and hitting them with a ######### baseball bat, or Emily because we stan, or any of them tbh. I don't care for the killer if it's Until Dawn, because all I really want is to be able to play as the Until Dawn cast in DBD.
So I'm not getting my hopes up but I sure know my wants.
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I personally don't care what comes in, but it's still fun to make predictions! I think it's going to be an original wendigo, not the until dawn one, because the arm is to short, and they never make a teaser for licensed killers since the pig.
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The killer is gonna be yet another laughable power-gauge laughing stock. Mark my words. :)
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New killer: Spirit's mother
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Yeah damn that, Spirit was terrifying already
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Yeah even Oni is afraid of her
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I hope it's original but if it is licensed, until dawn is where I'm putting my chips. I can hope, can't I?
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I'm going for the Rake.
It ticks all the boxes, the design, the voice, the quote from the tweet.
It would also explain the lack of trademark and why the killer can be seemingly purchased with shards, as the Rake is public domain.
It just seems like everything lines up. But an OC is entirely possible.
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It does feel like its a rake, b
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i don't know about the killer but i have a sinking suspicion that we are getting a new ormond map along with the graphic update
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Assuming the killer is original, I think the next killer is going to look like a Spirit and Hag hybrid. Most likely based off of a Wendigo. Though I do have a dreading feeling that this is going to be another "I run fast!" killer.
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I think it’s a banshee.
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I thought that too for a while,
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It doesn't look like it's going to be a killer from a movie, so who cares.
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Well we got PH so it could come from a game, besides whats the difference if it came from a movie, show or game?
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The Banshee
idk, sounds good to me
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well I don't know but we all know it female how it sounds.
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I don't know why we have to, but okay.
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That would certainly explain the hand coming up from the ground?
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I can't confirm it myself, but I've actually been hearing that Until Dawn has one of the more accurate depictions of Wendigos. Apparently the devs spoke with actual natives to get an accurate picture, but again I haven't looked into it myself but maybe you would be interested.
As for what I think about what the killer is, I don't have any idea. Judging by the teaser, it would seem to be female, feral sounding, crawls on all fours, sounds as if its moving faster than 115% based on the audio, and can hit while crawling/at the end of crawling.
So if I had to guess, the killer will have some sort of combination of mobility and stealth, as well as whatever unique mechanic was drawn up for their power if any.
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Oh did the devs actually do that? huh I gotta look that up
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In my eyes you most definitely did! I thought the exact same thing with "draw" your bets😂🤣
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I never seen Deathslingers chains coming up off the ground from his teaser.
They're meant to be misleading. They could swoop, scurry, then ends with a claw swipe as part of their attack.
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I'm going to say Original Killer, either a Witch or a Banshee. I am hyped though!
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The killer is greg