Let's Talk About Franklin's Demise

As a Killer Main, I've been having some fun running this perk on Freddy and other killers NOT named Bubba. It seems like no one expects it and I'm getting some interesting and, imo, fun game play out of it. When I'm on survivor, however, I'm not seeing it too often (again, on anyone not named Bubba) so I can't really relate to what I'm seeing as a killer.

Recently, I have played a number of matches where Franklin's played a huge role in me getting a 3 or 4k. The most poignant example was this poor Yui who just HAD to have that lunchbox. She abandoned trying to get away from me in order to go back and make a play for it after the first hit, so getting that second hit and a hook was super easy. I found someone else and was just plopping them on the hook when she got rescued. I went down there (we were on The Game) to see about finding her savior when, lo and behold, there was Yui trying to get to her lunch box. She points at me, tea bags, and points again before picking up her lunch box, which she promptly loses when I hit her again. Long story short, she gets hooked again, I chase someone who was down there, hook them, and get a notification of the Yui being saved. I figure, there's no way she goes back for the med kit but decided, hey, why not check any way? Sure enough, there she is, making a run for it again. Easy sacrifice.

In other matches, I've literally seen things like a Dwight immediately doubling back in the middle of a chase to try for the flashlight he just dropped. Or the Meg who stunned me with a pallet, took a hit and dropped her Key, then proceeded to climb back over the pallet in order to try to snatch the key. Slap, down, hook. Less dramatic are the cases where people hesitate and look for a second before continuing to run away and more toxic are the 14 players so far who either suicide on hooks or DC because of Franklin's and message me about it. Here's a quote: "Franklin? Really? You are trash, your family is trash, plz uninstall."

What do you guys think? Where does the community stand on this perk?

I've been enjoying creating a little bit of a wrinkle in certain games that changes up how some of the chases go once people realize I am running it. I also like seeing those maps, keys, and flashlights hit the turf. Are any other killers out there running it? As a survivor, how do you feel about the perk?



  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,467

    I disagree, when you get a survivor team that all come in with flashlights and tool boxes. I say take them away any way you can, less I say about keys the better

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    I honestly love this perk. I've actually created dramas from it unintentionally. Had a team where one of them brought a Key. I smacked said keyholder and a fellow teammate stole it from the ground. For some weird reason, the survivor who lost the key became very angry about this and did everything in their power to get the thief killed. Endgame chat was histerical as they all began arguing over this single key that was stolen.

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    I don’t use Demise as I feel it’s a wasted perk slot for better substitute that a would be more beneficial to my match in other areas.

    Surviving, I really don’t mind killer’s bringing Franklin’s for the same reason, it wastes a perk slot. I’m always cautious of wether or not they have it, and usually end up hiding my item somewhere so it won’t get demised, and playing around the perk.

    On the other end, as you enjoy watching the items drop; I find it amusing watching a team bringing in broken keys and useless brown toolboxes to coax the killer into switching up their build just to demise worthless items no one had any use for anyway. Possibly pleasurable for the killer as well, until they (hopefully) get a good laugh out of it after match when they see what their freshly confiscated bounty consists of.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    Completely removing the item from the match is bogus. The most expensive survivor item runs at 19,000 BP (skeleton key with two purple add-ons). And a killer can just take that away with a hit due to a perk?

    I want the old effect back (maybe with slightly stronger values), and for the Entity to simply block the item for a decent duration. It would still allow a killer to deny the item and continue a chase, while allowing a survivor to eventually go back for it.

    Franklin's flashlight didn't just disappear into thin air...

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,384

    Personally I think it's a pretty bad perk that heavily relies on survivors caring enough about the item they brought in to attempt to get it back.

    That said I do like to run Mad Grit/Agitation on Demo because I just think it's funny flailing at survivors while carrying someone. But I put Franklin's on that build and got some free downs while carrying a survivor because they tried to pick up the item in front of me.

  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171
    edited November 2020

    I miss the old version's ability to deplete charges.

    Wanna heal yourself with that brown Medkit? One smack = nope.

    Trying to genrush or sabotage? Say goodbye to a chunk of that toolbox.

    Looking at stuff with that burrito? Not for as long as you'd like!

    Have a Key? Not if I hit you enough times, you don't. And good luck opening Hatch when I can smack it out of your hands.

    Like, the new version is cool and all, but I can't say I've had enough items evaporate on the ground that I feel like it's clearly better than just taking 15% of the item per hit.

    All in all, I still love Franklin's; if only because it gives some kind of counterplay to Dull and Skeleton Keys.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    Wow you really don't like franklin's. I never run it thinking it's not much. Then there's you who acts like it's Noed.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082
    edited November 2020

    I seriously don't understand I hear so many survivors act like Franklins is worse than Noed. And I play survivor and just leave an item when the killer runs Franklins just give it up.

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    When I play survivor, I love when the killer is running Franklin's. My friend and I never bring in items (unless it's for a Rift challenge), so it's essentially a wasted perk slot, even if we lose something we pull out of a chest along the way.

    As killer, I've run it maybe 3-4 times ever, even since the rework (in every case, it was against a lobby I suspected of potential shenanigans, like four flashlights or toolboxes -- I had a fun match against a sabo squad that didn't enjoy the perk, but then again, I didn't appreciate the four hook offerings they brought to go with their sabo builds either, lol).

  • Raz_
    Raz_ Member Posts: 296

    its just a waste of a perk slot nothing else.

    flashlights have a counter.

    Toolboxes are pretty much useless.

    Medkits in chase are useless and if you're not in a chase they will heal or get healed anyways.

    the only time franklins is useful is if a survivor has a key and thats it.

    and to be honest how many times do you see a key in your lobby? i barely see one

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    Honestly a complete waste of a perk slot for me. Always has been. I want as many survivors with a flashlight in hand as possible as that means they're going to try and go for a save which 9/10 times they dont have the angle for.

    It's like Lightborn. Spending a perk slot on something that may not even be necessary. Killers have some pretty power, game changing perks that can fit in 1 slot and using that spot for lightborn or Franklins is already a small victory for every survivor.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    This. I loved seeing salt post game when I used it on old Leatherface when he launched. OH thats a nice purple medkit you've been using. SHAME IF SOMETHING HAPPENED TO IT.

  • Justalittlepeeck
    Justalittlepeeck Member Posts: 1,101

    Should we list all ######### perks, items and strategies survivors feel no regret using?

  • hatchnoise
    hatchnoise Member Posts: 8

    Whenever I play survivor against a killer using Franklin’s I usually don’t notice until way too late and then I laugh my ass off.

    I very rarely bring items into matches unless I’m working on archives, and when I do they’re usually brown/yellow because I’m one of those people that just buys the cheapest things on the blood web so I can maximize perk acquisition... So losing an item doesn’t bother me too much anyways.

    That being said, I personally think Franklin’s is hilarious, and if that’s how you want to use one of your perk spaces then go right ahead.

  • Penfighter
    Penfighter Member Posts: 42

    I honestly did not expect there to be vehemence so early in this thread! Haha, nice.

    Several killer players here have stated they feel Franklin's is a wasted perk slot. That's more or less what I was expecting but was curious to see if others were actually getting value from it. I did it just for fun and to counter a specific thing initially but lately its felt pretty useful, and fun. Just now, this morning, I hit a Feng who was headed over to sabotage a hook and she dropped her toolbox. Are there other options for countering sabo plays? 100%, yes. Was it fun seeing that tool box disappear? Yes. I'm still on the fence.

    So I totally get why NOED is hated (I don't like perks that remove the need to really chase) but some of you are acting like Franklin's is even worse. The only thing it REALLY counters are the key carriers who hope to exit a match more easily, flash light users in chases (there are other counters to, but Franklin's works here too), Map users who are providing extra information to the team, and the odd sabotage play here and there. Actually, this all started for me because I was having trouble actually using Remember Me on Freddy. I was trying to get footage of the perk in action but in 3 out of 5 matches, the team had a key and left via the hatch. Ever since I put it on, its kinda been hard to take off.

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    Its annoying. Especially when I have to get myself KILLED JUST TO GRAB A STUPID ITEM. I don't spend millions of bp to loop a trash killer who is scared of toolboxes and flashlights so long my item disappears. But now I run dead hard in my build for bp so if I ever have a white ward ill pick it up and dead hard to a locker and then kill myself on hook. Screw new Franklin's its just a screw you perk like head on.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    I’m not really a fan of the perk. As survivor, getting my item smacked out of my hand and then stolen by a random teammate is quite annoying. As killer, I don’t usually get a lot of value out of it. It just feels like a perk that was made to grief or annoy people, which I’m not a fan of in general.

    If you wanna use it then go ahead though, people who get that heated about it are a bit pathetic. It’s just an item.

  • SeeAndWait
    SeeAndWait Member Posts: 94

    franklin is very enjoyable perk. This perk give me a reason for a basic hits instead of using a chainsaw (bubba). it can be put with other basic hit perks for greater effect.

    one time, I hit a Laurie. she dropped her flashlight. she tried to pick it up instead of throwing the pallet or running away, I hit her again and she DC'd.

    for survivors, save yourself before the item. once you escape a chase you may try to get the item back if you want.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    The killer having Franklin's isn't a reason to quit then leave your teammates in the dust. It's not that hard to get a new item.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,294

    Franklin's as a whole is fine but it's too situational because of how the lobby system works. It could basically be useless or be incredibly potent. In my view items should be more common and available within the actual trial to make this perk more consistent. For the most part it's generally weak and the main people who complain about this perk are survivors who over value items and rely on them too much.

    That's fine if you intend to get out of the match as soon as possible. You're only making it easier for the killer whether you DC or suicide on hook. In the meantime - Give me your lunchbox.

  • SadLegion
    SadLegion Member Posts: 222

    Never understood survivors who ######### about Franklins lol. Really cant figure out why some people care so much about their items. In my opinion bringing survivor items is excessive, and if the Killer dedicates perk slot to counter them, so be it. I have no right to whine about it. Its not like survivors cant win a match without their Medkits or Toolboxes. Funniest thing of course is to take away keys or Insta Med-Kits and then receive salty messages about that.

    A lot of survivors bring Medkits, and its a very strong item since it nullifies your pressure for free, so Franklins almost never a wasted perk slot. But the problem is Franklins is not that valuable on most of killers, since you cant drag survivors far away from their robbed items, unless you waste a lot of time chasing them. Well i know one killer who can use the best out of Franklins, and its a Pyramid Head. Make them drop their item and send them far away to the Cage. Also you can leave a trail on a dropped item, and it helps to keep track if anyone is trying to pick it up. I made a lot of key gamers rage quit with this combo. Highly recommend Franklins on PH, on other killers though... yeah there are probably other perks you will get more value from.

  • JinSime
    JinSime Member Posts: 405

    I don't usually care for Franklin's as killer. As survivor, if I bring something I really do care for, I tend to leave it on the ground before the chase to counter Franklin, if it's in play. And come back for it later knowing the killer won't be able to see the item's aura and it won't fade away. If I don't care, the killer can take it.

    I don't really think it's fun to be hit with Franklin's, but... it's one perk less I have to worry about on the killer (and that's why I don't really like using it). I have to say it's really powerful on Hag (it's really hard to predict when she'll attack you).

    I had some fun moments though, as survivor. I pretended to go back to get an item and the killer went to check the vicinity of the item and wasted about 30 seconds looking for me (I was watching from the distance). These item camping strategies can be reverted in our favor sometimes, so it's nice.

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    Its not if they have Franklin's. Idc about that, but when they suck and I wreck them meaning I lose my item thats dumb. And I havent had it happen to me except for a ######### item, this is just my thoughts in general from the standpoint of I have been stocking up

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    I like this perk because if I play killer and survivors bring key, medkits etc then I use it. When I play survivor it can be really annoying if I have a medkit with addons for two heals and no Inner Strength or Bond, a bit of a blow for my gameplan but hey..it's a game 😀

  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528

    As of now, its one of the most unhealthy perks in the game. It means that you waste your bps on something that'll just be taken away if the killer feels like being an #########. Id be fine with it if it returned the item to your inventory of you escape though. The only reason I don't like it is that it wastes your bloodpoints.

  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528

    It wastes your bloodpoints. It would be fine if it returned the item to your inventory if you escape.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    I will say, to bring a bit of positivity. One of my favorite survivor moments ever was because of Franklins. This was a long time ago, probably shortly after LFs release on Wreckers Yard.

    I saw a Nea with a flashlight get smacked by Leather face on a hill. I ran up to grab her flashlight as she got downed, hopped down with BL, got the blind and as we both escaped I dropped it for her at the gate.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789
    edited November 2020

    Franklin's needs to be partially changed, tbh. It shouldn't be that it disappears - just that it is depleted after the timer. Right now, I consider it an incredibly unfair perk.

    Also whenever I encounter it, it's usually an insecure killer that will proceed to facecamp me...always so fun!

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,181

    When I play as survivor, it is frustrating getting hit by it. However, it's a fair perk, and I wouldn't feel the need to change it. I've yet to see a killer camp a key!

  • TheWarNung
    TheWarNung Member Posts: 794

    Franklin's is the best way to deal with keys, period. I've had a couple occasions recently where someone brought a key with a white ward (to protect the key if they die) and whatever that addon is that also lets them keep the key if they die. Then when I knock it outbof their hand they'll DC or suicide thinking they get to keep their key after they die. And then the salt begins.

    Other than that I'll only bring Franklins if there's 3 or more lunchboxes. There's no point wasting a perk slot for a single medkit, and I honestly don't care if aurvivors bring flashies, maps, or toolboxes.

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    People act like it counters keys but tbh survivors can just stash their items in places that hurt the killer if they patrol it like by completed gens or the corner of the map. I’ve done that before against a killer after I found out he had franklin’s and they just decided to camp the items while we did gens and escaped. The key they camped was broken and they were definitely mad.

  • shalo
    shalo Member Posts: 1,522

    Franklin's Demise: 15,000 BP

    Save the Best for Last: 15,000 BP

    Survivor at the exit gate thinking they have time to pick up their item after the first hit: Priceless.

  • TheStabbiNAngeL
    TheStabbiNAngeL Member Posts: 1,264
    edited November 2020

    That's a heavy word.Then what is Adrenaline,Unbreakable,Borrowed Time, Decisive Strike,Dead Hard can be annoying but, I get it,who want's to be downed two three seconds after being injured there's other perks to that's like come on buddy are you seriously running that. Franklin's is just a defensive perk for killers,can killer's play a little defensive is it ok?

    survivor's are like you have a power isn't that gwed enough?

  • I tend to only switch to good ol Frank and beans when needed. In short dont bring a ######### set up and I won't use a ######### perk. Example, 3 tool boxes with a key= a Frank and beans

  • TheStabbiNAngeL
    TheStabbiNAngeL Member Posts: 1,264

    Sad thing is they don't even need that to blow through gens.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    Okay yes Franklin's sometimes is a nuisance. But I just don't bring items as much I prefer botany or prove thyself. So I think people overreact. But maybe it's different since you bring items.

  • MeneLaw
    MeneLaw Member Posts: 341

    If they doesnt bring keys is preety useless.

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    I miss the old effect that removed charges from the item when hit.

  • TheButcher6641
    TheButcher6641 Member Posts: 252

    It's a good perk. It has made me hesitate many a time. I don't run it very often but it's decent.