Spine Chill Debuff. Currently renders "Undetectable" to be detectable. Perk has no counter.

Just knowing the killer is looking in your direction is a huge advantage in of itself. Always knowing is just ludicrous. It basically renders stealth characters useless. You can't stalk someone that knows they're being looked at.
If anything, there should be some sort of refresh. It could still work the same way, perhaps give it a 5 second duration, and a 10 second refresh.Anything at all is almost welcome at this point.
The whole reason it's currently a meta perk is because it makes it too easy to know if the killer is coming for you. Soon as that thing goes off, survivors run away to some sort of infinite loop place. (the shack is preferable to them of course)
This is a great perk for new players to get the feel of the game and have some sort of way to make up for their inexperience. Problem is, we got experts who still use the training wheels.
Spine Chill isn't a "training wheel". It's just a generally good perk because of it's effects.
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Do remember though if you nerf spine chill then there's a strong chance people will stop running it.
Meaning more chance of facing the BT, Adrenaline, DS, Unbreakable, Soul Guard, Sprint Burst and Dead Hard perks.
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Undetectable is just a label for a game mechanic. It's not meant to be taken literally. It has its own in-game definition. Otherwise, we should also complain that the Blindness status effect doesn't actually make survivors unable to see #########.
Spine Chill is stronger against stalking killers. Otherwise, it's simply a good off-meta perk. Here's the kicker, though, and from a former Myers main. Against any sorts of decent survivors, the bulk of your stalk is done at a distance or when they're in areas where they can't easily block LoS. It doesn't happen when you're close and remain undetecte. You won't be able to stalk up-close aware survivors and expect them to remain ususpecting. Audio and visual cues will give you away and they'll try to counter. Spine Chill just makes them invest a perk slot for something they can do with eyes and ears. You should thank them, unless you want to face only full meta builds.
Lastly, when you walk to a generator, you can keep it at the edge of your screen. That's actually outside SC's detection cone and you'll surprise your prey.
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I agree with this. I had a similar idea that, when the killer looks in the direction of the survivor for 3 seconds, the perk stays active for 10 seconds; or have it activate for a duration of 5-10 seconds every time it activates. This leaves the survivor wondering if the killer is coming, maybe get off the gen, or stay on it.
As it is now, Spine Chill is a little too strong. It doesn't just give the survivor the inuition to know the killer is coming, it essentially allows them to read the killers mind, like an inverted aura reading perk... so maybe the perk should be renamed Clairvoyance?
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Being able to find a survivor alone I think is the most important aspect. While all those other perks are annoying, (and training wheel perks) spine chill gives experienced players the ability to never be found. At this rate, killers will need to learn to walk backwards to find people.
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A perk all by itself when used by an experienced player gives them an overwhelming advantage. And no counter. That's textbook training wheels. An entire game built upon not being found and a perk letting you know when you've been found is something you would give to players who are struggling. I don't play survivor often, but when I do, and I have Spine Chill, difficulty decreases by like.... 60 to 80 percent. I can keep working on a gen because I know the killer isn't coming. I know I need to hide because the killer is coming my way. Not only this, but they also recieve a 6% speed increase on everything they do. No drawbacks. (You could argue the 10 skill check and 10 percent reduction ratio is one, but to experienced players again this only makes things faster for them. They'll hit more Good skill checks.)
If ANYTHING could be done. it would be welcome by this point. Increase the skill check zone penalty to 80/75/70 percent. That by itself would make the player weigh cons vs pros. Or perhaps reduce the detection range from 36 to 18. You might not be able to run away as quick initially, but it will still help during a chase.
I just got done with a match where I could only find 1 survivor the entire game. And guess what perk the other three survivors had that the 1 didn't? Spine Chill.
Post edited by TheeSpongeman on0 -
Experienced players would prefer to run the perks I said, especially in a swf.
I think Spine Chill is maybe a bit too strong but I think any nerf could knock out out of the top 10 best survivor perks in the game.
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That's kind of the point. The meta needs to be changed.
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If ur having trouble with spine chill surviovrs, then look away from the direction you're travelling too. Helps alot.