Best perks on PH?

I’ve maxed out all the characters I main and now I want to try and get better with others. PH is next on that list, so any recommendations?


  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Ruin/Undying/I'm All Ears/Whispers is a good build. Personally, I prefer Sloppy/Nurses/Deathbound/Infectious Fright, but it's not particularly strong, it just suits my aggressive playstyle.

  • Iron
    Iron Member Posts: 241

    I personally run Ruin / Surveillance / Nurse's Calling / I'm All Ears

    I love aura reading for cheeky through wall hits.

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832

    personally i run im all ears/infectious fright/monitor/and Bbq

    im all ears is for easier downs/hits through walls

    infectious is for situational awareness and to have a no brainer on when to cage someone

    monitor is to buff infectious and to make it so i get closer to survivors (especially since his terror radius music is pretty quiet, you can get closer than usual)

    and bbq is for bloodpoints

  • Pior_Morte
    Pior_Morte Member Posts: 526

    S tier perks - A Nurse's Calling / I'm All Ears / Hex: Ruin - are by far the best perks on him, since you can hit trough walls Nurse' and IAE are strong af on him, and since PGTW don't combine with his power Ruin helps a lot, this build is almost a must on him.

    Other perks that go well - Surveillance / Hex: Undying / Hex: Retribution / Whisperers / Barbecue and Chili / STBFL / Dark Devotion / Infectious Fright - This perks provide information and combine well with his power or Ruin and any of them can be placed as the 4th perk.

    Bad perks on PH - PGTW / Corrupt Intervention / Hex: Devour Hope / Make Your Choice / PWYF / Sloppy Butcher / Surge - Basically, any perk that relies on hooking survivors or basic attacks, although this are great perks they don't go well with him since his you are mostly using his Punishment of the Damned to hit survivors and his cages to apply pressure. Corrupt Intervention doesn't help him allot since he don't really need to block far gens and it can hurt you if you are running Hex: Ruin because survivors will not be able to do gens early on and will have a higher chance of stepping on your totem.

  • Crypticghoul
    Crypticghoul Member Posts: 571

    I like BBQ/Sloppy/Corrupt/Monitor. I would replace BBQ with something else if you don't care about the blood points. Sloppy can be swapped out for Nurse's if you want. Might want Ruin/Undying/Gen info perk of your choice if you want the strongest.

    I play him more like an M1 killer and use M2 at pallets/windows because survivors start juking like mad if you drag your sword. So most of my hits come from just walking at them while dragging my sword and they start flailing around before getting smacked.

  • BioX
    BioX Member Posts: 1,378

    entirely depends on how you play?

  • FilledPizza
    FilledPizza Member Posts: 392

    Otz usually runs this build on PH and I've found that it works quite well in my games as well, try Discordance/Ruin/Undying/Tinkerer. Ruin is good gen defense for him since he can use cages to get people off of gens and pressure, and Undying helps protect Ruin. Tinkerer will let you know which gens to go to and you can also cage someone instantly if they go down when Tinkerer goes off. Discordance will let you know how much time there is until a gen pops with Tinkerer, and also lets you bother multiple survivors at once. For add-ons, I usually put on double range add-ons (green and yellow) to get hits on survivors that vault windows or pallets thinking they're far enough away to avoid it.

  • WestX
    WestX Member Posts: 120

    Uhh I've been maining Pyramid Head for a while now, where the hell did you get the idea that POTD is his primary method of attack? Sure you can get some nice huts off of it, but its incredibly slow with a small hit radius that locks you in place for longer than a normal basic attack(or atleast me since I use the cool down for basics)

    Now don't get me wrong, its definitely useful, I use it for when they vault, unhook, or try to pallet me. But its really not that great.

  • APoipleTurtle
    APoipleTurtle Member Posts: 1,274

    Most killers have a few of those perks that are sorta "high synergy" for them (and so you usually want to use them, like STBFL on Demogorgon or M&A on Deathslinger).

    I'm All Ears is that perk for Pyramid Head. Temporary wallhacks are good times with PotD. If you want to try and become more skillful with PH, this is the perk that best allows you to do that. Any other perks that can give him similar info are pretty handy and incredibly fun (Nurse's Calling is the other prime example, but you can also sometimes pull this off with Nemesis and/or Undying too).

    While I don't think it has any particularly special synergy on PH, I've also been using STBFL a bunch and having a great time. Since that perk is usually more heavily associated with Demo, Pig, and 'Slinger, no one seems to ever expect it on PH. And seeing the Great Knife be swung around as though it were the weight of a butter knife is the kind of hilarity that fuels me.

    Otherwise, what other people have said about not building around hook-activated perks (like BBQ, PGtW, MYC, Devour Hope, etc) is solid knowledge. You can use these perks (they aren't completely worthless on him), but you likely won't be able to get maximum value from them if you want to use your Cages/Final Judgement.

  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,690

    Ruin-Undying; This perk combo is good on every killer but especially on Pyramid Head as it's the only regression perk/combo that has no anti-synergy with his power.

    Corrupt: General good perk on any low mobility killer (Note: I do NOT recommend running this with Undying-Ruin; this causes survivors to spread out and are more likely to find your totems)

    Infectious Fright: Pyramid Head is a killer whose strength is in his 1v1. You want to constantly be chasing people. With this, you can get into the habit of down, cage, chase near survivor. If Infectious doesn't go off, then you know it's a better idea to hook them.

    BBQ: When combined with Infectious, it ensures no one is outside your radar. While it is a hook perk... Blood points. You're going to be hooking people at least a few times.

    I'm All Ears: Wallhacks on a killer that can hit through walls? Yes please!

    Monitor: Smaller TR outside of a chase, and bigger TR for Infectious. Win-win

    Enduring: Something you'll find that survivors like to do is as you're chasing them, when you're going through the pallet, they'll appear from the corner and drop it on you. You can counter this just by seeing it coming, but you can always run this perk if you want.

    Nurse's Calling - You have no idea how many survivors think healing in your TR is a good idea. Believe me, the value you get out of this perk has to be seen to believe.

    STBFL - A weird one. It depends on your playstyle really. You can conserve stacks with your M2, but it's a lot harder than with Pig/Demo. Plus, it depends on how much you rely on your M2 to attack rather than your M1. I wouldn't run it, but you're not crazy if you do.

    Trail of Torment - It's a great stealth perk after its buff, and believe me, the less time survivors see this guy coming, the better. Plus, it's his own perk, so you always have it if you're levelling him up still.

    Mad Grit - I'm mentioning this solely for its meme potential. Seriously, it's absolutely hilarious on PH just watching him swing that big knife around.

  • Pior_Morte
    Pior_Morte Member Posts: 526

    I've been maining him too, I'm verygood at hitting with his POTD an I find incredibly useful to hit survivors with it even when there is a opportunity to hit with a Basic Attack since he has a shorter cool down after the changes.