what determines when twin can switch?
There have been many times when I've been Victor and unable to switch back to Charlotte and vice versa.
Also, what determines when you can spawn Victor? There's a meter around the power icon, and I thought it indicated when you can spawn Victor, but I've spawned him when it wasn't full, and I've had many times when it was full but I was unable to spawn him.
Best Answer
After playing a bunch more, I've figured it out:
You cannot spawn Victor within about 30 meters of a hooked survivor, and you cannot switch if EITHER Charlotte or Victor is within about 30 meters of a hooked survivor (about the same distance as DH or MYC). Same goes for about 3 meters radius of the gate lever. There is no visual indicator of this beyond whether or not the controller prompt is present on the screen, which makes it very frustrating trying to figure out when you can do it, and makes it feel broken if you haven't figured out this rule.
The meter indicates two things; Victor's stamina while he's separated and not being controlled (it slowly goes down, and Victor automatically dies when it runs out), and the cooldown between Victor's death and the ability to spawn him again (which is only a couple seconds, and hardly needs a meter).
Pretty sure you can’t switch when you are standing in front of the exit gate switch or when near to a hook. Not sure about other areas where you can’t switch (possibly directly on hatch?)
as to when: I also thought it was that cooldown that indicates when you can use... maybe it was bugged when you used it before the meter was full?