The Apparition - Licensed Killer from Slasher Season 2
This is my second concept from the Netflix series Slasher, a Canadian horror show with 3 seasons, each with a different main killer. Major spoilers for the show are ahead so be warned!
A tricky killer, able to conjure visions of herself to confuse her prey. Using her power, SPECTRAL DECOY, she can receive information on the position of survivors or attack them from a distance when they think they are safe.
STORY - Judith Berry arrived at Camp Motega for a new start. She was still heartbroken about the death of her child and it had been getting to her so much, she needed to find a retreat. She joined the group for some peaceful and kind rehabilitation, but it all changed when the others stumbled upon them. Slowly she found herself slipping deeper and deeper into her paranoia and fear once again and as the bodies piled up, it got worse and worse. Suddenly, during a moment of furious clarity, she understood all that had gone on. The last one had escaped, but that was OK to her. She would get what was coming.
A while later she saw her in town. She followed, watching from a distance as she walked amongst the shops, talking as if nothing had happened. It filled her with a sense of fury, but nothing could be done. A dark shadow, a being approached from behind her. It whispered to her and promised her things, it promised her Owen.. all she had to do was take down ones who had wronged others.. she just wanted her quiet, and her Owen..
So she accepted.
WEAPON - Ice Axe
APPEARANCE - A dirty orange parka jacket, thick black pants and grey gloves with a face mask and ski goggles.
MORI - The Apparition crouches down next to the survivor as they turn to face her and she jabs them once in the stomach with her axe. The survivor yells and tries to stumble away backwards but a decoy appears behind them and holds them in place, with the Apparition delivering several more stabs to the gut before the decoy pulls them down to the ground, making a hushing motion before they then deliver one last stab to the throat.
Upon activating your power, you must then perform a skill check. Instead of a typical skill check, this skill check has two separate zones, one coloured white and one black. These zones will unlock the Physical and Mental apparitions for use, respectively.
PHYSICAL - You send forth an apparition that has collision with objects. This apparition has a decreased terror radius and attacks when you also attack. You may let go of the power button at any time to stop it moving and may press the power button again to get rid of it.
MENTAL - You conjure an apparition that can go through solid objects. This apparition carries your terror radius alongside you and reveals any survivor within 10 metres of it. This apparition is controlled the same way as the physical apparition, however if it is told to stop when within a physical object, it will continue to move forward until it is out of any objects.
OBSERVER - You observe your targets patiently, awaiting the right moment to strike. You receive a visual notification when a survivor in the dying state has recovered 50%.
"If those tears could talk, what would they say?"
DISSOCIATION - Your trauma has resulted in a veneer of unnerving apathy. Once a generator is completed, you are blinded or stunned, all survivor noises (walking, running, grunts of pain) are enhanced and background noise (generators, totems being worked on, barrels of fire crackling etc.) is decreased for 30 seconds. This has a cooldown of 50/40/30 seconds.
"I just think maybe for the next little while we should be less open hearted."
VOICE OF REASON - Despite the sadism bubbling under the surface, you still maintain a calming aura. Survivors within your terror radius suffer a 10% slow to all progression bars, increasing an extra 5% for each additional 1/2/3 survivors within your terror radius.
"I am a much stronger woman now than before I got here."
The Final Letter - Red - The last letter that Owen sent before he lost his life. You may only summon physical decoys. If a survivor goes within 20 meters of your decoy, it turns to face them. Your terror radius is transferred to your decoy for 10 seconds after you have sent it out. Greatly increases your ability cooldown time.
Chair Leg - Red - The broken leg of a wooden chair, a reminder of a visceral meltdown. You may only summon mental decoys. The aura reading range of your decoy is doubled. Your decoys may be placed inside of walls. In addition, you also recieve an audio cue when a survivor is within 30 metres of your decoy. You may summon up to two decoys at once. Greatly increases your ability cooldown time.
Auger - Purple - An auger used to drill into the ice. This one was also used to drill into something a little softer. Survivors that have their aura revealed by the Mental Decoy suffer from the Exhaustion and Hindered status effects for 4 seconds.
Mystery Meat - Purple - A slab of delicious meat served in a dish to unsuspecting patrons. Curiously, it bears a tattoo. Physical Decoy attacks inflict the mangled status effect for 90 seconds.
Note from Owen - Purple - One of the many notes from Owen during his incarceration. Tremendously increases the Mental Decoy's Aura reading range. Greatly increases ability cooldown time.
Bloodstained Parka - Purple - A white parka, turning crimson in places. Attacks from the Physical Decoy inflict the Blindness status effect for 30 seconds.
Snowmobile Keys - Green - A set of keys for a vehicle that was used in an escape attempt. Attacks from the Physical Decoy inflict the Blindness status effect for 20 seconds.
Broken Pipe - Green - A piece of sharp metal. It appears to have contributed to a brutal murder. Survivors that have their aura revealed by the Mental Decoy suffer from the Exhaustion status effect for 5 seconds.
Matchstick - Green - A spent matchstick that ended the life of another. It reminds you of the screams. Greatly increases the Mental Decoy's aura reading range. Moderately increases ability cooldown time.
Sabotaged Wires - Green - A clump of wires torn from a snowmobile to prevent them from leaving. Greatly reduces ability cooldown time.
Poisoned Drink - Green - A cup with faint traces of a dangerous poison. Physical Decoy attacks inflict the Mangled status effect for 60 seconds.
Ski Goggles - Yellow - A pair of faded goggles used to protect the eyes from whatever may get in them. Moderately reduces ability cooldown time.
Tattered Yoga Mat - Yellow - A mat that reminds you of why you first arrived. Moderately increases Mental Decoy movement speed.
Sliver of Skin -Yellow - A piece of skin taken from a violent man in an even more violent outburst. Physical decoy attacks inflict the Mangled status effect for 30 seconds.
Old Noose - Yellow - A noose used to end the life of one responsible. Moderately increases the Mental Decoy's aura reading range. Slightly increases ability cooldown time.
Bloody Stone - Yellow - A sharp stone coated in the blood of a not so innocent girl. Moderately increases Physical Decoy movement speed.
Spent Casing - Brown - A spent bullet casing, fired from a small handgun. Slightly increases the Mental Decoy's aura reading range. Slightly increases ability cooldown time.
Handful of Snow - Brown - A heap of snow from your new home. Slightly increases Physical Decoy movement speed.
Tuft of Grass - Brown - Some matted grass, taken before the winter came. Slightly increases Mental Decoy movement speed.
Beer Can - Brown - A crumpled beer can from a night gone horribly awry. Slightly reduces ability cooldown time.