The new killer is not scary, its funny.

Jollykins Member Posts: 43
edited November 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Okay so, I saw that referring Victor as "baby" is against forum rules, so I wont reference him to it. Also I am not bashing BHVR or their work, but it is my honest opinion.

I dont feel threatened by this new killer. In fact, Im really...amused. At some points, Victor is creepy when I see him scuttling among the reeds and grass tufts, but...his sounds, his stance, his movements, and obviously the kicking animations and the fact that he seems to melt on top of objects just...

I shouldnt laugh, but its so funny. I lost my breath from laughter when I saw that you could escape through the hatch with Victor on your back - essentially kidnapping him and in my mind, I wonder what that looks like when the survivor splats down back at the campfire with a little gremlin on their back. I chuckle as I write this and I feel so bad because I know the devs worked super hard on this killer and tried their best to develop a very interesting mechanic.

Kudos to the art department and the programmers!

But Im sorry, Im just not afraid of this killer, and Im not intimidated or immersed. When I see a survivor ankle-slap the sh*t outta Victor into a puddle of blood, I lose it.


Perhaps changing up his sounds would help give a creepier vibe? Make it less like a "NYUK! NYEEEEH!" thats high pitched, make Victor sound more guttural, more demonic and less high-pitched. More strained breathing, as if being away from his host-sister is painful or a struggle.

Add more texture to Victor so that he isnt so newborn-like. Make his spine and some ribs exposed, as if he couldnt grow flesh where he was attached to his sister. Add long mangled claws because his small harmless hands are more adorable than threatening. Add bigger teeth, perhaps growing through his lips - and extend his jaw opening to make his bites far more terrifying.

Change the kicking animation to an actual STOMP. Stomp on it, dont gently kick it from the side. Make it brutal. If I were a survivor and I saw that thing chasing me and I had a window to kill it, I wouldnt side-kick it. I would absolutely put forth all my energy to stomp on it and make sure it STAYS down.

Any comments to help with ideas? Am I the only one who currently finds Victor funny?