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Killer Concept: The Death Angel

OneClownMain Member Posts: 16


Name: The Death Angel

Realm: Silent World

Map: Abbott Family Farm

Height: Tall

Movement Speed: 115%|4.6m/s

Alt. Movement Speed: 90%|3.6m/s (Speed while using Echolocation)

Terror Radius: 32 Meters

Power: Echolocation

The Death Angel has no eyes and it purely relies on sound to hunt. Holding the Power Button down activates The Death Angel's acute hearing. While Echolocation is active, when a survivor performs a rushed action or fails a skill check while in The Death Angel's terror radius, then their location it revealed to them via Killer Instinct for 11 seconds. However, when The Death Angel stops using Echolocation, it needs 30 seconds to recharge before it can be used again.


Unstoppable: Not even a whole army can stop you. When a survivor stuns you with a pallet, locker, firecrackers or Decisive Strike, the stun duration is reduced by 20/25/30%.

Natural Alert: Your hearing is unlike any creature on Earth. When a survivor is unhooked, Natural Alert activates. While active, the aura of the rescuer is revealed to you for 6/7/8 seconds. If a survivor unhooks themselves, their aura is revealed to you for 5 seconds. Natural Alert has a cooldown of 75 seconds.

Ultimate Hunter: If anyone makes noise, all that they become is your next meal. When a generator is completed, all survivors with 12/16/20 meters of the generator become Exposed for 30 seconds. When the last generator is completed, all survivors become Exposed for 60 seconds.


  • Givti
    Givti Member Posts: 50

    I'm sorry if this sounds aggressive or something, but his power is just "I'm all ears" (a perk from ghostface) in worse. You are way too slow while doing it and usually nobody fails a skillcheck in your terror radius. The only upsides are that the cooldown is 30 seconds instead of 40 seconds and the killer instinct lasts for 11 seconds instead of seeing the aura for 6 seconds after doing a rushed action (which isnt really better).