If current dbd had old dbd pallet amounts and jungle gyms the game would be unplayable

Going back 1-2 years in dbd videos reminds people of the days when pallets were in oceans and windows were everywhere
Old Bus, Both windows, Both pallets
Old LT walls, Had pallets on auto haven maps
Old Jungle gym, Double Pallet, Double window, Double the fun
Tank Treads and empty pallet spawns? didn't think so, heres old wrenched shop main building with all 3 windows on the one side unblocked and the single window on the other side also unblocked with 3 or so pallets surrounding the building
Old Coal tower? Both windows why not
Old Iron works? Window at the bottem, 3 windows at the top
Ocean of pallets that took 3 seconds to break each, 80% of pallet spawns were DUAL pallets and on top of that pallet vacuum as if the survivor needed more
Windows to deal with, would be nice to have something to block them, just wait 2 months for now just take 3 seconds to vault them and deal
and no bloodlust not even a chance to catch up after all these resources
Thankfully as survivors got better the amount of resources they had also decreased to compensate so the game actually became playable
If we had old pallet amounts, tiles with 2 windows 2 pallets, and old tiles with way too many windows and NO blockers or bloodlust it would be unplayable
Even now it sometimes feels unplayable due to how bullyable some killers are at higher levels of play.
Some people like to say "the game's much better now. You should stop complaining." But just because the game was worse then doesn't mean it's not bad now.
I still have nightmares about pre - rework wretched shop.
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I still run into old locations in old maps that don't spawn pallets there anymore or have vaults but my muscle memory tells me something should be there. I'm pretty sure a newer player that doesn't know what's going on performs better than me in those situations.
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Wrong. The game would totally be playable. I would just become a Nurse main alongside everyone else.
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This is why I sometimes get annoyed when people continuously disparage BHVR-clearly the game has been evolving and getting better as time goes on. That's not to say devs don't have problems that there are legit concerns around, but overall its clear the game has been getting better and that's the main thing. Thankfully I wasn't around for those days but I've seen plenty vids and it seems....interesting lol
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I have to commend the long term survivors who just dealt with these changes and adapted. Any time there's a killer nerf you'd think its the end of the world on these forums but the majority of survivors nerfs are just met with a bit of complaining before they just adapt.
Though I think in part thats due to the fact that many long term survivors knew full well that the game was absolutely broken when the survivor knew when to loop, when to do gens, when to go for unhooks.
Remember the healing speed nerf? Survivors just stopped healing. Pallet amounts have been reduced pretty significantly, maps have been shrunk and killer animations massively sped up but unless you have a meghead dropping all your pallets first loop early in the game a good team can still have a ton left over at endgame.
This isn't me talking trash about either side, just thinking out loud.
I wish killers (talking about the actual killers not killer players) could adapt in the same way but the problem is that outside of higher tier killer like Nurse, Blight, (Old) Billy, Huntress and a few others they're massively limited by the constraints of their power. Like Wraith, not much you can do with him to increase his viability outside of hit and run slowing down builds. His windstorm doesnt really have that much utility outside of short loops.
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ermm....yeah? hence it was changed?
"If game X still had that bug that prevented people from loading in it would be unplayable."
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i look back to those days and wonder how the hell i did so well as a killer and remember back then it was ridiculously easy to reach red ranks as killer so only 3 months in and i was in red/purple ranks. I can still remember all the complaints on steam forums about how BS it was that the killer could hit you and you stun them after vacuums where removed and how unfair it was that survivors couldn't fast vault as easily to abuse loops like cow tree and shack.
There isn't much we can do to adapt as killers since we have been playing at our best to deal with the how survivor sided this game is. in other words we have always been doing what we can and after every survivor nerf it just eased up on what we could try and get away with but the optimal thing to do has never truly changed.
As for your wish it has slowly been getting granted in the form of reworks and buffs. clown is the best example right now as he is getting buffed/reworked and killers will have to adjust their play style to utilize the change. Leatherface was also outdated and weak and they went full death in the open on him and his power is useable in a lot of loops to force the pallet down. some other killers like billy and nurse(unfair changes if you ask me mainly their addons) simply got a limitation and an addon rework as they were already good enough and were just outdated.
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nurse wasn't in the game for the first few months, have fun with trapper that takes 6 seconds to place a trap, wraith with no movement speed addons and no speed after uncloak, or billy
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4 windows on one building, we thought it was bad with 2 windows
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A lot of people like to bully the devs for the state of the game, but it's not as bad as the community makes it out to be. They have done a pretty good job so far.
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it’s beyond me how any killer who knows how to play can complain about it being difficult. It’s literally always a guaranteed win. I literally never lose a killer game in red ranks. Unless I ######### around and want to.
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Only a 4man swf can challenge a good killer with a meta build tbh
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Not totally unplayable. Killers still won. The dead survivors were prizes and hard earned. Today they are expected.
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It wasn't totally unplayable because the skill level of 99% of survivors at the time was low
If a good survivor today went back to 2016 map gen resources they would be invincible
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As much as I see survivors dying constantly, twitch showing killers winning over and over and over, it needs to at least go back in time a little bit. I think maps have been a little overdone, but most importantly, killer perks are way too oppressive.
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Yeah that's the feeling I get from how people talk about the way dbd used to be and from what I've seen so it always gives me hope that the game will keep on evolving whenever I get frustrated with the game