Twins Balance Suggestion Megathread

I'd just like to preface this by saying, I am incredibly excited for this upcoming chapter. The Twins have been by far one of the most mechanically interesting and dynamic killers in a long time. I love the designs of the new characters, the new theme and chase music, and especially the new map changes. All of it is simply incredible.

That being said however, I can see The Twins being pretty underpowered when the chapter goes live, which is a shame because I love their design and mechanics. Of course, things are subject to change on the PTB, but I'd just like to air my thoughts in case my suggestions are listened to. In this thread I'll go over some of the main problems I've either seen or experienced and attempt to give several solutions. I am by no means a game designer or expert on game balance, which is why I hope for discussion and other suggestions.

-Problem #1: Victor Doesn't Do Enough-

Put simply, Victor latching onto someone isn't much cause for concern, save for being injured and oblivious. Players in control of Victor often find themselves way too far from Charlotte to capitalize on their hindered target, making it 8 seconds of being momentarily injured, before healing up and continuing gens as usual. The fact that latched survivors can still run around, do loops, and pull Victor off at the same time makes Victor more of a nuisance than a threat. Partner that with his difficult pounce, long recovery, and devasting punish and we find that more people are using Victor as a tool to down survivors rather than hinder them and aid Charlotte, which I don't think was the original intention of the developers. How can The Twins be "a cooperative pair of killers" when Victor is doing all the work? Currently, The Twins are encroaching on niches filled by killers who perform them much more effectively. So here are my suggested additions to make Victor more of an active threat.

Victor as a Chase Tool: When Victor is latched onto a survivor, they cannot interact with anything (similar to Doctor's shocks) until Victor is removed. This means no pallets and no vaulting until those 8 seconds are up. This would make it so that Victor could be more effectively utilized in chase and so that switching to Charlotte to finish the job doesn't feel like as much of a hassle. This would encourage players to use the two in conjunction to effectively down difficult survivors and for survivors to actively avoid Victor due to debilitating hindrances rather than just a simple injure. The Broken, Incapacitated, and Oblivious statuses would all still be in effect

Victor as a Surveillance Tool: This fix sees Charlotte use Victor as more of a scout, sending him long distances to relay survivor locations before making her move. While Victor is latched onto a survivor, their location is indicated by Killer Instinct. While other survivors are nearby a latched survivor, their auras are revealed to Charlotte. This is a relatively simple fix that ensures players returning to Charlotte won't immediately lose their prey and have them heal up with no consequences. Long distance plays with Victor can often lead to player confusion and wasted time. As with the aforementioned fix, this incentivises survivors to remove Victor lest they give away their location as well as their teammates. As with the previous solution, the Broken, Incapacitated, and Oblivious statuses would all still be in effect

-Problem #2 Lockers Completely Counter Victor-

As of right now, lockers COMPLETELY counter Victor, with the only current solutions being waiting out/attempting to bait the survivor or switching to Charlotte and going to the locker, with the off chance the survivor hasn't run off by then. This is a surprisingly difficult fix, as the only solutions I can think of demand more resources and would take longer to implement than just simple number changes.

Victor can Down Survivors In Lockers: As simple as it sounds, this solution would require additional animations which could be quite time consuming given they would have to start from complete scratch.

While Controlling Victor, Survivor Cannot Enter Lockers: I believe this fix could be the least time consuming, but I could be wrong. As a visual indicator of this, they could reuse the Entity spikes from Blood Favor as standing pallets are roughly the same height and width of lockers.

While Controlling Victor, Charlotte will be AI controlled: I've heard this or similar suggestions thrown around a few times and I think this would make an already complex killer, even more complex. Having what essentially amounts to an AI companion while also roaming around killing survivors seems way too strong. Even if an AI Charlotte would just move to the location of Victor, implementing this feature could be costly, time consuming, resource intensive, and could lead to a whole host of bugs and glitches.

-Problem #3 Survivors can Completely Disable The Twins Power-

As seen with several YouTubers, survivors can simply refuse to remove Victor, leading to the killer being completely unable to use their power until said survivor is downed. Much like OOO, this can prove to be incredibly frustrating to inexperienced killers against highly skilled survivors.

Victor will Down a Latched Survivor After a Period of Time: Pretty self explanatory. Much like the solutions for Problem #1, this would encourage survivors to remove Victor or else face sever consequences.

Charlotte can Recall Victor: This also makes switching between Charlotte and an already active Victor less of a hassel. Often when chasing and hooking a survivor as Charlotte, Victor will be left idle halfway across the map, wasting precious time when switching to him and moving him to an area populated by survivors. Given Charlotte doesn't have an active M2 ability and this Victor already respawns when left idle for too long, this would be a relatively easy fix and much needed improvement.

And that's it! If you made it this far, I greatly appreciate you reading all this. Again, these are just suggestions and are meant to expand upon what we've seen on the PTB rather than completely change The Twins from the ground up. I hope to see other ideas of what can be done to improve The Twins and I look forward to playing more of them, and DBD in general.
