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Logic behind the breakable walls

Good evening. I really like the concept of breakable walls, especially when I look at Dead Dawg Salon or Badham Preschool maps. Unfortunately, I can't say the same thing about McMillan Estate. Put breakable wall to make an infinite? Why? Why didn't you apply them to TL walls or the shack, like it is on Dead Dawg Salon? It's something that helps killers but on the other hand it's still a very decent place for survivors. I just think it's a wasted chance to improve the general gameplay. For the most part, you have done the opposite.
I totally called this too. After seeing the Saloon window that you have to break the wall on, and the same thing in multiple spots on Midwich, I just knew they were gonna keep using breakable walls that way. The devs are good at subverting expectations.
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Personally, I'd have it so survivors had to actually build the walls, not have them pre built. That would give them something else to do, and give them some interaction on the map.
But I agree. Currently, they took the lazy route on this. Just filling doorways that were empty before with this mechanic shows little effort on their part.