Pig builds?

DaedraLord Member Posts: 5
edited September 2018 in General Discussions

I'm currently rank 12 and have been loving the pig as the Saw series is one of my favorites.she is currently my favourite killer. Any good/fun build ideas for her?


  • Brawler
    Brawler Member Posts: 333
    • Ruin
    • Barbecue&Chili
    • Nurse's Calling
    • Enduring/Whispers/Fire Up/NOED/ Something else.

    Ruin used to slow down the game. Even just for 10s.
    Barbecue&Chili of course for points
    Nurse's Calling is really nice on the Pig, as her Terror Radius is the equivalent of the radius in which she can see healing Survivors auras when on the third tier of the perk.

    The fourth one you can choose or replace with other one. However you want.

  • DaedraLord
    DaedraLord Member Posts: 5

    @Brawler said:

    • Ruin
    • Barbecue&Chili
    • Nurse's Calling
    • Enduring/Whispers/Fire Up/NOED/ Something else.

    Ruin used to slow down the game. Even just for 10s.
    Barbecue&Chili of course for points
    Nurse's Calling is really nice on the Pig, as her Terror Radius is the equivalent of the radius in which she can see healing Survivors auras when on the third tier of the perk.

    The fourth one you can choose or replace with other one. However you want.

    Currently I'm running Ruin, NOED, Nurse's, and make your choice. I need bbq and chili but havent gotten around to buying leather face yet. Really discouraged from how bad I've heard he is kinda hoping it shows up in shrine of secrets soon.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Ruin, Whispers, Nurse's Calling/BBQ Chilli, Blood Warden. This is a really strong build on most killers, and Pig does very well with it too. BW is especially good on her because of RBTs. Whispers is good when she is crouched.

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    My pre-Emblem rank 1 build:
    -A Nurse's Calling
    -Hex: Ruin (required /cry)
    -MaKe YoUr ChOiCe

    Currently, I've dropped A Nurse's Calling for Stridor to experiment, and NOED for Franklin's Demise or Sloppy Butcher. Since the pallet vacuum removal and Exhaustion nerfs, I've had NOED go off only once, I think?

    I don't use much in the way of tracking perks, and I aim for 3 kills--a win. 4K is nice, and I try for it, but I don't camp the hatch, or camp in general. If I get a lead, and chain hook someone twice, I will slug them before their third hook if I'm already in the lead. A dying or hooked survivor automatically leads to at least two survivors being occupied from generators: one hooked/dying, and at least one other to go for the save. Sloppy Butcher is excellent for this.

    I dislike tunneling and/or camping, so I make fantastic usage of Make Your Choice where I can. A one-hit down is powerful, and taking down a player on a rescue in one hit leaves one person that has to heal, and another person about to be one hook closer to death. This can be a game changing perk, but you cannot always use it.

  • CrtKazz
    CrtKazz Member Posts: 214
    1.) STBL/remember me
    2.) Make your choice
    3.) Sloppy butcher
    4.) Blood warden/pop goes the weasel 

    I don’t have every killer perk unlocked but this is a fun build to slow the game down as well as do some clutch plays/get stronger as the game progresses. The worst feeling for me as killer is feeling pressured and with these perks and bear traps you feel a bit like a puppet master 🤗
  • RotBb
    RotBb Member Posts: 396

    I'm currently rank 12 and have been loving the pig as the Saw series is one of my favorites.she is currently my favourite killer. Any good/fun build ideas for her?

    The build I run a lot is-
    •Knock out
    •Make your Choice
    -Surgery mask
    -Last will
    Another good one is-
    •Make your choice
    •(wild card)
    -Tampered timer
    -Rule set no.2