Releasing a new noob-friendly killer when?

From my memories the last noob-friendly killer we had in the game was Ghostface. After him every new killer had an high skill cap. Will we ever see a new killer easy-to use? (Not OP, but defenetively noob friendly)
I think it would be OK for the game, but killer in and of itself is already insanely hard. If we were to make it easier, that killer would be OP, or it would reduce the killer's effectiveness, making them UP.
For example, Freddy is an example of a killer who is slightly overtuned, but is sooo easy. He's also, according to most of the community, the most boring killer for both sides.
Then we have Pig, whom's power is very straightforward and easy to use, but is arguably the worst killer in the game.
I don't think they made a single "easy" killer that was actually good.
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Every killer released has been easy to use, that's the whole beauty of DbD, this game is very casual and as simple as it gets. Some definitely have higher skill caps, but there isn't a single killer in this game that I would consider to be not noob-friendly or difficult to pick up and play for anyone that has mild FPS experience.
Also why would you want a killer to become even MORE simple? You do that and the killer becomes very stale very fast. I want to actually play a killer that I don't learn everything about in the first hour of playing them.
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Spirit is in the game
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I'm having a hard time seeing where your coming from. Most killers have a fairly easy to reach skill FLOOR, meaning you can do decent with them right away. What you DONT want is a low skill ceiling. Being able to practice a killer and get better and better with them overtime is the fun of the game. If theres truly nothing you can do to get better at a killer because you hit an incredibly low skill ceiling in 30 minutes... That would just be boring AF. Thats not helping out noobs, but rather applying an easy to reach limit to how good your allowed to get.
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I wouldn't say spirit is noob friendly. You still need some game sense to do well with spirit. I think Freddie would be better.
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true, true.
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The Blight is easy to use?
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How is GF noob friendly? To use him well you need to know maps, plan out stalks, and get the jump on survivors. I'd say the last "noob friendly" killer was Legion tbh. He's an m1 killer that can get everyone injured easily.
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Should've clarified what I meant. It's more to do with their power being very simple and not having much to it, and the fun gameplay comes from the survivors you go against, not because you're finding out anything new about killers like Wraith or Trapper because there's hardly anything to learn (Actually Trapper might be an exception tbh, because everytime a new map comes out you have to learn the best trap locations etc).
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Nurse would like a word. She is the only killer absolutely reliant on her power.
Yes in terms of he acts the same as every other killer. His power has a big ceiling but a noob can get a kill without using his power.
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Yeah? You move fast, slam into walls, rush into survivors and hit them. Nothing too difficult to understand there for anyone that has moderate experience in videogames involving a first person camera, but there's more to learn when you wanna go in-depth with them. Like I said this game is mechanically very simple and easy to understand, there's nothing in this game that a new player couldn't learn to use somewhat effectively in a few hours of playtime.
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Dunno what you mean with that. Yeah she's reliant on her power but that doesn't really say anything about the mechanical difficulty of them.
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Well, Blight and Pyramid Head both have a very low skill floor, if that's what you mean by "noob friendly." Which I assume it is, because Ghostface has the highest skill ceiling of any stealth killer in the game
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Many “noob “ killers are in the game hag Myers ghost wraith trapper Freddy huntress bubba
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Bro easy to say all this, while praticing Blight revelas to be a nightmare to win chase with a lethal-rush hit.
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Shh they'll bring up the stats that we're supposed to take with a grain of salt, but now apparently they're right. According to the stats pig is 4th best.
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If you don't think nurse is mechanically hard, you clearly don't play nurse.
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A noob killer vs noob survivors isn't insanely hard by any means. I think and have always thought the game is much easier on the killer side for beginners. Fair matchmaking though? That's the real problem.
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I think the OP is meaning simple/uncomplicated killers, like the way Billy, Trapper, and Bubba are classes as easy.
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All killers are mechanically noob friendly - except for Nurse, of course.
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She isn't. You hold a button to charge a teleport and move in the direction you're looking based on how much you held the button, going through walls and other obstacles. What's so mechanically difficult about this? I do play/played a bunch of Nurse, and playing her was not difficult at all for me. I also remember watching critikal play DbD and he has the same opinion that Nurse was pretty easy to use. I'm sorry to burst your bubble by saying this but her difficulty is so incredibly overrated imo.
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You are not bursting any bubble. It is well known that nurse is the best killer and also the most difficult to master. Look at any killer tier list; Nurse is always at the top. So why then, doesn't everyone play nurse? Because of the learning curve.
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Sure she has a learning curve, but in the context of video games in general demanding a certain amount of mechanical skill from the player, it's pretty low. Were not exactly on the same level as something like sekiro, Melee Fox or Doom Eternal here, DbD is a very simple game and there's nothing wrong with that. It's a big reason as to why it's so popular.
And the main reason you don't see nurse often anymore is because people think she's not good anymore following the rework, and they can no longer spam blinks or rely on her completely busted add-ons anymore. The rework definitely made her a bit harder but honestly it didn't do that much.
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Why are we talking about other games suddenly? OP is asking about noob friendly killers in dbd. So with respect to other killers in this game, nurse is def not noob friendly and takes a lot longer to master than other killers. You also don't want to learn the game with her as she plays by different rules than other killers. Furthest from noob friendly as you can get.
Even before this rework you didn't see 100% nurse so your reason is def not it.
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I find Ghostface easy to use? For me hes the hardest killer i have tried to play in forever. Please teach me.
If I wanna play an easy Killer, I pick Freddy, Leatherface, Trapper, Wraith, PH (if you feeling brave)
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I get where you're coming from BUT as simple as the mechanics may seem in DBD compared to the games you mentioned they are a lot more difficult to use due to the fact you have to use them against real people.
Sekiro, DOOM etc are AI games. As with any ai / offline title you quickly get used to how enemies behave and adjust your gameplay accordingly making it easy to use the mechanics blindly at some point.
In DBD you never know what a survivor is planning to do and what builds they run thus making it challenging to effectively use "some" killer mechanics.
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I do like this, trapper is very easy to grasp but some insane plays are also viable
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Since newbies don't know what looping is or how to do it (they really need to update the tutorials), then 100% killer is easier than survivor for newbies. Once people actually understanding how the game is supposed to function, then killer becomes 10x harder, and at the highest levels... ugh. I don't even want to know what a no-rules super sweaty DBD tourney would look like.
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and Nurse is the worst.
Also, not everyone who plays DBD is tryharding, so I have no idea what data BHVR is getting from us. If they added a casual/unranked mode as well as make matchmaking actually GOOD, then we are talking, It's funny that there's only 1 gamemode for everyone, tryhards and casuals alike, and with the ######### matchmaking, grind, and alot of killers locked behind paywalls, I have no idea how they would even come close to getting realistic data.
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I film my plays for YouTube sometimes, but I don't wanna be a tryhard channel gamer so my videos are of me failing hard and laughing about it while making jokes about being pig tryna sell pyramid scheme stuff.