How to Buff Billy and make him more fun to play as

Simple, when the overheat mechanic was added to Billy, nothing about the overheat mechanic actually helps or benefits him. In my opinion it should because at the moment there is nothing Billy can do vs good survivors.
New Additional Mechanic to the Overheat:
When Billy's chainsaw is cool and hasn't overheated at all it should charge decently faster and as his overheat bar fills up his charge time gets a little slower, but his movement speed with the chainsaw gets faster. When his overheat bar is at 0 the charge time should be decreased by like 20% and when the overheat bar reaches max the charge time should be what it is now. The movement speed with the chainsaw base kit should range from 230% to 270%. When the overheat bar is at 99 billy should move at 270% and 230% when the overheat bar is at 0.
This way, Billy will be able to punish survivors a little more effectively and be able to catch decent survivors at loops faster if he plays well.
I just wish Billy were a little more viable vs good teams.
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Just revert him back to how he was last year.
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We all know that's not happening lol.
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Personally I'm mostly fine with how he is right now. Still not a big fan of his add ons but his base kit to me is in a good place.
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Just fully revert the basekit and remove overheat. The only issue with billy was dumb addon combos like instasaw and crack billy. Overheat to me just removes the most fun thing that I found with billy. Sprinting everywhere and throwing out random chainsaws until something landed.
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Id just remove his overheat rework those 3 addons and there ya go perfect killer. because addons were his only problem before
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We also know they're never gonna make good decisions for the game's health, so what's the point?