15 minutes to play again? Are you SERIOUS?

I just DCed. Yes. It was an unbearable match. 5 gens to be done, I play on console and was against a PC Spirit. So the odds are I have it waaay more difficult. Instead of hooking, she wouldn't stop until all 4 of us were kissing floor. The whole match was trying to get up and going down again and again.

So I am not allowed to DC in order to make a stand and send the message that "this is not acceptable"? And I can take uo to 5 minutes, OKAY, but 15? Ar you guys crazy?

People don't usually DC just out of the blue, it's because they ain't allowed to have fun, despite winning or losing.

Also, how does the DC penalty work? If I DC again how much time shall I wait?


  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    Did they increase the wait time? I thought for first DC it was 5 min not 15..

    also if you think PC players are too OP, you have to turn Crossplay off, then you won’t feel forced to dc because you can’t get matched against any PC players.

  • Bootlegmoth
    Bootlegmoth Member Posts: 290

    He's not lying, says Orion right at the top. Story checks out.

  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171

    I don't believe'em. It says Orion but it doesn't say "Orion.".

  • Bootlegmoth
    Bootlegmoth Member Posts: 290

    Damn your right! This has happened to me before. Someone told me that Otzdarva and not_otzdarva were actually the same person, and I almost fell for it!

  • PanicSquid
    PanicSquid Member Posts: 655

    The DC penalties get worse and worse the more you DC. Next one is probably an hour, then 2, then 6... all the way up to 72 hours.

    Just play the game, accept that some people are jerks, and slugging to death only takes 4 minutes. Just pull up a youtube video on your phone and wait it out.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    If your disconnection penalty was that high I'm assuming you disconnect anytime you bump into any slight irritation is received in a match.

    Sorry but people like you are the reason we need disconnections penalties.

    The worst part it's punishing people who are unintentionally being disconnected by server errors or people who are legitimately stuck in game breaking bugs. They don't deserve the penalties but it's because people will be see at any slight irritation and abuse it that we have to have them

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    oh if you dont like the 15 minute timeout you will have a bad time when you do it again...

    id advise you not to.

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    There was that time Otz after basically winning the match, dc for the meme. Which did make for a funny ending to the video.

    There was also the time Scott dc after getting to the exit gate as survivor for the meme. Threw down a firecracker and than dc to pull a magic trick, when he could of escape. In both of these cases, the match was petty much already over and the only person who got screwed over was well Scott and Otz, for they wanted to do something funny. Which did get laughs out of others, while harming no one.

    However in most cases. Dcs just screw over the survivors team by turning it into a three vs one aka time to depip or give them a free 5k points if the killer dcs. Which recently saw a David try to give up on their first hook, they got saved by their team mate and than just flat out dc. That or oh no I when down, dc. Which dcs can also harm the killer, if a survivor dcs. Due to less points or if they dc before they get hooked, denying the killer a bbq stack. That and some people will dc after they died on hook or while on hook. That and in many cases after the first person who gives up on first hook or dcs happen, it normally leads to the rest of the survivors giving up, if it happens early on. If a killer tries to play nice and give the last one hatch, they might depip from it as well, no good deed goes unpunished. If there is one thing the current dc system is lacking, is some reason to give the remaining players a reason to stay in the game and not give up right away. For a few 100 blood points doesn't do much to keep people in the game.

  • WhyBHVR
    WhyBHVR Member Posts: 2
  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    So I am not allowed to DC in order to make a stand and send the message that "this is not acceptable"?

    Nope. That's why there's a scaling penalty for DCing.

  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    PC killers are more lethal. Maneuver better. Screen is faster. No jitters. Overall PC killers are superior.

    PC survivors are the same, they can perform moves console players can't.

    If I'm playing killer, PC 4 swf team are really annoying and stressful to play against.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    There was no hope in the match. The entity was displeased.

  • DeliciousFood
    DeliciousFood Member Posts: 464

    Imagine having limited time in your day to play DBD, the casual horror game, in green ranks (so pretty chill) and having some smurfing spirit slug everyone at 5 gens and refusing to hook. Yes, that is the quality gameplay I've been waiting for. After ten minutes of queues, slow loading because crossplay, and amazing latency, I spend most of my game slugged doing absolutely nothing against a notoriously powerful killer played by a sweatlord that enjoys beating up lower ranks.

    Man, and to top it all off, I have to wait until I bleed out to get my inevitable depip and then 10 more minutes of waiting. Probably half an hour of my limited free time consumed when it could have been mitigated if I could just leave the game somehow.

    Alright so this situation is pretty rare, usually the killer will end up hooking you and you can just suicide there. But I kind of understand the issue here. You're being slugged forever for whatever reason and it's just asinine gameplay. A suggestion would not be to remove the penalty, because in the end it is made to penalize one side (not the survivor one) and the majority of the community is fine with that, but instead offer an out if someone's been slugged for far too long without being helped. Something like 30 seconds of having your recovery meter is full that you can start holding M1 again, but this time to drastically increase your bleed out meter.

    The DC penalty is still dumb and barely helps the issues at hand, but in this case I think a different approach is necessary. I personally think guaranteeing black pips for every survivor in a 3 v 1 if there is a dc would be a better approach (They pip if they earn it of course), and same for killer. Carrot instead of stick. But the animosity present in this community tends to prefer the harsher approach.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,964

    The DC penalties are there for a reason, to prevent people DC'ing from the game for no valid reason - because you are being camped, tunneled, your hex totem has been broken etc IS NOT A VAILD REASON.

    We also have a forum rule here, that we do not promote Unsportsmanlike Behaviour on this forum, which DC'ing falls under.

    I'm closing this thread as a result.

This discussion has been closed.