When you watch streamers/YouTubers play this game what do you look for?

Title says it all really, I tend to avoid most of the streamers/YouTubers playing this game because I feel like they encourage toxicity sometimes (not all of them I know, but the ones I have seen do and that creates a snowball for smaller channels). I've started playing for videos and I just wanna chill, talk while playing, make jokes (example; made a whole video about being pig selling MLM products)
But, what do you guys like seeing? Is there something fun about competitive players who stream?
I like finding respectable players like Otz. I've learned a lot by watching him play and even turned into more the type of player to say "good dead hard" or something like that, just complimenting opponents when they make a good play even though they can't hear me lol. In a way, he's just changed my outlook on the game and made it a lot more enjoyable
On the other hand, I cringe at anyone who advertises being toxic
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I haven't actually watches Otz, but I might now. I do like Demi, although sometimes he can be kinda... eh? The things he says while playing aren't exactly the nicest but he's not toxic while playing.
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I can only think of 1 or 2 content creators max that play killer that encourage toxicity and they aren't as big as others. Most of the more cocky ones talk crap in their commentary or act like asses to their teamamtes or opponents tend to play solo survivor.
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I only look on youtube for guides or what the scumbags of the community now have done now (I dont do this for pleasure)
In Streamers I look for chill, positive vibes, fun and good feels.
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The ones I tend to watch are Ohmwrecker and Not Otzdarva. I also used to watch a lot of HybridPanda when he was about.
It's their more chilled approach that appeals. There are different skills these guys use, and it's fun to learn about new ideas, but it's their attitudes which make them a must-watch.
I can't be doing with those who just want to make others look foolish. It's those who are fun to watch, and also create a story out of it that's most enjoyable.
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I have found it's mostly smaller streamers from going against them and checking out their streams, plus during the game they're just toxic but I don't know if they think that's gonna draw in more views.
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I personally enjoy anyone who just plays the game and is overall positive. Not constantly bashing on teammates or the games issues, etc. Puppers is one of my favourite steamers/YT's because no matter how bad a match tends to go, he's always just so positive, and he's always having a laugh about it. Monto is also a good one, he just tends to be more humourous with his matches overall. I did used to watch Tru3, but he just seemed to ######### about everything, then double back on what he said when it went his way, and his community were overall toxic whenever someone pointed out something Tru3 disagreed with which made me leave that one.
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Non toxic, chill, and generally nice people. Its why I enjoy the likes of Umbra, Zubat, Bronx, Otz etc.
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mostly people who are skilled on certain killers or a survivor who do good in chases and know how to loop. People that come into my mind are Otz, Sweh, Umbra, fungoose, Tithi
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I like to look for some of the smaller streamers to see how they are when they play. I like people that even though they have a small audience they are still having fun with what few people are in their chat. Also I love it when they are positive even in utter defeat. People like MrCaligari, RespawnShawn, NoedFred are some smaller ones I follow.
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I watch Monto for fun and I watch Otz for educational aspects, I like his attitude as well.
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Positive players, entertainment, simply really nice people. As well as that, really skilled players are great to watch, too. It's why I enjoy people like Otz, Ussylis, Cru5h and Yerv, Zubat, Scott Jund.
They all bring something positive to the game; they aren't toxic and play in a respectable manner.
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I tend to gravitate towards smaller content creators who are involved in the competitive scene. A lot of the bigger names are really entertaining, but they aren't consistently playing against great players in a competitive environment or looking at the game that way. I like watching streams that will go into the finer points of why you would play Freddy over PH, PH over Freddy, Blight vs Freddy, etc. Not just "hurr durr Freddy snare bomb ez mode", because it's not like that against actual good competition. And then there's the nitty gritty of survivor meta in a 4 man SWF, like 2 BT vs 2 Adrenaline, Repressed Alliance vs Ruin/Undying, etc.
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My favorites are the streamers/content creators that like to talk about what they're doing while they're doing it. I think it's interesting to hear what kinds of things these CC's are thinking about as they play, plus this content is probably the most educational of the bunch. Otzdarva and Scott Jund (and maybe Monto, OhTofu, and Ussylis as well) are great examples of this style.
I also enjoy some of the sillier creators who do very ridiculous things with the game. People like Demi, Noob3, Samination, etc.
Otherwise I like Zubat for his apathetic "chill-but-skilled" approach to DbD. It's a mindset that I wish I could emulate better when dumb things/people in the game are getting on my nerves.
The only CC's I don't like are the ones that come off as overly-negative towards the game (it's not fun to watch someone play a game they actively hate), and those that regularly act nasty towards other players through toxic speech.
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I like nontoxic chill streamers that are really good on both sides.
Or streamers that have really good interaction with their chats and make it a party.
So to learn and get better I watch Otz , fungoose.
If I just want to have fun and party and chat, I watch longlivmac.
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for me I was only looking for killer streamers which is not that enough obviously.. and was looking not for a meta build, but how to improve my looping, mindgames and how to improve gameplay with specific killers.. one of the best ways how to learn mindgames is playing with m1 killers like trapper or wraith.. now after 2.5k hours as a killer im watching them only for fun and because I like them.. streamers : Otz, hexy, scott jund and theentityleft hand for trapper plays :)
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I try to avoid YT and streamers if most of their content is based off going against lower ranks. Watching players who only use meta perks on high tier killers gets boring so I try to avoid those who do.
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If you're looking for a good killer streamer Pro Vengeance is really good. Hes lesser known but he rotates killers every game and you can pick up a lot from watching him. Plus he has a win streak going of over 300 in a row, ( going by at least 3k per match since the hatch is rng). Not really too talkative but solid killer gameplay.
Streams on youtube not twitch.
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Ideally I look for someone who can use the word potato to describe the people they're going against as often as possible, in between sponsored segments where they demonstrate the latest pube trimmer, now available in all participating retail outlets
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I'm still pretty new to the game, but I found the "Entity Educator" (or whatever his channel was) for a basic guide to each Killer. Aside from that, I like watching King Of Skill's DbD videos.
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Not being an arrogant douchebag. That's pretty much it, I don't care how good or bad someone is, if I can just chill and watch without cringing in a bad way then I'm gonna chill and watch and maybe cringe in a good way.
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I usually make a bee-line for Otzdarva and Dowsey. It was after watching a couple of Dowsey's videos that I got into playing Spirit.
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There are some very wholesome streamers. I recently discovered Granny and she’s very entertaining.
When I watch streams I usually look for something new to learn (despite feeling incredibly well versed in this game, I like to stay open minded that I cannot possibly know everything).
Sometimes I consider streaming but I don’t like talking, and don’t consider myself entertaining enough to be stream worthy. But I do see some streamers (some even fog whisperers) and I shake my head thinking “why on earth did you do that?!”. Or particularly when they use Clown and I think “Wrong. Wrong. Also wrong. Good god how do so many play Clown wrong?!”
Lol. I know that sounds arrogant, but I just see it so often.
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I look for 3 things, and if a streamer/youtuber has one of them I'll watch them:
-Very funny
-Creative with their content
-Very informative about builds, strategies, etc.
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I know two that I really don’t like. Bullying with the “double tap”, and another that’s just outright nasty to whomever they’re playing against.
It’s sad that it makes them popular.
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As someone who tries to make content... I don't know what I look for
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I don't normally watch stream I want to play myself but I do like Paulie Esther and Otzdarva.
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It's also sad that a certain popular streamer used to be heavily anti-toxicity and just bit by bit fell right into that rabbit hole.
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I exclusively watch Truetalent when I do watch youtube. He's a long time player like me and I know a lot of people don't really get his style, it resonates me as a veteran, I'm sitting there a lot of the time nodding going oh yeah I completely understand.
I will say on the other hand a lot of pallets don't spawn anymore and infinites aren't as prominent so it's easy to forget how comfy and safe the game has become, but to me watching someone that has been around like him just feels good.
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I watch Pro. He's great. I first came across him when he did his fifty 4k streak with Mikey using no perks or add ons.
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See, that's where I'm at because I'm starting to wonder if my content is good/not toxic etc.