To my red rank solo brethren

Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

So quick catch up on me. Long time killer main, started SWFing to learn survivor, climbed to rank 4 as survivor, but knew I was boosted.

So I started my solo career. I have been hard stuck at rank 6 but all I face are red rank killers and my fellow survivors also tend to be red ranks.

My question, how often do you all survive? I went from probably a 70% survival rate as a swfmate to maybe 15% as a solo.

I noticed as solo, I don't even play to survive anymore, I play to hopefully pip.

So please tell me friends are you surviving often? And if so, how?



  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789
    edited November 2020

    Probably about 70-80% of the time, regardless of if I'm in a SWF or not.

    That doesn't mean that solo queue isn't painful, or doesn't feel borderline unplayable, because that is definitely how it is.

    I survive so much because I learnt how to loop (and try to be efficient, so much so that when doing the drop 10 pallets in chase challenge, it took about 20 survivals in a row lmao) and know that if I don't have information to determine where to go to heal if needed, I'll just sit on a gen and I'm always mindful of a 3 gen when deciding which to do, as it's auto-loss if that happens. It's why on Azarov's Resting Place, the first thing I do is check if the side I'm on has 2, 3, or 4 gens on it. (That make needs fixing tbh, I've had all 5 gens on a deadzone RNG at shackside) The principle sticks for most maps, but it's a bit less clear cut to determine how to avoid it.

    But conversely, I find the same to be true of my killrate, so I chalk it all up to RNG.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    id say i have an escape ration of... idk 60% to 70%?

    in case you're not currently using it, i highly recommend you run Kindred.

    Its an amazing solo perk.

  • steezo_de
    steezo_de Member Posts: 1,202

    50% all the way to 1. I almost always prioritize WGLF stacks and play pretty aggressive. It doesn't matter what perks I use other than WGLF- the outcome is generally the same. Just know your tiles.

    I would have a higher survival rate if I play more safe, but I would have quit this game a long time ago if I did.

  • gatsby
    gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

    Use all your perk slots to keep yourself alive.

    I run Detective’s Hunch and Inner Strength for super reliable healing. But I also run Blood Pact so I can find someone to heal me if the totems all get cleansed. Blood Pact has also helped me a ton because it creates an Obsession so the Killer has to respect Decisive Strike even when no one has it.

    My last perk is almost always Dead Hard. But any exhaustion perk will do. Lithe is also pretty good in chases

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    I do run kindred in my solo build. Damn you all seem to be surviving quite a bit!

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Thanks for the advice, I guess I concentrate on gennys and save as opportunity presents itself.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    That is fair! I don't play very safe either, however I don't have the looping skills to back it up.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    I run DS, kindred, spine chill and dead hard. Then I bring a great medkit. I play whatever character has the best medkit options.

    Seems to be i need to improve my looping if I want to escape more.

  • NoelleMina
    NoelleMina Member Posts: 638

    I was in a similar situation: Climbed to red ranks with Swf, started playing solo almost religiously, and got stuck at rank 8 or 6 for a long time. Faced the reality that there are just some I couldn’t control and eventually, got used to it.

    Bond and Iron Will (Mostly Bond) carried me through solo and into red ranks. It helps me recognize the situation I’m in and adjust quickly. Kindred, or any aura reading perk is good as well.

    But, again, before all of that I had to accept that there are things simply out of my control. So that helped as well.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Thanks for the reply. Honestly I do play much more chill as solo than SWF.

    I think because there is so much outside of my control.

    But I know in the long run it will make me a better player.

  • steezo_de
    steezo_de Member Posts: 1,202

    It's a little trickier these days too because a lot of loops have lengthened or shortened by just enough to make it unpredictable and unsafe, especially if you take it too wide or there's a small obstacle in the way. It's better to be safe if you're unsure. Just don't waste a lot and try to leave something for your mates if they need it. Sometimes I'd rather go down than waste a strong pallet.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    I will definitely go down than waste a strong pallet, unfortunately maybe a little too quick, lol

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    tbf, i have a rather stealthy approach, so i'm usually the one doing the objective.

    the problem with solo survivor is, that you cant really rely on your team - and when you do, well, you die more often than not.

    you always gotta play like you have been matched with teammates like that:

    i have no idea how in the world this happened btw.

    as a solo player my lobby should NOT look like that lol (and i was wondering throughout the whole match ######### my team was doing - yeah i died on first hook)

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Well, I'd say I survive like 70-80% of the time, if only my team did gens while I looped the killer for 6 gens. Not even joking it is ridiculous how bad "rank 1" survivors are some of the time lol.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Damn.. that lobby is BS.

    See i as a rank 6 am always the lowest rank in the lobby. I play almost exclusively with red ranks.

    That is some BS match making.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Can't lie, I have been surprised by my teammates' decision making in red ranks.

    Hopefully I can get you in my lobbys, I have no problem doing gennys.

  • Slendy4321
    Slendy4321 Member Posts: 605

    Kindred has earned it's place in my build and usually helps me in terms of escaping. It gives so much information when someone's on the hook and I have to say it's saved my butt more than I could count. For my other 3 slots I run Balanced Landing, Iron Will and Inner Strength. Since I know where totems spawn most of the time and it's a free fast heal

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Thanks, I do run a fast medkit with at least 2 heals in it. But yes kindred is a big part of my solo build

  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,370

    Not all that much, matchmaking doesn't seem to like me a lot of the time.

  • Slendy4321
    Slendy4321 Member Posts: 605

    But the meta is boring. I rather run a fun meme build and die rather than use a meta build and survive but that's just me

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    Go in not expecting to win. What I do. I just had a game as a rank 1 with 2 grey ranks and a green. Solo'd 4 gens and left them to die.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    I don't run the meta. I do ok. You don't need the meta perks to survive at all. You just have to play reasonably smart and not get sandbagged.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    By in large this is because Team and Solo have not been split into two Ques. If they had been split, it would have been easier to balance SWF's 5th Perk Comms by simply unlocking a 5th Perk for the Killer when playing against them and/or adding an additional Generator requirement to open the gates.

    Instead of splitting them, however, they attempted to balance things with Perks. This was not, in my opinion, the best method. Any Perk that moves to slow down the SWF advantage hits the Solo Que 3x (if not more) as hard. So to deal with the broken Generator rush created by SWF, they added a lot of oppressive things in to slow Generators down. Did it help? Sure. It moderately slowed down the SWF, but it absolutely strangled the Solo Que.

    Due to the negative feedback loop, the Solo Que (and I play in it too) has become more selfish and less team oriented, further accelerating the the erosion of their teamwork and social contract. If you are just playing to Pip, you don't really care that much about the others. Do you see my point? It is a problem that will continue to get worse, until the CAUSE of the issue, not the symptoms are treated.

    So to reiterate, Team and Solo will need to be broken up so that SWF can be balanced independently of Solo. Then those Perks which are strangling the Solo can be tweaked a bit to be less oppressive. They won't be required to be as strong as they are now because other more targeted means will have been applied. Until then, yeah... it is rough for us few, proud Solo who still try to fight the good fight.

  • mintchapstick
    mintchapstick Member Posts: 891

    When I play solo I usually end up in red ranks, if I play SWF I usually end up stuck in purple ranks. I have like a 50% survival rate alone & a loooow survival rate when I play with friends. I suspect it's because I play safer and concentrate more when I'm playing alone rather than laughing/talking over Discord. Or worse, my friends give me bad info a lot and I rely on it and I turn around and there's a killer next to me and I'm like, what you said he was in the shack.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    I may sound it but I have been raged at aplenty as a boosted survivor by teammates! :D

    If you want more speciifc tips, or even a point in the direction of some content creators that are great to watch and learn from, I can recommend Ussylis and Cru5h on youtube. Both do tutorials and are insanely good at this game.

  • valvarez4
    valvarez4 Member Posts: 868

    They are not lying. This is a killer forum so you find people with more than 4.000 hours playing rank 20 surv once a week against perk less rank 20,trappers

    10-15% should be the escape rate for solos, but this don”t bother devs

  • CustomerService
    CustomerService Member Posts: 479

    This is precisely why they praise each other and pet each other’s heads. They play 2 rank 20 matches a month and they’re like “ooof dud survivers iz 2 ez”

  • CustomerService
    CustomerService Member Posts: 479

    There’s not a single trail of irony in that post. It’s the literal truth. Exactly how it is.

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    My point was its ironic and hypocritical of you to call them out for doing something while also doing it yourself.

  • CustomerService
    CustomerService Member Posts: 479

    What exactly do I do? I think you might be day dreaming.

  • Momentosis
    Momentosis Member Posts: 824
    edited November 2020

    Around 60-70% survival rate.

    Perk set I usually use is Kindred, Small Game, Spine Chills, and then something else like Head On.

    As to how, I don't know. I'm ok at looping. I play like my teammates are little kids and I sorta have to baby sit them. Brute force gens the killer is defending so we don't 3 gen ourselves

    Clean up totems because nobody ever does totems. I very rarely, if ever, get hit by NOED.

    If I notice someone who's on their last hook being chased, I'll run up and try to take the pressure off of them and get the killer to chase me instead(only if I'm not on the last hook myself". Sharing hook states is pretty vital. I try to keep a mental note of which hook state each survivor is on. You often get people talking about how their team is getting killed while they haven't got touched the entire game and then they get hooked at EGC and nobody saves them, what they don't realize is that the teammates have been keeping pressure off them and now that they're all on death hooks, nobody's gonna come save your ass. Maybe you should've taken a couple hooks during the match to keep the hook states balanced among everyone.

    If the killer is camping, I just rush the gens. Wake Up, another perk I use a lot, is a really good perk for escaping when you're the last survivor.

    Balancing stealth and actively running around the killer is vital I think.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    I don't know if I agree that they are lying. I play a Killer in the Red Ranks and there are Survivors that I run into that are amazing. There are superstars that I never kill in the match. Not all Red Rank Survivors are this good, just like all Red Rank Killers aren't Otz, Stalky Boi, or Monto types. But there are ones that I firmly believe can boast a 70%. :)

  • CustomerService
    CustomerService Member Posts: 479

    Trust me. “Momentosis” with his kindred, spine chill and head on doesn’t survive 80% of his matches. I can guarantee you that much. Unless Momentosis is rank 16, he doesn’t survive 80% of his solo queue red ranks.

    Players like Momentosis lie.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Oh I wasn't commenting or naming anyone specific. I'm just saying I've seen some crazy good Survivors that I'd believe 70% if they said that. But then again, while I'm a Red Rank Killer, I'm a far cry from Otz and his ilk. I've seen the superstar Killers make all Red Rank teams (that were really good) look like potatoes. But I suspect there are far fewer Superstars than there are guys in the Red Ranks like me. Thus, your average Superstar Survivor isn't having to go against the truly great Killers but once in awhile.

    I know there are ones who beat that 20% estimate you gave. I think that is really low.

  • Momentosis
    Momentosis Member Posts: 824


    Didn't say 80, said 60-70. You can look up my steam account. I've hit rank 1 with both Killer and Survivor.

    Here's a spreadsheet I did before PH's release. I kept track of stats of 100 games at rank 1 survivor.

    Ended up with 61% survival rate. And honestly if not for the DCs and suicides, the numbers could've potentially be higher as almost all of them were DCs on first down/suicides on first hook.

    Been thinking of doing another one of these but it's such a pain in the ass entering in the numbers after every game.

  • CustomerService
    CustomerService Member Posts: 479

    And you played 100% of those games solo. And you played how, did you hide all game? There’s so many factors here.

  • Momentosis
    Momentosis Member Posts: 824

    Yeah they were all solo. Any duos of swf games I played were not kept track in this. Also I had edited my first post here earlier with some general ideas of how I just went about playing the games.

    Now the question here is, how are you playing that you are only surviving 20% of the time?

  • valvarez4
    valvarez4 Member Posts: 868

    Guy, I really want to trust you, but you can’t survive 65% in red ranks in solo. You have many dcs and kills in first hook. That’s impossible. I made a post asking for killing rate and you can see it’s always 3-4k

  • CustomerService
    CustomerService Member Posts: 479

    -if- he hides all game and then gets hatch it could be possible in theory.

  • steezo_de
    steezo_de Member Posts: 1,202

    It would actually be nice for this forum to have your account linked to your ingame stats and platform, just so we know where you're coming from.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    This is pretty normal. Survival rate is meant to low.

    I tend to make sure my loadout is built around helping my team, but also how I can help myself, especially where information is concerned.

  • chieften333
    chieften333 Member Posts: 1,554

    For the love of god don't play to pip. It only gets worse on both ends when you get to red ranks.

  • Khar
    Khar Member Posts: 640

    If I'm solo, I'll usually try to pip. Escaping or not doesn't really determine victory if you've preformed well before dying. So, that's my goal when I'm in. However, if I'm feeling especially selfish I'll just leave the match when the gate is opened instead of risking my 5,000 escape points to unhook a rando. They might berate me in after game chat, but that's okay. Solo's gonna solo.

  • Mdawgu
    Mdawgu Member Posts: 408

    It depends mostly on how good your teammates are. If they can’t hold their own your probably screwed.

  • DCash
    DCash Member Posts: 170

    It's hard to say a percentage honestly. Im getting close to 5k hours, equal killer/survivor time, all solo. I escape most of my games regardless of my teammates. But I die a lot too. I mean I can't help getting tunnelled off hook and my team doesn't have BT, or the moris I get in a lot of games. I also never run DS. I run adrenaline, borrowed time, any means necessary, and we're going to live forever. Any means is a recent addition but I'm finding it to be really helpful. Saving pallets from my teammates bad plays and I like the fact I can throw pallets myself with less fear as I can just save them. Also helps in chase, killers almost always break the pallet when I try to pick it up in their face, breaking the pallet removes bloodlust so I almost never get bloodlusted.

    As a killer you play 1 against 4. Everyone knows this. Took me a while to realize solo survivor is also 1 against 4. You need to analyze your team as you play. And some times you need to know when to let people go. If your own play style doesn't mesh with the other players you're just going to have a bad time.

    So are they all being stealthy? Don't rush to gens because you will get chased the most since the killer probably won't find them. Being loud while your team is in stealth mode just makes it easier for the killer to tunnel you. If you're the only one they can find it's kinda your fault for not playing along, at least a little bit. It is important to get on gens as quickly as you can, but I usually give it a second at start of match, find a vantage or line of sight, count to 10, watching your team, seeing what they do, then decide your course of action.

    Are they all rushing to get unhooks and no one is ever on a gen? Someone needs to be on a gen at all times, better get on one because they certainly aren't. Or is it the opposite and no one goes for saves because they are all scared? You need to fill the roles your team is leaving empty.

    Analyzing your team's play style as a solo is just as important as figuring out the killers perks and play style. A lot of times I commit to gens or make crazy plays based on faith in my team from watching how they have played. Or I knew that my team was throwing or playing poorly, so I rush gens, getting as many done as possible so I can exit out the hatch when they die. Which leads to my next main point.

    It's also really important to understand the hatch mechanics as a solo player. Having faith in your team is one thing but knowing your team isn't going to make it is another. You need to be ready for when they all die. I'm not telling you to go camp the hatch and not work on gens. Don't be that person. But knowing when the hatch appears on the board, finding it ahead of time, has saved me so many times. Having that information can tell you if you should go for a door play or straight for the hatch.

    So has the killer seen the hatch? Have you seen the hatch? If you know the answer to those questions escaping becomes a lot easier. Just remember 2 people alive, 2 gens left, hatch appears, and, 3 people alive, 1 gen left, hatch appears. If you go to the hatch for a standoff with the killer, face to face, and they do not hit you, RUN. They know how the hatch works and you won't make it through. The killer has priority to close the hatch in that situation. If they do try to down you on the hatch however, they are stunned for a second from the swing, losing their collision, and you can spam m1 and escape, provided it opened.

    Sorry for how long this got or if you knew any of this already. I try to write for any new players that may read this.