Nerf Base Speed for Killers



  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930
    edited September 2018

    It’ll fix matchmaking having too many killers....

  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258

    Go play Soul at Stake.

  • xxaggieboyxx
    xxaggieboyxx Member Posts: 498
    scumrrado said:

    Most killers should not have a base speed over 100%. In what slasher movie was the killer naturally faster than the "survivors," without the use of supernatural abilities? Pretty much none.

    Most slashers use stealth, strategic advantage (traps, location awareness), or supernatural abilities to confirm kills. Not base run speed. DBD should replicate this.

    It feels like crap as a survivor to die to a killer because they're impossible to run away from. All the juking and stuns in the world can be caught up to. Maps are either way too open or way too closed. Scratch marks from running are too easy to follow, but how else do you get away? Being chased forever isn't scary. It's annoying.

    On the flip side, it feels like crap to be stuck in a loop as a killer. Survivors shouldn't have to resort to stalling, ping, or bugs to get away. It should be rewarding as the killer to down a survivor, rather than easy. It should be terrifying to encounter the killer as a survivor, not damning.

    Nerf killer base run speeds, remove loops, remove some more pallets, reduce terror radii, etc. Heck, even buff killer abilities. The point is, at the start of the match with zero perks, no killer should be able to outrun a survivor.

    Thoughts, my killer mains? :)

    If survivors were faster then they would just run in a straight line and run in circles around things. It would be like playing nurse and not blinking... 
  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    i wont even bother commenting how stupid this suggestion is.
    git gud

  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    sure let's make survivor so easy you can win by literally just running in a straight line, as if it wasn't easy enough already

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    @yeet said:
    sure let's make survivor so easy you can win by literally just running in a straight line, as if it wasn't easy enough already

    Survivor is super hard. The killer has tried to kill me before; what’s with that!?

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    You're not fooling anyone, I see you under that michael myers mask Dwight...

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    @PigMainBigBrain said:
    You're not fooling anyone, I see you under that michael myers mask Dwight...

    I’m a killer main BTW

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    @scumrrado said:

    @alivebydeadight said:
    no WHEN he uses his stalk and begins stalking survivors he moves much slower, I know he moves faster when he tiers up but i mean when he is stalking survivors

    Right - we're in agreement on Michael's kit. The slow speed while stalking is the caveat for the potential to increase levels, thus earning speed boosts. Michael gains speed by using abilities successfully. Granted he's still at 105% at level 1, but the basic principal is there. And that's why Michael feels good to play as and against.

    That's the sort of gameplay all killers need. Otherwise, we're just instantly rewarding players for selecting to be killer. They technically don't have to use abilities to win.

    Gens can be done to fast to finish the game for michaels style to be viable across all other killers, if anything all the killers in this game need to be able to control the speed of the game by adding more objectives like pig does. Time sucks in this game....BAD like....really bad. And the devs for some reason have a bad perception of time because they keep reducing the time the killer has to do its job. Pallet loops, having to strike people twice, the pallet stuns themselves, on top of having to essentially hook all 4 survivors, on top of multiple survivors being able to reduce that gen time down even more the more people are on it, on top of quick heals, and getting off hooks, and all kinds of other whacky forgiving perks and mechanics they put in this game to make making mistakes as a survivor less punishing to not punishing at all.... this ######### needs work.

    And just analyzing this game from my perspective with heartbeatless killers like michael and pig and wraith.... having a heartbeat is probably one of the biggest downsides to being a killer. The fact that pretty much all other killers outside of those 3 feed the survivor a ton of information is why I don't even bother playing the other killers. I don't want to play a game where I handfeed the survivors information thus making the game and the surprise harder for myself and heartbeats create the opposite of pressure.
    When there's no heartbeat on stealthless killers like trapper etc, the survivors know its free time to do whatever they want without any form of caution which means less pressure in the game. And since most killers don't have a terror radius outside of that 32 meters without perks, and considering the size of the map, plus the fact that survivors know full well when someone is being chased, injured etc. The amount of free information survivors get "WITHOUT PERKS" is high.

    The god damn job as a killer is hard enough as is trying to micro manage 4 people at once plus strategically set up gen progress so you're not walking across the entire map to patrol, plus count the god damn wiggles when you pick people up, plus keep track of who you have in your hand and how many times they've been hooked, plus watching for items etc etc etc. Why make it harder for yourself by having killers have to worry about speed and the time of the game.....

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    Cutting speed means it takes more time to travel between gens. As a result survivors will be able to secure even more progression while killer patrols plus the fact they can no longer be caught in chase. I don't see a validation for your request.