Perk Idea: Damage Control

When a killer kicks a generator, it takes longer for survivors to repair.
Ex: gens takes 80 seconds for 1 survivor to repair. A gen is left at 50%, when the killer kicks it. If the survivor immediately got back on the gen, the time to finish would be longer than the normal 40 seconds left. Say if it's a 25% repair penalty, those 40 seconds now become 50 seconds required (If I did my math right).
A way to maybe balance this is to make the regression after kicked to be slower (from 0.25 charges per second, to perhaps 0.2 charges per second), or not regress at all. No idea which would be better.
The intention is to fight gen rushing, but I have no idea how useful a perk like this would be.


  • DKOuToFConTRoL
    DKOuToFConTRoL Member Posts: 59

    It could be a bit much, it may not be considered since it more or less is what Pop Goes the Weasel does.

    Though it would be a bananas build to have your suggestion, pop goes the weasel, and overcharge. Gen defender.