Killer Concept: The Baykok (Native American Folklore)
My first non license killer concept. This one is inspired somewhat by the teaser trailer of The Twins. Everyone thought that the character coming was a wendigo, either from Until Dawn or the traditional original one from Native American folklore, so I decided to cook up a killer based on a lesser known creature from the same folklore. Without further ado, here's the killer.
STORY: A mysterious hunter from the forests of Northern America, the Baykok is a frightening being who stalks through the woods, a horrifying story told over campfires in the dead of night. The Baykok is said to follow the path of any people who call themselves warriors, only wanting to fight those worthy of true combat. People assumed that this was merely a myth to scare young children and teens who dare to wander into the woods. They are unaware just how true these tales are.
APPEARANCE: The Baykok appears as a thin, emaciated figure with translucent skin. Underneath the skin you can see portions of the skeleton. It wears a ceremonial headdress of feathers, a small pelt over its legs and a quiver festooned with various items stolen from humans; rings, teeth etc. The bow it carries is carved from bone and the club is a gunstock club made of red cedar.
MORI : The Baykok shrieks and leaps upon the survivor, raising its war club and striking them on the head several times until they stop moving. It then changes to an over the shoulder view from the survivor's perspective looking up at it, where the Baykok reaches down and tears the belly open with both hands, shrieking in glee as it pulls out their liver and swallows it with relish before climbing back to its feet.
Activate the power button to change between Hunter and Warrior mode.
HUNTER - You move at an increased speed, but can not basic attack. The Baykok pulls out its bow and can fire Ghost Arrows, a light blueish green arrow with faint wisps of white smoke emanating from the feathers. Hold the attack button to charge a shot and release to fire, the longer it is held the further these go. If an arrow hits the target, they scream out in pain and their aura is revealed to you for 5 seconds. For each subsequent arrow hit on the same survivor you gain increasing advantages.
Two arrows: The target suffers from the Exhausted status effect for 20 seconds.
Three arrows: The target's aura is revealed to you when beyond 30 metres away until they remove the arrows.
Four arrows: The target is hindered for 5 seconds. After this expires, they receive a small burst of speed but then suffer from the Broken status effect for 40 seconds.
A survivor can interact with themselves for 15 seconds in order to remove this arrow, increasing by 5 seconds per additional arrow. they can attempt to rush this action by pressing the button to use items. Doing so will cause them to perform a series of tremendously difficult skill checks depending on the amount of arrows. 2 skill checks for 1 arrow, 3 for 2 arrows etc. Completing the skill checks properly removes the arrows completely, but failing one of them results in the target screaming and being given the broken status effect for 30 seconds. If they are already broken, they are instead downed.
You begin the trial with 2 arrows and can carry up to 4. You regenerate an arrow every 20 seconds.
WARRIOR - You put away your bow and pull out a war club. Every 40 seconds you can hold the basic attack button when not in a chase to emit a war cry. This war cry invigorates you, increasing your speed by 20% for 10 seconds, ending early upon striking a survivor.
ODIOUS GAZE - Your cold, dead eyes are seething with hatred, demoralising even the bravest of souls. When a survivor looks directly at you, they hear a sound cue that slowly climbs in tone (similar to a survivor spotting you as Ghostface). After 10/7/5 seconds looking back at you, the survivor screams in fear and reveals their aura for 10/15%20 seconds. This has a cooldown of 60/50/40 seconds.
Odious Gaze can not be used on hooked survivors and slowly reduces if the survivor breaks eye contact with you. Being reduced to zero prior to activating does not reset the cooldown.
WORTHY PREY - You delight in the hunt of worthwhile quarry. You become obsessed with one survivor. Each time this survivor stuns you with a pallet, perk or flashlight, you gain a token, to a maximum of 10 tokens. At 5 tokens your next basic attack on a survivor makes them suffer from Blindness for 10/15/20 seconds. At 10 tokens your obsession suffers from the Exposed status effect until you get stunned, you hit a survivor or the obsession performs a co op action. You lose one token per basic attack, and 2 per attack you miss.
UNNERRING TRACKER - You are a deliberate and patient creature, never losing your mark. For each stack of Bloodlust, auras within your terror radius are revealed to you for 4/6/8 seconds.
This time I won't be doing any add ons as I feel like it takes too much effort for such a fairly unimportant part of the characters compared to perks and abilities. Essentially the addons would involve increasing the time of status effects and switch time, recharge rate of Ghost Arrows etc.
The power seems absolutely busted
Odious gaze- gives the survivor a warning queue, so it's not going to work well.
Worthy Prey- INCREDIBLEY weak. Make tokens easier to get and retain or remove the obsession aspect. Exposed should apply to all survivors if it's going to be that hard to get, and the obsession being able to remove the effect by performing a co op action is super weak.
Unerring tracker- Auras being revealed are pointless if you're already in a chase. Could have some potential on some killers like Plague or Myers, who have a temporary power burst and can use this perk to switch targets so they don't have to chase one who's really good at looping.
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Hunter mode does no damage unless you hit all 4 shots, and if you do you need to wait 80 seconds to do it again. I can see that needing a bit of a change in cooldown however. Maybe i should double the regeneration time per arrow?
The purpose of Gaze is to disrupt and make it harder to counter ranged killers as well. If Huntress has it for instance, then the survivor would find it harder to predict where/when she will throw her hatchet and where to dodge.
I was worried with WP about making it too strong so I toned it down several times from my initial idea, evidently however that may have been a little too much of a tone down.
Tracker is meant to be similar to IF yeah, to complement killers that benefit from snowballing.
Thank you for your feedback!
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he can't see that message unless he comes back to the tread, you have to press the quote button at the bottom of his message and it will give him a notification that you responded to him
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Ahh ok, new here, apologies.
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Hunter mode does no damage unless you hit all 4 shots, and if you do you need to wait 80 seconds to do it again. I can see that needing a bit of a change in cooldown however. Maybe i should double the regeneration time per arrow?
The purpose of Gaze is to disrupt and make it harder to counter ranged killers as well. If Huntress has it for instance, then the survivor would find it harder to predict where/when she will throw her hatchet and where to dodge.
I was worried with WP about making it too strong so I toned it down several times from my initial idea, evidently however that may have been a little too much of a tone down.
Tracker is meant to be similar to IF yeah, to complement killers that benefit from snowballing.
Thank you for your feedback!
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So I booked marked this quite a while ago because i had some suggestions, but was working on my own chapter ideas at the time. Here's my take on your chapter.
-overall concept: really good, I love the native american lore and the idea to switch between hunter and warrior mode is a really fun idea
-hunter mode: if you're going to take away the ability to do basic attacks in hunter mode, the arrows need to do more but be less cluttered. I'd say make it where the survivor has the aura reveal on hit, each arrow gives exhausted and 10% hindrance for 6-10 seconds, and they are broken and have their aura revealed when 32+ meters away when they have 4 arrows. Its just a bit complicated and underwhelming with what it does and how hard it would be to land hits.
-warrior mode: there are reasons killers may one to make a basic attack when not in chase, such as hitting an unsuspecting survivor while you have undetectable. I'd say make the war cry an alt ability button power. Otherwise, its decent. Maybe a bit strong, you could make it a 10% speed boost instead and still be powerful
-mode transition: I would suggest either giving the mode transition a cool down, or some kind of drawback (such as an audio cue for survivors and it takes a couple of seconds and slows you down while transitioning
-alternative change. You could instead make the mode switch action the alt-power button, that way the main power button is reserved for war cry and arrows, and both modes still have a basic attack. If you do so, you could make the mode switching more punishing or weaken the arrows and war cry a bit.
Really good first draft though, I would love this kind of DLC. I'll give you some feedback on the personal another time.