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The Leatherface/Claudette issue.

Member Posts: 1,503

I never even realized it but there is a thing going around that Leatherface being able to put claudettes face on is a problem for obvious reasons.

I never looked at it that way. It surprised me but it makes sense I guess. What are the thoughts on this?

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  • Member Posts: 1,503

    that's what I was told, since leatherface is white putting on Claudette's face would be considered racist. I'm not trying to raise hell I'm just curious because I never saw it that way but clearly some people do.

  • Member Posts: 1,503

    this. I tried telling someone who said that exactly this but they said intent didn't matter and so on so I just let it go.

  • Member Posts: 1,503

    agreed, I feel it's a vocal minority. I respect their opinion though even if I don't 100% agree with it.

    It's really people who use it in a negative way that would be the problem.

  • Member Posts: 1,503

    I didn't forget that at all. I knew that which is why it seemed odd to me that the only vocal problem is Claudette

  • Member Posts: 1,554

    Plus if they did take the face out purely because she's black, it would be pretty ironic

  • Member Posts: 1,554

    I say leave the face in, it only seems to be a small minority complaining about it.

    Even then wearing faces is just part of bubba's character. He doesn't care what your race is, if you have a nice face, it belongs to him.

  • Member Posts: 605

    I don't see the problem with Bubba wearing Claudette's face. If they haven't seen the movie, I would recommend that they go watch it because Bubba doesn't care who you are and what your race is because he's WEARS THE FACES of his victims. It's just in his character so why wouldn't he wear Claudette's face? Race hasn't nothing to do with this

  • Member Posts: 3,755

    Cannibals don't see race they just see food

  • Member Posts: 7,779
    edited November 2020

    Well, between you and me, I've been told that Bubba is actually a Pescatarian.

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    Seriously? It doesn't upset people that he wears the faces of his victims, but wearing Claudette's face is over the line?

  • Member Posts: 3,089

    Me who forgot that leather face has diffrent faces and never changed it

  • Member Posts: 5,270

    Bubba is cancelled 😤

    Seriously tho I get the issue people might have with it but in this very specific context the argument against it is just strange. Like the killing someone, eating them, cutting off their face and wearing it over your own is one thing, but now here's where things get inappropriate.

  • Member Posts: 1,497

    LOL, it's only okay to murder, skin and wear the face of a white dude when you are a serial killer huh? Bruh the stuff people post on these forums are legit gold sometimes, oh man that was funny as hell.

  • Member Posts: 3,893

    Leatherface wears the faces of all of the 4 starter survivors to say that he shouldn't be able to wear claudette's because she's black is a racist statement in of itself. You're basically saying that Claudette should be removed from the original for set because of her skin colour ( keep in mind and you'll have two caucasian and one Asian face that Leatherface can wear)

    Yes I know there's a history behind the insensitivity of Blackface. However what Leatherface does is not meant to be a insensitive caricature. it's legitimately just leatherface's MO to wear people's faces

  • Member Posts: 1,554

    I find it hard to pick up on sarcasm on the internet, so you had me worried for a sec there.

  • Member Posts: 3,409

    Why is this even being talked a bout? Bubba wears the faces of his victims, so how is this racist? Is it because he's white? Look Bubba doesn't care about the race of his victims as long as he has a face to skin, he'll gladly have it, so I don't see what the issue is

  • Member Posts: 316

    It would just be segregation of faces. How would Bubba, pig squealing, chainsaw welding maniac, be able to look at someone and be like, oh I can't wear your face cause your black

    God that sounds weird to say

    Then if the devs removed it because she's black then it's also segregation. Leatherface can't wear her face cause she's black, that would be saying her face isn't good enough...

    Man that's even weirder. I'm gonna just slowly back away from this conversation now

  • Member Posts: 761

    While blackface is a distinctly racist thing, Leatherface wearing a black person's face isn't since it fits with the history of the character.

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    Bubba needs to go back to woke school 👀

  • Member Posts: 352


    Please stop making something out of nothing :(

  • Member Posts: 3,546

    No, anyone who thinks that is just overthinking it.

    Person = Face

    Face = Mask

    Mask = Good

    there's no problem. Claudette is just another victim. I'd argue that the people who think this is racist are themselves racist people.

  • Member Posts: 81

    #########. Dude it is a game.... I don't care what other people think. If you try to always please everyone you please no one. God damit I really hate in wich direction mankind is going. Everything is "offensive" or "it hurt the feeling of X" grew the f*ck up..... I guess this is really a generation thing and iam getting old and tired of this sh*t

  • Member Posts: 1,261

    Keep this for reddit or twitter please.

  • Member Posts: 3,259

    Actually it would be even more racist to not have it and have the other ones in game

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    So if the horrifying cannibalistic skin-mask wearing serial killer was black, would him wearing Meg and Dwight's face be racist but Claudette's face okay? And what about Jake's face?

  • Member Posts: 274

    There's no problem unless you make it a problem. Grow up and act like an adult.

  • Member Posts: 578

    I guess I never paid that close enough attention to know that this was a thing *shrugs*

  • Member Posts: 2,187

    No one's making it a problem, so unless your comment means anyone in general, your response isn't entirely helpful and unnecessary.

  • Member Posts: 1,346

    I'm fairly sure Bubba doesn't have the brain power to be racist

  • Member Posts: 2,187

    My solution to make the people complaining happy is to remove all the faces instead of just Claudettes to avoid racial exclusion.

  • Member Posts: 483

    I think there's a big miscommunication over the topic. I believe people are more upset over the fact that it allows some players who actually are racist to throw Claudette's face on simply because she's black. It doesn't matter if Leatherface himself isn't a racist, the issue lies within whoever's controlling him while wearing Claudette's face with ill intentions. Having that feature in this game allows those types of people to celebrate it differently from those who just see it as another cosmetic.

    It's like this: maybe sweet, sweet Dwight himself would never teabag and click his flashlight at you; however, when controlled by someone else he gives that person the opportunity to use what he's capable of (in this case, crouching and using a flashlight) to teabag and repeatedly click his flashlight just to annoy you.

    Does that make sense?

  • Member Posts: 236

    I'd actually like to say on this thread, I wanna see more of the original survivors added since we have a lot, I know it's a lot of grinding (25 kills/hooks each survivor afaik) but it would add more to work towards?

  • Member Posts: 2,358

    Then the issue isn't leatherface, but the intentions of the human playing him.

    For example, white guy in his ford f250 diesel intentionally decides to run over a black kid. If we assume racism is the motive, do we boycott ford?

  • Member Posts: 2,677

    It would be racist if he didn't wear claudettes face.

  • Member Posts: 45

    First of all. Hahahahahaha

    Second, I would love to see another remake of Texas chainsaw massacre where bubba puts on a black face and his brothers are like "wooooooooah, bubba that's not okay."

  • Member Posts: 366

    Claudette could not help the situation in any way, and nor could Learherface as he doesn't care nor is he able to. And how are you to assume any players intent when the only communication is during postgame, and thats if the killer was on PC/Stadia.

    Just immerse a little and go along with the fantasy.

  • Member Posts: 483

    That's basically what I was trying to say - that Leatherface himself isn't the issue, but that's how so many people are approaching the topic when they say things like, "Leatherface isn't racist, he'll wear anyone's face" or whatever. I'm just trying to open up a little different point of view how it made sense to me. Like if that white guy (or Leatherface) didn't have his Ford (or Claudette's face as a mask), he couldn't run the black kid (or the black dbd playerbase) over with it. Yet it's still a feature allowed in-game, and there are people who are bothered by it which is why the debate exists in the first place.

    So yes, that is correct: Leatherface himself isn't the issue and no we don't boycott Ford in that instance, nor did I call for boycotting Leatherface in this instance

  • Member Posts: 954

    There's definitely players who use it specifically to be toxic & try to blackface, I've seen a handful who do that. I've also seen players both survivor & killer who only kill female survivors, or only kill Claud, Tapp & Adam, they usually admit it in endgame chat with some extra colorful language, haven't seen any since before Crossplay though.

    The best action is to report those players, and move to the next match. I don't think the Smartface customization should be removed from Leatherface, just because a very very small minority of players are toxic about it.

  • Member Posts: 793

    Leatherface doesn't care about race or gender, he just Kills Mother F'ers and wears their faces, quit being a bigot and trying to start sh*t that ain't there. This is my favorite mask btw better than his P3 and I worked hard to find and kill those Blendettes back when they were actually invisible.

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