Hating on ds became popular

So ds can be used only once in game while head on can be used throughout whole game with small cooldown and you can stun killers with head on for so many times during match but everyone are so fine with it but ds which works only once is a years long problem? Can someone explain me why? Wheres the same energy for head on? Just check some popular youtubers abusing the hell out of head on and stunning killer for 5 gens where's the energy for head on to be nerfed? Why hate on ds is so popular? My opinion is that ds is nowhere powerful as head on especially in swf where you can communicate and make head on strats
Head On is completely different. That requires you to be in a locker, and once you've had it once, the killer isn't stupid enough to fall for it again. DS is a problem because people combine it with Unbreakable and use it to basically do a gen in your face for 60 seconds because they're immune.
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a killer who has more than 2 brain cells will get hit with it once and either bait the ######### out of the user or just ignore you when your in lockers
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I've seen no-one of killer mains dcing over ds but I seen hundreds of youtube videos where killers just give up after survivors abused the hell out of it for head on there's enough only two swf people not even 4 one stun the killer while other gets in same locker and stun killer again and it goes in round that's perk abuse and not ds
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Maybe I should have put in title swf to make it more clear my bad but I'm talking about swf so either way killer gotta chase someone he can't just leave them all I've seen vids on YouTube like this and all killers dc-ed out of rage and I felt bad with ds they eat it and move on into chase
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What is this post lol it feels like people either don't play killer at a good level or only play survivor at rank 14
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I'm sorry but the best killer has no chance against 4 man swf with head ons and 4 flashlights
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I laugh when I'm hit by head on, and even more when they fail it.
I sigh in irritation when I get DSed nearly two minutes after I hook a survivor I wasn't tunnelling, even after hooking other people.
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Plus all killers were rank 1-4
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Ds works for 60 seconds not nearly two minutes two minutes are 120 seconds and if u manage to hook another person under those 60 secs that's just proves you're good killer or survivor is potato
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ds shouldnt last a whole minute and most of the times you also have bt on top of that
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A single hook state is 60 seconds, DS is 60 seconds. DS activates when the survivor is unhooked, so if a Survivor is unhooked just before the second hook state, and you get 59 second DSed, you get DSed by a person you haven't seen for nearly 2 minutes. 2 minutes is huge in game time. I know this because I've had it done to me multiple times.
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So 60 secs out of whole match which is usually long over 10-15 minutes while you can use head on 10 minutes out of 15
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Well for starters DS can make the user invincible, while Head On can't
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Who spends whole minute without unhooking teammate?
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Well i don't find it hard to avoid Lockers, but it can be a lot harder to have to avoid a specific person for 60 seconds.
Also, it's hard to hate something if you barely ever see it.
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You're either trolling or really bad at the game to think head on and flashlights can destroy good killers
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Very efficient teams, or even Solo's. I'm not saying it's common, but DS makes a person invincible, Head On does not. You can work on Gens while DS is active, you are stuck in one place with Head On.
Head On is a meme perk
DS has been meta since it came out.
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Well I saw it on video and yes they got destroyed and they were rank 1 most of them dc-ed the rest went to stand in corner for rest of game and stop with assuming if someone is good or bad as if you're profesional player your ego is irritating
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Here's the thing. You can play around Head On. You can bait it, you can fake opening the locker then do it for real and hope latency gives it to you. In circumstances when you are really far ahead, you can camp their locker til they get a crow then pull them out. Also... you can just ignore them. They're in a locker... they aren't accomplishing anything in there.
If the Survivor is being obnoxious with DS + Unbreakable... well... unless you are one of a handful of killers, you can't really do anything about it. You can't afford to ignore them, you can't slug them, and you can't pick them up.
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Bruh thank you for proper explanation I don't know much about game since I started playing recently that's why I made for this tread to see what I'm missing because I see head on is abused a lot but people either call me bad at game or that I'm trolling I guess you aren't allowed to parcipate in discussions if you're not profesional player but thank you for being decent and explaining properly
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head on is rarely used in red ranks its all about bt ds and dead hard
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DS is just the cherry on top to these killers losing their trials. They aren’t losing because of DS. It’s just the easiest excuse.
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I see, I'm at purple rank atm I started recently so don't know much about red ranl builds I just saw this few videos of head on abusing and got pissed because I felt bad for killers even tho I don't play killer that much yet
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Also there's a matter of frequency.
It is a very rare game that somebody isn't running DS and probably DS + Unbreakable. It is so common that if there's an obsession in the game, you basically have to try to play like everybody's got DS. On the flip side I've played 688 hours of this game total... probably more than half on Killer. I've ran into zero Head On swf squad and like... 1 Flashlight swf squad that I can recall. While that flashlight swf was annoying (like my eyes legit hurt afterwards), I still ended up 4king that game.
If you never experience a thing, you probably aren't going to complain about it.
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That is true in some cases as well but for example in endgame while doors are opened ds is life savior for survivors but if they use ds in midlle of game and you yet lose that's all on you I agree
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Only bad players think head on is comparable to DS haven't seen a good player think that
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The example you listed here (in EGC) is exactly what I meant in my quote.
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Again your ego is huge and irritating if u have no proper explanation to give to someone who's newbie here pls leave I don't need to tolerate your litlle ego by calling new player bad you were new once too and you were questioning and exploring things so if u would be kind enough to ######### off
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Killers are always asking for nerfs. Now is DS, and DS will be nerfed, but then they will find something else. I saw cries about syringes, BNP, gen speed, MoM, DS and other dozens of perks, addons of any type, healing, hatch offerings, Claudette skin color, clothes, and yesterday I saw someone crying about map offering. This won't stop until they'll play only against 2 survs and they started hooked.
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Wait Claudette skin color? In racist way or?
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People believe she's too dark, and that because of that she blends very well into the map sometimes - Thus, Blendettes are born. One of the more ridiculous things people whine about.
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I started this game recently but I watched youtubers for months because I couldn't really afford the game but now that I did I think I will regret it
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Not in a racist way. A lot of the maps are fairly dark so Claudette is able to hide in places other survivors would stick out like a sore thumb. Especially if the Claudette player is running her P3 set. They are usually called "Blendettes" because they blend into the scenery.
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I expected many things but never expected people hating on diversity in dbd because they have struggle to find her lol
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trust me i rather have 4 survivors running head on then ds
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That's too bad. The game can be a lot of fun, but the community, both sides, have a habit of whining about everything. I hope you manage to find some fun with the game.
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Ok I get that but she's just black person and therefore trying to kick out all diversity out of dbd is racist itself I guess
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Thank you I sure will try and try to ignore both sides who are toxic and try to focus on decent players both as killers and survivors
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I don't think anyone wants to kick Claudette out of dbd. They just don't think she should have clothes that make her strongly resemble a shadow. Even her default outfit doesn't get the same ire and that one isn't exactly colorful.
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Oh it's you again, the OP response in another thread was to bring a mori to every match because of DS.
And aren't you a survivor main only? One that doesn't play killer at all? Because it does sound like it.
Ok here is a few things that you said before and I will quote you for it "lockers aren't next to hooks" so going by your logic head on is as powerful as DS but head on only works on lockers, DS can be baited and if you slug them then they still have it available.
"But just eat the DS" sounds like really someone doesn't play killer at all, the only real way to do well in that scenario is when there are barely any gens done.
If you started recently there is nothing wrong but if you played killer at red ranks you would understand why many hate DS.
Also this is out topic but if hating on DS became popular think of the reasons why it is hated, it's basically the same thing when someone says "freddy is boring, spirit is boring" etc
You told someone above that a match lasts 15 min, I wish that was true, most matches now a days last less than 10 and avoiding someone for 1 min is too much, imagine a snowballing killer like Oni/myers, getting hit by DS twice in less than 1 min.
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eh I don't mind DS even as a killer main. Seems to me that survivors would wanna fight back. If I was in that position I'm going down swinging too.
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That's all you can really do.
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I do play killer (trapper rank 10) so yeah I can't tell much about red rank killers but mori is what I see so far works perfect to kick out survivors out of game
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DS should not tigger after a survivor jumps into a locker. otherwise I think some of the hate for it is a bit overboard.
It make sense early game for some anti tunneling tactics, but late game is where it becomes really annoying in many scenarios and just ######### on killer perk.
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Then you will never improve if all you do is bring a mori, losing bp to avoid a perk.
Sounds like you also play the 1 hook mori + tunneling to get people out of the match.
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Too dark her skin and her clothers
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I hated old DS because it punished killers for doing their objective.
I hate new DS because it allows survivors to play badly and be rewarded.
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I mori off of second hook and I don't mind ds because I never stay on same person 1 minute is what I spend in searching for other person otherwise if ds is used in endgame it is really frustrating but during game I have zero problem with it
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If you spend 1 minute finding someone in red ranks you will most likely lose unless you are a good nurse/billy/spirit/huntress.
But I guess you do you, there is no helping a closed mind when you have never experienced something like what older players have.