(new killer idea) The Night Watcher

The night watcher is a humanoid bird test subject resembling a crow.
Description: average human height, covered in crow feathers sticking out of the flesh of the body, two large size broken and slashed wings on the back, human mouth, two fingers on both hands are human and other three are crow claws, the feet and legs are bloody and a fusion between both human feet and crow legs.
Weapon: the right hand of the night watcher has sharper talons
The young: around the map 9 bird nests spawn with 4-3 eggs, that's high lighted for the killer but not for the survivors, over the trial the eggs will begin to hatch if 2 or more eggs have hatched any survivor that goes near the eggs the baby birds will start screaming alerting the killer no matter how far he is, the baby birds will alert and expose the survivors location for as long as the survivor remains in the area, if one egg has hatched the range in which the baby birds screaming can be heard by the killer is shorten to 2-1 feet away. (if the nest is in the killers terror radius default killer radius the birds will not scream)
Preserved hunt: after hitting a survivor into a injured state the killer will automatically preserve some blood and flesh causing the hit animation to take longer, once preserved the killer can feed 3 out of the 9 nests around the map, the killer can only feed nests that has 2 or more eggs hatched, if a survivor gets near a nest that has been fed the baby birds will scream to alert killer and the birds will leap at the survivor causing the mangled affect and can only put a survivor into the injured state, if a injured survivor gets near a nest that's been feed they will only experience the mangled and exposed effect if they haven't already been affected by the mangled effect.
priorities or family: the killer has 2 modes they can switch between at will but switching will take time, the first mode is priorities, in this mode the killer is standard can do default things. Family this mode the killer tries to take flight with their broken wings can only dash/fly forward for so far, if the killer doesn't make it to a survivor or wall to catch it self the killer will fall down to the ground and take time to get back up, the killer can also in this mode can do a dash throw walls to any nest they decide to go to , if the killer gets alerted by the survivor for getting near the nest the killer has a quick time event to dash/fly/teleport to that nest and immediately be in priorities mode.
mori: the night watcher peaks the survivor and made sure to grab extra for the eggs and then screams calling upon the crows of the entity to feast on what's left of the survivor