My problem with low rank games

Recently I've gone from dbd on xbox to dbd on ps4, and this means starting from scratch and playing games with brand new survivors.
Mostly, it's great! Fun games, no real meta because most people haven't unlocked those perks or sweaty teams/killers.
But one thing really grinds my gears and I know we probably all used to do it but damn. It's when I unhook a survivor, go to heal, and they just bolt to the other side of the map and run for a good minute before letting me heal.
I get the logic, ahh killer come back find somewhere safe! But no, I could of healed you in that time you were running and you ran us closer to the killer. Basically, just take the heal it's going to be OK. If the killer comes back, I'll take the hit.
No, low rank killers come right back to the hook and usually tunnel. When you're a low rank survivor you don't have the runaway skills to win a chase just because someone took a hit for you.
I'm just getting to purple rank and frankly find it interesting that everyone 100% assumes they're totally fine to heal right under the hook. Why would someone NOT come back to the hook? I don't get it. There's a literal guarantee that there's not one, but two survivors right there.
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Low rank Survivors are less likely to take risks when it comes to one thing but more likely when it comes to others. Like they'll run to a corner to heal but unhook in the killers face..... I think a lot of it has to do with game sense and timing that just hasn't been developed yet.
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I have 1000 hours on PS4 as a solo survivor, and most people are absolutely terrified to play injured. I am constantly amazed by how many red rank survivors heal 600 times a game and won't touch a gen for even a second. I had a game today where my three teammates all self cared while I literally finished the last three gens alone. I was even injured while repairing them! Who knew?!?
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I see this all the time in Red ranks honestly. Like, you clearly SAW my We'll Make It just pop up right? But they just insist they MUST find a nice silent corner to Self-Care in my face. I usually leave them on the hook when the killer finds them again. I mean, why the hell would I unhook someone again to waste even more time? I just don't understand this huge need that they must heal themselves.