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Frost legacy skins idea

i know i'm not good at drawing or can draw on screen i say i'm a decent artist but i'm more into writing.Now we all know about people wanting and basically begging for the legacy skins, AND i'm tired of it very very tired so i thought about this idea that could work as a limited time event for "2020" only. It can start like the first winter event on like the 17 of December - the 3 of January, The frost legacy skins will be given to the people who've played during the whole event or getting their characters to p3 During the event. However Elodie Rakoto and the twins will be given the legacy skin at level 30. to make it fair for the Legacy players who originally earned The Legacy skins but lost them will be gifted the Frost Legacy skins. Frost Legacy Skins will have Frost all over the Survivors and killers outfits like the legacy's, Others will earn the Frost legacy skins by playing during that time.

for example

meg's frosty head

maybe it's too cold outside?

meg's frosty shirt

a little snow to brighten megs attire

megs frosty pants

jogging in the snow probably wasn't a good idea

dwight's frosty head

being a leader is cold very cold

dwight's frosty shirt

Dwight is feeling under the weather

Dwight's frosty pants

It's cold outside

Claudette Morel

Claudette's frosty head

During an  experiment Claudette felt cold

Claudette's frosty shirt

the  experiments were way too cold

Claudette's frosty pants

The experiment was a Frosty problem..

The rest of the survivor's and the killer's will earn these two but I'm not sure about -nightmare on elm street- it's not that i hate that chapter i think it's a 9/10 i think stranger things could have a high chance of being included in this event, even if this event could really happen The Devs could probably figure out something right? what do you guys think.

if someone read this :)



  • Lyfe
    Lyfe Member Posts: 197

    I'm gonna be honest, the concept is nice. But no form of Legacy should ever come back imo. Legacy is for the people who've supported and dedicated to a game that had an unknown, uncertain future. Legacy served as a way to reward players back in 2016 for supporting the game and grinding for prestiges before the bloodweb was significantly reworked. Imo, there is absolutely no reason to reward current players with anything similar to Legacy. The grind is significantly reduced and there really isn't really any "uncertainty" about the games support/future so there isn't anything to reward the current playerbase for.

    Like, congrats you played the game during the Holidays back in 2020 when the game is either free to play or significantly discounted and it has a decently sized playerbase.

    I'm not trying to ######### on your idea. I'm just 100% against any form of Legacy returning. I think a "frosted" 4th anniversary crown would be a good compromise although I don't know how prestiging would affect it. Perhaps maybe prestiging gives you a different version of the crown (fractured, fixed, glowing) like Tome charms type of progression.